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Pro-forma for reporting any oil discharge made without a permit being granted, or any identified non-
compliances against the terms and conditions included in a previously granted oil discharge permit as
per The Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) egulations !""#
(OPPC) as amended
Forward to DECC Aberdeen @ ofshore!ns"e#torate@de##$s!$o%&'(
or !) &nobta!nab*e( then )a+ to, -.. /01233. 34.200
Note, A** &n!ntent!ona* o!* re*eases to sea 5&st be not!6ed &s!n$ a DECC PON2 !n a##ordan#e w!th
PON2 G&!dan#e
Note, Ident!t7 o) Re"orter
F&** Na5e: Or$an!sat!on8Co5"an7,
Conta#t Te*e"hone No: Conta#t E-Ma!*,
Per5!t8Insta**at!on Deta!*s
F&** DECC Per5!t N&5ber /!) a""*!#ab*e1, Per5!t 9o*der8O"erator,
Insta**at!on Na5e, F!e*d Na5e,
Deta!*s o) Non-Co5"*!an#e
Per5!t :#hed&*e Na5e8Cond!t!on N&5ber /!) a""*!#ab*e1,
Date Non-Co5"*!an#e Ident!6ed,
O!* !n water 5onth*7 a%era$e $reater than "er5!tted #on#entrat!on, YE: NO
I) 7es - Month*7 a%era$e, __;;;;;;;;;;5$8* )or Month, __;;;;;;;;;;
O!* !n Prod&#ed <ater Con#entrat!on $reater than 2005$8*, YE: NO
I) 7es - Ma+!5&5 #on#entrat!on, ;;;;;;;;;5$8*
Tota* o!* d!s#har$ed d&r!n$ non-#o5"*!an#e
Ma+!5&5 o!* d!s#har$ed, ;;;;;;;;; tonnes
M!n!5&5 o!* d!s#har$ed, ;;;;;;;;; tonnes
Is non-#o5"*!an#e on$o!n$, YE: NO
I) 7es - N&5ber o) #onse#&t!%e re"orts s&b5!tted,
Date !n!t!a* re"ort s&b5!tted, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tota* o!* d!s#har$ed to date
/tonnes1, ;;;;;;;
<as non-#o5"*!an#e &na%o!dab*e,
Is re"ort!n$ b7 PON 2 re=&!red, YE: NO
(PON 1 guidance, htt"s,88wwwo$de##$o%&'8re$&*at!on8"ons8!nde+ht5)
I) Yes > Date PON2 s&b5!tted,
Deta!*s o) Non-#o5"*!an#e,
Ca&se o) Non-#o5"*!an#e,
:te"s ta'en to "re%ent re-o##&rren#e,

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