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When it comes to PROM,what ACTIVITIES do you THINK o!

"PROM# has $een no mo%e a myste%ious and $i&a%%e te%m with many Vietnamese
students'We ha(e a )now*ed+e o it $y means o such amous mo(ies shown on the TV
as, Hi+h Schoo* Musica*, -*ee,./ch0 n1y nh2 34nh )5m h6nh 7nh/ ' The acti(ities
inc*uded in 8%om +ene%a**y a%e +ene%a**y di(ided into 9 STA-E
/ $eo%e P%om,
: ate% the day o 8%om is announced, $oys;+i%*s usua**y a88%oach to thei% 8a%tne% to
make an invitation to the 8%om'Howe(e%,in(itin+ a mate isn<t a*ways com8u*so%y'=ou
can sti** +o in sin+*e tic)et
: SHOPPIN- to ind the suita$*e costumes' >sa,i you +o in sin+*e tic)et, you usua**y
8ut on the we**:matchin+ costume with you% 8a%tne%'
: the ni+ht $eo%e 8%om, cou8*es wi** ha(e a dinne% with each othe%' Sin+*e a*so can +o
in +%ou8 to ha(e a snac)' It oten ha88ens in a %estau%ant that is eithe% *ow:$ud+et o%
too u8sca*e'
?u%in+ P%om
: dance
: d%in)
: ma)e a sma** ta*)
: sometimes the%e wi** $e a com8etitions to ind out the )in+ and @ueen o the
Aa** in ?B $eatC :Dhinh anh cho tun+ hoat don+
: ta)e 8hotos:D )ee8 memo%y
Ate% 8%om,
Some can +o home whi*e othe%s can continue to
:ho*d a sma** 8%i(ate 8a%ty at home
:enEoy anothe% (enue:D)ee8 the esti(a* +oin+

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