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I. Use the words given to make sentences and put the verb into the
correct form. (Present perfect tense)
1. Suzanne / have / a baby
2. Jack (go) to Switzerland for a holiday; I never (be) there.
3. Monica / lose her key.
4. I have been waiting here nearly half an hour for my girl-friend
Maisie; do you thing she (forget) to come? ________________________
5. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil.
II. Supply the correct tenses.
1. We (go) to the theatre last night.
2. We (not / live) in England for the last two years.
3. I (know) him for a very long time.
4. He (sleep) and (not / understand) what you (say) to him. He
(wake) if you speak louder. ____________________________________

III. Conditionals Put the verb into the correct form

1. If you ____________ (not / turn) off that noisy wireless, I shall
2. What would happen if I __________ (press) that red button.
3. If you _________ (want) me to help you, why didnt you say so.
4. Jim would have time to spend with his family if he
____________ (not / work) so hard.
5. If you __________ (want) to have tea ready in time, put the
kettle on now.

IV. In each of these sentences there is a mistake. Rewrite the

sentences correctly.
1. I went to many countries in my life.
2. I live in New York for five years.
3. He has been to Greece two years ago.
4. This is the first time I eat honey with spaghetti.
5. When have you got your haircut?

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