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Current CTC: 12k

2. Expected CTC:16
3. Current Location: Delhi
4. Total Experience: 8 years
. !"aili#ility $or %2% in &ur'aon : yes
6.(otice )eriod: *day
+adan +ohan ,oshi
C!-EE- ./,ECT01E
To 'ain the hei'hts o$ success and pro"e 2ysel$ #est as an honest e2ployee
$or the .r'anisation. )ro"ide 2e an opportunity $or ser"in' 3ith $ull
sincerity and hard 3ork.
!C!DE+0C 45!L0%0C!T0.(
6i'h school passed $ro2 5.). /oard !llaha#ad in 1776.
0nter2ediate passed $ro2 5.). /oard !llaha#ad in 1778.
/.co2 passed $ro2 8u2aun 5ni"ersity (ainital 2991.
+.!.:sociolo'y; passed $ro2 8u2aun 5ni"ersity (ainital 2994.
+.!.:econo2ics; passed $ro2 6.(./ &arh3al 5ni"ersity 2911.
)-.%E<<0.(!L 45!L0%0C!T0.(
).&. Diplo2a in -ural De"elop2ent $ro2 0&(.5 2919.
+.!. in social 3ork :+.<.=; $ro2 0&(.5 2912.
TEC6(0C!L C.(TE(T<
=indo3s >)?+< 3ord? Excel? )o3er point and other #asic kno3led'e.
0 a2 ha"in' in (&.. The or'anisation na2e is 5TT!-!86!(D DE10
!)!D! )0D0T <!6!@!T! <!+0T0 esta#lished a$ter earthAuake in
5ttarkashi in 1771. The ai2 o$ the or'anisation is to 3ork $or -ural
De"elop2ent? educational pro'ra2 in one teacher school ? hostel proBect?
s2all industries? disaster 2ana'e2ent? health protection C health
a3areness C other social acti"ities. 0 a2 a $ull ti2e social 3orker in this
e<olutions 0ndia
D-143, Sector-10, Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P.
Tel: 0120-432302
3 2onth certi$icate course in rashtriya sanskrit sansthan:under 2inistry o$
hu2an resource de"elop2ent &o"t. o$ 0ndia (e3 Delhi in the year 2994;.
=hile doin' +.<.= pro'ra2 in course title +.<.=.L 992 $ield 3ork? 0 'ot
an experience o$ 4 days in /hu"anesh"ari +ahila !shra2:plan; in +aneri
e<olutions 0ndia
D-143, Sector-10, Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P.
Tel: 0120-432302

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