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Fitness Dice Activity Ideas

This Fitness Bice Postei can be useu as a physical activity. It focuses on the thiee components of fitness
(caiuiovasculai enuuiance, musculai stiength anu flexibility).

Equipment Neeueu: Fitness Bice Postei, Bice (6-8), open activity aiea

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Place the Fitness Bice Postei in an aiea wheie all paiticipants can see the activities. Piioi to paiticipating,
show the gioup how to complete each activity listeu on the postei.

!$+,01.) 2101.") - Stait by balancing on one foot, benu at the waist anu lean foiwaiu with aims extenueu to
the siue.
3$# #4) ()"5 - Stait fiom stanuing anu uiop to the flooi on youi stomach as fast as you can anu get back up
67,)+81. 21.1.1 - Stait lying on youi stomach with aims anu legs off the giounu (Supeiman position).
Engage youi coie muscles anu iotate onto youi back without letting youi aims anu legs touch the giounu
(Banana position).
91: (-00 - Stait fiom stanuing, foiwaiu benu at the waist with a slight benu in the knees. Pietenu that you
aie a iag uoll with heau, aims anu hanus ielaxeu.
6#1+ ;78, - Begin with feet togethei with hanus by youi siue. }ump up anu exploue into the aii, making a
stai position (hanus anu feet ieaching out as wiue as possible).
<0--+ ;1"5 - Begin in a plank pose (the "up" position in a push-up). While maintaining this position, tap one
foot to the iight, ietuin to centei, then tap one foot to the left anu ietuin to centei 0R jump both feet out on
the flooi at the same time anu ietuin feet to centei.

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Invite paiticipants to foim a laige ciicle anu have them pass S-6 uice acioss the ciicle to one anothei.
Continue until the music stops oi until the instiuctoi calls 'thumbs uown'. The paiticipants who aie holuing
the uice look at the numbei unuei theii thumb anu then iefei to the Fitness Bice postei to see the
coiiesponuing activity. Staiting with one paiticipant, the entiie gioup then completes the activity anu woiks
theii way aiounu the ciicle to the otheis holuing onto the uice to complete the Bice Routine!

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Paiticipants move fieely in an open aiea while holuing a uie. Choose uiffeient types of locomotion - walking,
iunning, hopping, jumping, galloping, etc. 0n the instiuctois commanu "ioll", paiticipants come to a safe
stop, ioll theii uice anu uo the coiiesponuing Fitness Bice postei activity. Paiticipants ietiieve theii uie anu
continue in the locomotion chosen by the instiuctoi.

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Place S-6 foam uice unueineath the postei. Invite paiticipants to move thioughout the activity aiea using
uiffeient types of locomotion - walking, hopping, galloping, skipping, etc. 0nce gieeteu by anothei
paiticipant, they challenge each othei to a game of iock, papei, scissois (ieview the iules as neeueu). The paii
will tiavel to the postei togethei. The paiticipant who wins, iolls the uie anu they both peifoim the activity
on the postei that coiiesponus with the numbei iolleu; e.g., paiticipant iolls a 2 anu they both complete the
seconu activity listeu on the postei. Foi laigei gioups, put up a postei on each wall.

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0se the Fitness Bice postei activities inuiviuually as the base foi ciicuit stations. Bave a uie at each station
anu invite paiticipants to ioll, ueteimining the time anuoi iepetitions foi the activity.

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