Art Research

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One day while Vik Muniz was on his way to a formal dinner, he saw

a street fight, and just as he was trying to break up the fight, one
of the gang members accidentally shot him in the leg. Muniz was paid
by the shooter for not prosecuting him for his action. Muniz then
used the money to travel to New ork. !fter arriving New ork at
"#$%, his friend lent him a studio, and he started his career as a
Vik Muniz is an artist from
At the age of 18, He worked in
advertising, and redesigning
billboards for better qualit.
Vik Muniz!s shimmering re""led s"ra# metal s"ul#tures.
Art$ Vik Muniz
Vik Muniz is best known for incorporating everyday&life objects like
sugar, tread, diamond, chocolate syrup, and recycled objects in his
practice to create deceiving imagery art pieces. 'is art works can
usually create illusion and could be seen differently from different
%hese are art #ie"es "reated b Vik Muniz, from the &lm '(aste )and*.
%hese images are made of ob+e"ts and materials from the garbage.
Vik Muniz(s art style is really remarkable, they are colorful, but in
most of his art works, he incorporates more white and brownish
colors. Most of them are really huge in size) he also creates small art
works, which consist of smaller things and specifically everyday
objects like sugar, chocolate syrup and more. !dditionally, Vik Muniz
uses his artwork to convey messages, a good e*ample would be the
portraits he created in the film +,aste -and., he uses his art to
demonstrate how a worthless trash dump can turn into a precious
thing and turn into history in art world.
/rom my perspective, Vik Muniz 0s artwork is really uni1ue) from the
colors and the objects that made up the art, they definitely looked
appealing and could surely be different from the point of view of
different people, which is what art should be about. 2ven though his
work might be a bit challenging and hard to make, 3t had given me ideas
and concepts that 3 could apply to my work, like the techni1ues and
objects to use to form the color and shape.
4he same concept is applied for this
portrait, it is formed by soldier toys,
as we can see, he have more soldier
toys to make the spot dark, and less
soldier toys for spot that are lighter.
4he techni1ue that he uses to make the
art comes together to form the image
he aimed for is changing the brightness
and color of the art piece. 3f he is
trying to use sugar to form a face, he
would put more sugar in spots that are
darker, and less where it(s lighter.
Daroo. "Malkotsok Lekvrbl, Konfettibl, Hulladkbl - Vik Muni."Manzrd
Caf. !."., #$ %e"t. #&'&. (eb. #) *u+. #&'$.
Mok, Ki0berle5. "%-i00erin+ 6e151led %1ra" Metal %1ul"tures b5 Vik Muni
78-otos9." TreeHugger. !."., #' Mar. #&':. (eb. #) *u+. #&'$.
8ontes, *nna. "*rt <n =in5 8ie1es." Art In Tiny Pieces. !."., #$ >une #&'#. (eb. #)
*u+. #&'$. ,-tt".//artintin5"ie1es.;ord"ress.1o0/4.
6ilke, 6ainer Maria. "L<M<=L?%% M<!D@*M?%." : 'Waste Land': Pictures of
Garbage by i! Muniz. !."., &' Aeb. #&':. (eb. #) *u+. #&'$.
"Vik Muni." Wi!i"edia. (iki0edia Aoundation, #B *u+. #&'$. (eb. #) *u+. #&'$.
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