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My Master's Master

Gandhiji inspired many, but who inspired him? Here's a story that gives hint towards this.
This story has to do with Dr. Kumarappa, who had decided to live in a hut in Kallupatti in
adurai District o! Tamil "adu. #t was a hut he had built himsel!. $n the inner walls o! his
hut hung a photograph that would attract anyone's attention. #t was a picture that showed a
common !armer, with a turban on his head. %hat was this photograph doing here, in the
house o! a man such as Dr. Kumarappa? any an important visitor would as& Dr. Kumarappa
about this mysteriously unimportant loo&ing man.
'$h, he's my master's master.' Dr. Kumarappa would say. 'aster's master?'
'(ou see,' Dr. Kumarappa would e)plain to the pu**led visitor, 'my master is Gandhiji, and
this villager, indeed every poor person in the land, is his master.'
+Dr. ,.-. Kumarappa was an economist educated in .ngland and /merica. His article '0ritish
1ule and #ndian 2overty' brought him in touch with Gandhiji on 3th ay 4353 in 6abarmati
/shram. 0ecoming a partner with Gandhiji in the struggle !or !reedom, he helped set up and
run the /ll #ndia 7illage #ndustries /ssociation at aganwadi, %ardha.8

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