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!/7=,C- C01, $ *(+, +>##"5- etail +ar?eting
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C,1)- $ +(>! 6 CreditsA %# mar?s
Q.No .uestions +ar?s -otal +ar?s
1 1iscuss the etail pricing strategies.
Explanation about pricing in retail 5
Retail Pricing Strategies B "#
1escribe the etail 7uying Process in brief.
Definition of retailing 5 "#
Explanation of retail buying process B
,Cplain the etail +erchandising +anagement 8++; in brief.
Definition of Retail Merchandising 9
Steps involved in RMM @ "#
1efine e-tailing. ,Cplain the future of electronic retailing.
Definition of e-tailing 5
uture of e-tailing B "#
Price is a highly sensitive and visible part of retail mar?eting miC. etailerDs overall
profitability depends on Pricing. )t plays an important role in strategic decision
ma?ing process. ,Cplain various pricing strategies are adapted by the retailer
according to the situation.

Explanation of pricing in Retail 5
Retail Pricing strategies B "#

1escribe any three ural retail strategies in brief.
Definition of Rural retail 5
#ny three Rural retail strategies B "#
*ote $ #ns%er all &uestions' (indly note that ans%ers for )* +ar,s &uestions should be
approxi+ately of 40* %ords' Each &uestion is follo%ed by evaluation sche+e'
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