Ma0042 Treasury Management - Fall 2014

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Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of
400 words. Eah question is followed by e!aluation sheme.
?.*o ?uestions +ar@s -otal
1 Write the functioning of the financial system. Explain about cross border financing.
Explanation of finanial system
Explanation of ross border finanin"
2 Explain the role of a Treasury Manager or Treasurer. Give the differences between a
treasury of a corporate and a ban.
Explanation of the role of a treasury mana"er or a treasurer.
$ifferenes between a orporate treasury and bank treasury
% What is call money maret! Write the advantages of call maret.
Explain about the commercial papers with its advantages.

Explanation of all money market and ad!anta"es of all market
Explanation of ommerial papers with its ad!anta"es
Give an introduction of "oreign Exchange Exposure Management and write about
the three types of exposures with examples.
&ntrodution of 'orei"n Exhan"e Exposure (ana"ement
)he three types of exposures*)ransation exposure+ translation
exposure and Eonomi exposure, with examples
# Write short notes on#
a$ %egulatory &ressure
b$ %egulatory 'rbitrage
, Treasury &roduct (evelopment
Explanation of re"ulatory pressure
Explanation of .e"ulatory Arbitra"e
Explanation of )reasury /rodut $e!elopment
- Treasury has become an integral part of business function. )ow does *nformation
Technology +*T$ play an effective role! Write about the Treasury *nformation
Explanation of information tehnolo"y playin" an effeti!e role
Explanation of )reasury information system
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