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Developing ideas

1A & 1B- What is my project about? What are your influences?

My project is about movement. In my photos Im trying to
show movement by adding motion blur to parts of the
pictures. For example on one of my photos has bikes as a
subject matter so I blurred out the background and any dead
space around the wheels of the bike. I wanted to focus on the
wheels of the bike in particular which will lead to my second
photo-shoot where I will photograph spinning tops. I also
took pictures of artificial light around school that I created a
series of photos from.

Recording Ideas

2A & 2B- What techniques are you finding most suited to your
work at this point - why? What editing programs and effects have
you used and why?

I think motion blur was a suitable technique for my project
because it made the subject matter in the photos looks like it
was moving. I used a straight up narrow angle so I didnt
I used the same editing process; which was to make the
photo black & white, rotate it using a duplicate image,
motion blur part of it and add levels to create the contrast
between the black and white. I did a similar editing process
with my bike photo as I duplicated the image and flipped it
so it was mirroring the original image, then I motion blurred
the background so it looked like the bikes were moving. I
used these effects as they suit my project of movement and
clearly shows my theme to an outsider.

2C- What has gone well so far and why? What would you try and
So far my project is going well because I know what my next
steps are and how I will achieve them. I know what my 2

photo-shoot will be and where it will take place. I also know
what I want to have as a final piece of this project. I would
try to improve my website by adding screen shots of my
edits and analyse my photos using key words from my
project like aperture and wide shots.

3A-Whats next for your project?

To develop my project further I will go and buy some
spinning tops which I will photograph with a variety of
background; from artificial in the studio, to natural outside
in different places. This will be my 3
photo-shoot that will
lead on from the 2
shoot, which will be just of bike wheels.
After this I will incorporate light into my photos of the
spinning tops; so it will look like the spinning top is made of
light. Finally I am hoping that for my final piece I can make a
3D spinning top model that will have my final photos from
this project; of spinning tops and light.

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