Help Ogo Gggor Rrortrtrjt

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Help ogo gggor rrortrtrjt

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In the
G o d
t h e
and the

Satan We have organized the

Brought Christmas program on 15th December
the sin in Sainji villages All villagers were
and the their and our Sainji school teachers
death prepared every things nicely. We
shared the Gospel with them and they
were understanding. We heard nice
word form the villagers They were
saying now it is feel to us, it is also the
part of our Sainji village and it is our
God gave the festival.
life and saved
man, and He We want to thank you all of
gave His son, you, really helped us in your prayer
whoever will and support for this program. Children
trust in Him, were very happy as they were
They will be receiving the warm sweater and feast
save forever . of Christmas as a blessing and they
were very happy.

Keep us in prayer for Jordi School

For the fruit of the Christmas program.
light consists in all
goodness ,righteou
sness and truth. In Him
Eph 5:9 Manoj and Nasreen

Children receiving
the Christmas Gift

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