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AfLer Lhe Shell gas sLaLlon on your rlghL, you pass under Lhe rlng road and Lhe flrsL bus sLop aL Zernlke ls
aL Lhe whlLe porLers' lodge on your rlghL. ?ou need Lo push Lhe buLLon afLer you have passed Lhls
bulldlng and sLep ouL Lhe nexL sLop, you wlll have a blg blue bulldlng aL your rlghL hand (8ernoullllborg)

ln order Lo reach Lhe locaLlon of Lhe conference, you have Lo cross Lhe sLreeL and walk sLralghL Lhe paLh
ln fronL of you ln Lhe dlrecLlon of a hlgh whlLe bulldlng, keep Lhe lake on your lefL hand. 1he enLrance of
Lhe bulldlng wlll Lhen be on your lefL afLer you wlll have passed by Lhe lake and Lhe unlverslLy shop.
uownload map of Zernlke complex:
1o reLurn Lo downLown Cronlngen [usL Lake bus 11 or bus 13 golng ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon.
233$%** "1#*%)4%$5 61#73#)5
neLLelbos[e 2,
9747 AL Cronlngen
1he neLherlands

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