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East Norfolk Sixth From College

Risk Assessment Form

Activity / Task: Shooting of 90 second film for media BTEC

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Identified hazards
Who might be harmed
& how?
What are you already doing?
What further action is necessary?
(write none if appropriate)
Insufficient Supervision

Injury to students
Stress for students
Injury through
poor behaviour
Staff always based in w12 so students can always find
Students never go off alone.
Electrical equipment

Injury to students
Risk of fire and

Use of a no food or drink policy around by cast and crew
unless controlled during a scene. Use of cable guides to
prevent damage to equipment and injury. students to
have induction by audio visual assistant or teacher
Unknown medical problems
first aid etc.
All student records must be discussed / checked by the
group and teacher for illness, allergies, medication, other
medical needs, etc. prior to trip taking place Students to
be asked regarding medical conditions, any conditions
advised by a student which does not appear on College
records must be advised to College management ASAP.
Venue Emergency

Injury to student
(s) or teacher

Clear signage, well equipped for evacuation, Process &
Procedures in line with current legislation (e.g. Fire,
building, etc.) students must know nearest exit routes and
where to meet.
Get students to buddy up in case of
Lifting of equipment

Crew or cast

Two to any heavy objects and not lifting anything you
dont feel comfortable or capable with. Dont overload
East Norfolk Sixth From College
Risk Assessment Form

Action Plan from further action By Who By When (Date)

Assessment upon completion of action plan LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH (Delete as appropriate)
Name: Ellie Buchan

Accepted by: Name: J Trett/Ellie Buchan
(delete as appropriate)
Signature: Ellie Buchan

Date: Signature: Ellie Buchan


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