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DTH Arena

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the approach of DTH Arena towards user/ customer information provided on DTH Arena.
This Privacy Policy is an open to all public document.

1. Collection

1.1 DTH Arena will only collect Personal Information where the information is necessary for DTH Arena for carrying out any of the
functions which are a part and parcel of the activities of DTH Arena.

1.2 DTH Arena collects Personal Data to carry out the functions of the site such as provide online recharge, provide information on
promotions new products and services related to Prepaid and Post Paid Recharge and Gadgets related to the mobile industry primarily in
India. DTH Arena also gathers/collects information for account management, billing services, business planning and marketing.

1.3 DTH Arena will be transparent and notify individuals on the reason for collecting any personal information and whether if the
information may be used in the future for any purposes stating an overview of the purpose. The individual may then decide to participate
or not or to participate selectively. Individuals may contact DTH Arena (Address given at the Contact Us Page) for their personal data be
removed ( upon proving their identity first) from the database for any personal reasons which will be promptly acted upon.

The type of organisations to whom DTH Arena usually Disclose the Personal Information include Related Bodies Corporates and
contractors and at any point if required by Government of India and Related Bodies.

DTH Arena will not collect Sensitive Information from individuals except with consent and only where it is necessary . DTH Arena will not
collect Personal Data of any Individual in any underhanded manner.

2. Use

2.1 DTH Arena might use the data mainly contact information for Direct Marketing for the site. i) individuals can easily unsubscribe to
Direct Marketing Program of DTH Arena.
ii) if the individual Opts Out of all Direct Marketing Program, the wish will be respected by DTH Arena and all its Related subsidiaries.

2.2 DTH Arena will not use Sensitive Information for Direct Marketing.

2.3 DTH Arena may use Personal Information for reasons related to law enforcement or internal investigations into unlawful activitiesor if
ordered by the Government of India and/or any other law enforcing agency.

2.4 DTH Arena will not use Data where there is a doubt that the information is accurate, complete and up to date.

3. Disclosure

3.1 DTH Arena may Disclose Personal Information to related or unrelated third parties if consent has been obtained from the individual.

3.2 DTH Arena may Disclose Personal Data to Related Bodies Corporate. Where that Related Body Corporate is bound by the original
Primary Purpose for which the information was collected.

3.3 DTH Arena may Disclose Personal Information to unrelated third parties to enable outsourcing of functions (such as billing, account
management) which is expected.

3.4 DTH Arena may Disclose Personal Information to law enforcement agencies, Government of India agencies, courts or external advisers
where permitted or required by law.

3.5 DTH Arena may Disclose Personal data for personal or public safety.

3.6 DTH Arena does not sell or share its customer lists on a commercial basis with third parties but if it did, it would only do so only with
prior consent of the individual.

4. Information quality

4.1 DTH Arena will review from time to time the data collected and ensure the accurateness of the data by asking individuals to participate
in updating the same.

4.2 DTH Arena may ask its users to re- enter data in case there is any system failure causing any information loss.

4.3 DTH Arena reserves the right to destroy the data after a particular period of time once it becomes redundant in use or for any other
reason to safeguard the interests of DTH Arena.

5. Information security

5.1 DTH Arena directs its employees to perform duties so as to assist in every way possible to carry out the privacy policy in the truest
possible manner.

5.2 DTH Arena will ensure that the records containing Personal Information accessible by staff who have a genuine "need to know" as well
as "right to know".

5.3 DTH Arena will not falsely protect any employee/ person who is found to have tampered or have used the personal data in an
underhanded and/or harmful manner.

6. Access and correction

6.1 DTH Arena will allow its records containing Personal Information to be accessed by the individual concerned in accordance with the
Privacy Act.

6.2 DTH Arena will correct its records containing Personal Information as soon as practically possible, at the request of the individual

6.3 Individuals wishing to correct/ update/ remove their personal information due to valid reasons may do so by approaching DTH Arena
Customer Service.

6.4 Individuals may also update their information where individuals hold an account at DTH Arena.

7. Anonymous transactions

7.1 DTH Arena will not make it mandatory for visitors to its web sites to provide Personal Information unless such Personal Information is
required to answer an inquiry or provide a service. Individuals may however choose to participate in providing personal information (for
example, as part of a competition or questionnaire).

7.2 DTH Arena will allow its customers to transact with it anonymously wherever possible.

8. Glossary

Collection Information means the information outlined in 1.3 notified to individuals prior to, or as soon as practical after, the collection of
their Personal Information.

Direct Marketing means the marketing of goods or services through means of communication including written, verbal or electronic means.
The goods or services which are marketed may be those of DTH Arena or a Related Body Corporate or those of an independent third party

Disclosure generally means the release of information outside DTH Arena, including under a contract to carry out an "outsourced

DTH Arena means all companies in the DTH Arena group, including, and Aquilis Design.

Personal Information means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or
not and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from
the information or opinion.

Sensitive Information means:

(a) information or an opinion about an individual's:
(i) racial or ethnic origin; or
(ii) political opinions; or
(iii) membership of a political association; or
(iv) religious beliefs or affiliations; or
(v) philosophical beliefs; or
(vi) membership of a professional or trade association; or
(vii) membership of a trade union; or
(viii) sexual preferences or practices; or
(ix) criminal record;that is also personal information or
(b) Health Information about an individual.

Use means the handling of Personal Information within DTH Arena.

Contacting DTH Arena,

For more information on DTH Arena Privacy Policy, contact

DTH Arena
H Trading Corporation
B/H. Siddhivinayak Mandir, Shankar Ghanekar Marg,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 25

Telephone: +91 1975 225153
Online: www.DTH
Online: info@DTH

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