Basic Cover Letter Template (Guardado Automaticamente)

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[Your Name]

[Hiring managers name]
[Hiring managers company name]
[Company address]
[Todays Date]
[Name of Recipient]
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms [Hiring managers name if not known, simply Sir/Madam]
I wish to appy for the roe of [Job Title], c!rrenty "eing ad#ertised on reed$co$!%$ &ease
find encosed my C' for yo!r consideration$
As yo! can see from my attached C'( I ha#e o#er [time period] e)perience in the [Sector]
ind!stry( and I "eie#e the %nowedge and s%is "!it !p d!ring this time ma%e me the
right/perfect candidate for the roe$
In my c!rrent roe as a [job title] at [employer name]( I ha#e "een responsi"e for [nsert a
!"antifiable and notable ac#ie$ement/s % e&g& a '( increase in re$en"e]( which when
co!ped with my enth!siasm and dedication [insert skills rele$ant to t#e role "s"ally
fo"nd in t#e job description]( has heped the "!siness to [meas"re of s"ccess]$
I am confident that I can "ring this e#e of s!ccess with me to yo!r organisation and hep
[company name] "!id !pon their rep!tation as [state t#eir position in market learned
t#ro"g# yo"r researc#]$ *ith my pre#io!s e)perience and e)pertise( I "eie#e my
contri"!tion wi ha#e an immediate impact on the "!siness$
Than% yo! for yo!r time and consideration$ I oo% forward to meeting with yo! to disc!ss my
appication f!rther$
+o!rs sincerey/+o!rs faithf!y(
[+o!r name]
[contact phone n!m"er]
[,ignat!re - if desired]
Cover letter template by
Cover letter template by

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