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To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using AucT Hotkeys Tool (A

HT) v2.8c. It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkey while not
forcing you to click spells.
Game modes: -sdd5s6ulfn or -sdd5s6ulfnso
Game modes: -sdd5s6ulfn or -sdd5s6ulfnso
Main game modes: (-ap, -ar, -sd, -md)
Sub modes: (d2, d3, d4, d5, s5, s6, os, ra, bo, ul, ss, ab, fn)
- -sdd5s6ulfn (50 heroes + 6 skill)
-sds5ul (pick 4 skill + 1 ulti) - UL (Unlimited Level) Unlimited levels of the h
-sds6ul (pick 4 skill + 2 ulti) ==> level 5 up skill 5, level 8 up ulti 2
-sds6d3ul (pick 4 skill + 2 ulti) Unlimited Level, 30 characters available to ch
oose from, you can take any skills
-sdd3s6bosoulabfn (30 characters available to choose from, you can take any skil
-ardms6bosoulabfn (receive a random hero receive a random + skills, with the dea
th of all randomized zanogo)
-aps6ossoulabfn (available to all the characters, skills in Tim will not be repe
ated, just a balance mod)
-sdd5s6ossoabulfn (50 characters available, the balance of fashion skills in the
team are not repeated)
-ars6boulabsofn (Drops randomly receive a random hero + skills to the entire gam
Addition to the game modes:
-bo Balance Off
-d2 Provides a choice of 20 heroes.
-d3 Provides a choice of 30 heroes.
-d4 Provides a choice of 40 heroes.
-d5 Provides a choice of 50 heroes.
-s5 allows you to pick 5 skills.
-s6 allows you to pick 6 skills, 1 ultimate and 1 normal ability.
-ra Random Abilities, the extra abilities from s5 & s6 are chosen randomly.
-fn Fast Neutrals, first neutrals spawn already after drafting, then 30 seconds
after, then the normal 1 minute spawn
-ss See Skills, allows you to see the enemy skills while drafting as well
-ab Anti Backdoor
-ul Unlimited Level
-os One Skill, skills can't be picked twice on each side
-ls Limit Skills, you cannot have more than 2 passive skills and more than 2 ski
lls from a single hero-so Switch on
*The silence from Last Word lasts only 0.75/1/1.25/1.5s.
*Multicast chances reduced x2 by 7%/3.5%/0%, x3 by 7%/3.5%, x4 by 7%
*Rearm has a 15/10/5 hidden cooldown after refreshing before being able to refre
sh again
*Feast only regenerates/deals 1/2/3/4% HP on ranged heroes.
*Greater Bash only has a 10% proc chance on ranged heroes.
*Dispersion disperses only 6/8/10/12% damage on STR heroes and heroes morphed fr
om a STR metamorphosis.
*Essence Shift only works on half the attacks for ranged heroes.
*Spell with a cooldown less than or equal to 3s can not proc Aftershock, Fiery S
oul, Static Field, Warpath, Overload (except if they originally could proc the s
Ingame Commands:
-FF (Fast Finish)
-WFF (Who FF'd)
-SP #(Toggle passive skill display, # is the skill's place number while drafting
-SDDON/-SDDOFF (System Display Damage)
-ADDTIME (Adds 1 minute to the clock when picking skills, can be entered at most
-READY (During the skill picking phase, chooses your remaining skills randomly)

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