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Curriculum Vitae


32 Readin rd!Birminham B2" 3#$ %nited &ind'm
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AOL In1tant Me11ener 5AIM6 0etty41mith
Se7 Female 8 9ate ': 0irth *+ March +.-, 8 Nati'nality
$OB APPLIE9 FOR Eur';ean ;r'<ect manaer

Auu1t 2**2 ? Pre1ent Inde;endent c'n1ultant
Briti1h C'uncil
+23! Bd Ney! -,*23 Pari1 5France6
E@aluati'n ': Eur';ean C'mmi11i'n y'uth trainin 1u;;'rt mea1ure1 :'r y'uth nati'nal
aencie1 and y'un ;e';le
March 2**2 ? $uly 2**2 Intern1hi;
Eur';ean C'mmi11i'n! A'uth %nit! 9B Educati'n and Culture
2**! Rue de la L'i! +*). Bru11el1 5Belium6
C e@aluatin y'uth trainin ;r'ramme1 :'r SALTO %& and the ;artner1hi; 0etDeen the
C'uncil ': Eur';e and Eur';ean C'mmi11i'n
C 'raniEin and runnin a 2 day D'r31h'; 'n n'nC:'rmal educati'n :'r Acti'n , lare 1cale ;r'<ect1
:'cu1in 'n Fuality! a11e11ment and rec'niti'n
C c'ntri0utin t' the 1teerin 1r'u; 'n trainin and de@el';in acti'n ;lan1 'n trainin :'r
the ne7t 3 year14 ='r3in 'n the %1er1 Buide :'r trainin and the 1u;;'rt mea1ure1
Bu1ine11 'r 1ect'r Eur';ean in1tituti'n
Oct'0er 2**+ ? Fe0ruary 2**2 Re1earcher G Inde;endent C'n1ultant
C'uncil ': Eur';e! Buda;e1t 5Hunary6
='r3in in a re1earch team carryin 'ut inCde;th Fualitati@e e@aluati'n ': the 2 year Ad@anced
Trainin ': Trainer1 in Eur';e u1in ;artici;ant '01er@ati'n1! inCde;th inter@ieD1 and :'cu1 r'u;14
='r3 carried 'ut in trainin c'ur1e1 in Stra10'ur! Sl'@enia and Buda;e1t4

+..- ? 2**+ Ph9 C The1i1 TitleI JA'un Pe';le in the C'n1tructi'n ': the Virtual
%ni@er1ityK! Em;irical re1earch 'n eClearnin
Brunel %ni@er1ity! L'nd'n %nited &ind'm
+..3 ? +..- Bachel'r ': Science in S'ci'l'y and P1ych'l'y
Brunel %ni@er1ity! L'nd'n %nited &ind'm
C 1'ci'l'y ': Ri13! S'ci'l'y ': Scienti:ic &n'DledeG In:'rmati'n S'ciety
C EClearnin and P1ych'l'yL Re1earch Meth'd1
M Eur';ean %ni'n! 2**2C2*+3 8 htt;IGGeur';a114cede:';4eur';a4eu Pae + G 2
Curriculum Vitae Betty Smith

M'ther t'nue516 Enli1h
Li1tenin Readin S;'3en interacti'n S;'3en ;r'ducti'n
French C+ C2 B2 C+ C2
Berman A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
Le@el1I A+G2I Ba1ic u1er C B+G2I Inde;endent u1er C C+G2 Pr':icient u1er
C'mm'n Eur';ean FrameD'r3 ': Re:erence :'r Lanuae1
C'mmunicati'n 13ill1 C team D'r3I I ha@e D'r3ed in @ari'u1 ty;e1 ': team1 :r'm re1earch team1 t' nati'nal leaue h'c3ey4
F'r 2 year1 I c'ached my uni@er1ity h'c3ey team
C mediatin 13ill1I I D'r3 'n the 0'rder1 0etDeen y'un ;e';le! y'uth trainer1! y'uth ;'licy and
re1earcher1! :'r e7am;le runnin a 3 day D'r31h'; at C'E Sym;'1ium NA'uth Act'r ': S'cial
ChaneK! and my c'ntinued D'r3 'n y'uth trainin ;r'ramme1
C intercultural 13ill1I I am e7;erienced at D'r3in in a Eur';ean dimen1i'n 1uch a1 0ein a ra;;'rteur
at the C'E Buda;e1t Ny'uth aain1t @i'lence 1eminarK and D'r3in Dith re:uee14
Orani1ati'nal G manaerial 13ill1 C Dhil1t D'r3in :'r a Bru11el1 0a1ed re:uee NBO NC'n@i@ialK I 'raniEed a NCi@il 9ial'ueK
0etDeen re:uee1 and ci@il 1er@ant1 at the Eur';ean C'mmi11i'n 2*th $une 2**2
C durin my Ph9 I 'rani1ed a 1eminar 1erie1 'n re1earch meth'd1
$'0Crelated 13ill1
C'm;uter 13ill1 C c'm;etent Dith m'1t Micr'1':t O::ice ;r'ramme1
C e7;erience Dith HTML
Other 13ill1 Creatin ;iece1 ': Art and @i1itin M'dern Art allerie14 En<'y all 1;'rt1 ;articularly h'c3ey! :''t0all
and runnin4 L'@e t' tra@el and e7;erience di::erent culture14
9ri@in licence

Pu0licati'n1 NH'D t' d' O01er@ati'n1I B'rr'Din techniFue1 :r'm the S'cial Science1 t' hel; Partici;ant1 d'
O01er@ati'n1 in Simulati'n E7erci1e1K C'y'te E%GC'E Partner1hi; Pu0licati'n! 52**264
M Eur';ean %ni'n! 2**2C2*+3 8 htt;IGGeur';a114cede:';4eur';a4eu Pae 2 G 2

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