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The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the

world, was first built between 220206 BC. In fact, it began
as independent walls for different states when it was first
built, and did not becoe the !Great! wall until the "in
#$nast$. %peror "in &hihuang succeeded in his effort to
ha'e the walls (oined together to ser'e as fortification to
protect the northern borders of the Chinese %pire fro
in'asion. )fterwards it was rebuilt and aintained o'er the
$ears, between the *th centur$ BC and the +6th centur$.
,ne of the $ths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the onl$ an-ade
structure that can be seen fro the oon with the na.ed e$e. The legend originated in
/ichard 0alliburton1s +234 boo. Second Book of Marvels. 0owe'er, This $th is sipl$
not true. /ichard 0alliburton1s clai was contradicted b$ astronauts 5eil )rstrongb$
and 6ang 7iwei. ) ore plausible assuption would be to sa$ that the Great Wall can be
'isible fro a low orbit of the earth which is not uni8ue in this regard as an$ other
artificial constructions can be seen fro that height.
&ource9 Wi.ipedia
+. The Great Wall of China was first built as a single wall.
a. True
b. :alse
2. The Great Wall of China
a. was built in a single d$nast$.
b. was refurbished during its histor$.
3. The Great Wall was first designed
a. to protect the %pire fro in'asion.
b. to help trade between different pro'inces.
;. The wall can be seen fro oon with the na.ed e$e.
a. True.
b. :alse.

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