Fill in Gaps The Correct Words, With The Help of The Pictures

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Fill in gaps the correct words, with the help of the pictures.

1. I go to the __________ pool with my friends. I take my _________

and my _________________ . My friends will take the _____________ .
2. He is playing backetball. He throw the ______ into a __________ .
He wears a white ______________ and short ____________ .
I. Match the pictures to the words below.
a. b. c. d.
e. f. g.
h. i. j.
1. volleyball ____
2. swimming ____
3. tennis ____
4. dancing ____
. basketball ____
!. bo"ing ____
#. fishing ____
$. gymnastics ____
%. skating ____
1&. football ____
II. Draw a line to join the sports on the left with the places on the right.
'o"ing Ice
(ootball (ield
)ennis *ym Hall
+wimming ,itch
*ymnastics -ing
'asketball ,ool
+kating (ield
III. Match the equipment and clothes shown in the pictures.
a. b. c. d.
e. f. g.
1. s.nglasses ____
2. racket ____
3. glo/es ____
4. fishing line ____
. ____
!. basket ____
#. ball ____
Find the words : basketball, football, boxing, swimming, olle!ball, skating, fishing,
dancing, tennis.
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