Handy Haversack Pack V 1

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Handy Haversack Pack (Core Rulebook)

Handy Haversack + Contents = 3185 gold pieces. Weight = 5 lbs. Move action to retrieve item and does not provoke AoO
Contents of Handy Haversack
Item Number Price (gold) Weight (each) Total Weight Total Cost
Acid (flask) 10 1 4 40
Alchemist's fire (flask) 20 1 4 80
Antitoxin (vial) 50 0 0 200
Bedroll 1 0.1 5 5 0.1
Bell 1 1 0 0 1
Caltrops 2 1 2 4 2
Candle 0.01 0 0 0.09
Canvas (sq. yd.) 4 0.1 1 4 0.4
Case, map or scroll 1 1 0.5 0.5 1
Chain (10 ft.) 1 30 2 2 30
Chalk 0.01 0 0 0.05
Dagger 1 2 1 1 2
Everburning torch 1 110 1 1 110
Fishhook 1 0.1 0 0 0.1
Flint and steel 1 1 0 0 1
Grappling hook 1 1 4 4 1
Hammer 1 0.5 2 2 0.5
Holy water (flask) 25 1 4 100
Ink (1 oz. vial) 1 8 0 0 8
Inkpen 1 0.1 0 0 0.1
Javelin 1 1 1 1 1
Manacles (medium) 2 15 2 4 30
Manacles (small) 2 15 2 4 30
Mirror, small steel 1 10 0.5 0.5 10
Mug/Tankard, clay 1 0.02 1 1 0.02
Oil (1-pint flask) 0.1 1 4 0.4
Paper (sheet) 1 0.4 0 0 0.4
Parchment (sheet) 1 0.2 0 0 0.2
Piton 4 0.1 0.5 2 0.4
Potion Cure Light 50 0 0 50
Potion (Endure Elements) 50 0 0 50
Rations, trail (per day) 0.5 1 7 3.5
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 1 10 5 5 10
Sack (empty) 4 0.1 0.5 2 0.4
Sewing needle 1 0.5 0 0 0.5
Signal whistle 1 0.8 0 0 0.8
Smokestick 20 0.5 2 80
Sunrod 2 1 4 8
Tanglefoot bag 50 4 16 200
Thunderstone 30 1 4 120
Tindertwig 1 0 0 10
Torch 0.01 1 4 0.04
Vial, ink or potion 1 1 0 0 1
Waterskin 1 1 4 4 1
Total Weight and Cost of Contents 100 1185
Extra Contents (20 lbs remain open in haversack)
Item Number Price (gold) Weight (each) Total Weight Total Cost
The following text is the roert! of "i#ar$s of the Coast% In&. an$ is Co!right '000 "i#ar$s of the Coast% In& ()"i#ar$s)*. All +ights +eser,e$.
1. -efinitions. (a*)Contri/0tors) 1eans the &o!right an$2or tra$e1ar3 owners who ha,e &ontri/0te$ Oen Ga1e Content4 (/*)-eri,ati,e Material) 1eans &o!righte$ 1aterial
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not e1/o$! the Pro$0&t I$entit! an$ is an enhan&e1ent o,er the rior art an$ an! a$$itional &ontent &learl! i$entifie$ as Oen Ga1e Content /! the Contri/0tor% an$ 1eans an! wor3
&o,ere$ /! this Li&ense% in&l0$ing translations an$ $eri,ati,e wor3s 0n$er &o!right law% /0t se&ifi&all! ex&l0$es Pro$0&t I$entit!. (e* )Pro$0&t I$entit!) 1eans ro$0&t an$ ro$0&t
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8.Offer an$ A&&etan&e. 9! 6sing the Oen Ga1e Content 7o0 in$i&ate 7o0r a&&etan&e of the ter1s of this Li&ense.
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10 Co! of this Li&ense. 7o0 M6ST in&l0$e a &o! of this Li&ense with e,er! &o! of the Oen Ga1e Content 7o0 -istri/0te.
11. 6se of Contri/0tor Cre$its. 7o0 1a! not 1ar3et or a$,ertise the Oen Ga1e Content 0sing the na1e of an! Contri/0tor 0nless 7o0 ha,e written er1ission fro1 the Contri/0tor to
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18 Ter1ination. This Li&ense will ter1inate a0to1ati&all! if 7o0 fail to &o1l! with all ter1s herein an$ fail to &0re s0&h /rea&h within 80 $a!s of /e&o1ing aware of the /rea&h. All
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1: +efor1ation. If an! ro,ision of this Li&ense is hel$ to /e 0nenfor&ea/le% s0&h ro,ision shall /e refor1e$ onl! to the extent ne&essar! to 1a3e it enfor&ea/le.
Oen Ga1e Li&ense , 1.0 Co!right '000% "i#ar$s of the Coast% In&.
Oen Ga1e Li&ense , 1.0a Co!right '000% "i#ar$s of the Coast% In&. S!ste1 +eferen&e -o&01ent. Co!right '000% "i#ar$s of the Coast% In&.4 A0thors Donathan Tweet% Monte
Coo3% S3i "illia1s% /ase$ on 1aterial /! E. Gar! G!gax an$ -a,e Arneson.
Pathfin$er +PG Core +0le/oo3. Co!right '00C% Pai#o P0/lishing% LLC4 A0thor. Dason 90l1ahn% /ase$ on 1aterial /! Donathan Tweet% Monte Coo3% an$ S3i "illia1s.
>an$! >a,ersa&3 Pa&3 Co!right '011 /! Neil Carr
All &ontent is oen &ontent.

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