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Questionnaire on HR Processes of ITC Ltd.

1) Which Department are you working in?
a) HR
b) Commercial
c) PMD
d) SMD

2) How long have you been working in ITC ltd.?
a) 0-2 yrs.
b) 2-3 yrs.
c) 3-4 yrs.
d) More than 4 yrs.

3) Which mode of recruitment is preferred more in ITC Ltd?
a) Internal
b) External

If external, please indicate the factors influencing the same
a) Through agencies
b) Through reference
c) Casual application
d) Data banks
4) Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process?
a) Yes
b) No
5) Who are involved in the manpower planning?
a) Department heads
b) Head Office
c) HR Department
d) Both (a) & (c)

6) The employees competency matches with the job specification?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree
e) No opinion

7) Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such
as testing?
a) Poor
b) Adequate
c) Excellent

8) Is the training need analysed in your organisation for better performance of employees?
a) Agree
b) Disagree

9) Effectiveness of training program in your Organization is evaluated by
observing the post training performance
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

10) Organisation provides formal training to promote skills to new hires as well as to
promoted or existing employees
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
11) Does your organisation mentor existing individuals to fill key senior level positions?
a) Yes
b) No
C) Rarely
d) Dont know
If No, then do you think succession planning will benefit the organisation?
a) Yes
b) No
c) No opinion

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