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Name: Galilea Patricio

Due Date: September 5, 2014

Article Title: The Prolific Afterlife
Author/Source: Scientific American
While reading the article, highlight words or phrases that require definitions or clarifications
What are the AUTHORs major ideas, concepts or key points?
Dozens of communities that thrive from whale carcasses.
Effects of whale fall being researched
First hint of carcass being thriving centers evident in 1854
1960s and on, evidence of mollusk attached to whale bones
Chemo synthetic bacteria draw energy from inorganic chemicals, basis of entire
Early organisms before oxygen
1992 project, transfer washed up whales
Sink carcasses with 2700 kilograms, counteract decomposition gases.
Three whales sunken over periods of time.
Observed whales undergo three ecological stages.
First was the mobile scavenger, whale carcass arrive at the sea floor.
Hag fish tunnel through whale meat
Fish expose muscles and organs by removing the soft flesh.
Feast, up to two year's
Second stage is the enrichment opportunity
High densities of different species, colonize the exposed bones.
Final stage is the sulfophilic, which contains bacteria that break down lipids.
B: Oceanographers are researching the location of whale carcass, especially where the land
on the ocean floor is barren and nutrient - poor. The first evidence of the importance of whale
carcasses and what they provide for the environment was first discovered in 1854. Over the
years the growth of several organisms had been documented such as the mollusk which was
found attached to whale bones throughout the 1960s. A 1992 project included the transportation
of whales that had washed up on shore. They were sunken with 2700 kilograms of steel to
counteract decomposition gases. This undergoes three stages when it is submerged. First are
the mobile scavenger which go through the whales as it reaches the ocean floor. Next is the
enrichment opportunity once fish have exposed the meat and internal organs by removing the
soft tissue. During this stage high and low densities of species colonize the bones. Finally the
sulfophilic stage consists of organisms such as bacteria which break down lipids.
C: I think that this method of increasing marine life through another organism is both
environmentally friendly and helpful for the ecosystem. The project 1992 which used washed up
whales as nutrient stores for other organism is interesting. The process through which whale
carcasses undergo to sustain life is grateful as it will pass on the whales nutrients to other living
organisms which need it to survive. I believe that this should continue in the future in order to
promote the conservation and growth of aquatic species.
So what?
Life and biodiversity is increased to
the death of another organism.
Says who?
Oceanographers researching the
What if?
Whales were used for other purposes.
What does this remind me of?
Coral reefs and how they thrive with
biodiversity and enable aquatic life.

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