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SS Quiz 4

Asylum: Shelter and protection in one state for refugees in another state.
Chain Migration: Pattern of migration that develops when migrants move along and through kinship
links. (i.e. one migrant settles in a place, and writes, calls, or communicates to others to describe this
place to family and friends who in turn migrate here.)
Colonization: Physical process whereby the colonizer takes over another place, putting its own
government in charge and either moving its own people into the place or bringing in indentured
outsiders to gain control of the people and land.
Distance Decay: The effects of distance on interaction, generally the greater the distance the less the
Forced Migration: Human migration flows in which the movers have no choice but to relocate.
Gravity Model: A mathematical prediction of the interaction of places, the interaction being functions of
population size of the respective places and distance between them.
Guest Worker(s): Legal immigrant who have a work visa, usually short term.
Islands of Development: Place built up by a government or corporation to attract foreign investment
and which has relatively high concentrations of paying jobs and infrastructures.
Migration: A change in residence intended to be permanent.
Nomadism: Movement among a definite set of places-often cyclic movement.
Quota(s): Established limits by governments on the number of immigrants who can enter a country each
Refugee(s): People who have fled their country because of political prosecution and seek asylum in
another country.
Remittance: Money immigrants send back to family and friends in their home countries, often in cash,
forming an important part of the economy in many poorer countries.
Step Migration: Migration to distant destinations that occurs in stages, for example, from farm to nearby
villages and later to town and city.
Transhumance: A seasonal periodic movement of pastoralists and their livestock between highland and
lowland pastures.

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