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Hamish Moore - 3829548

Lesson Plan

Mentor Teacher: Blair Harbrow & Mark McInerney School: Essendon Keilor College - Niddrie

Date: 26/8/2014 Lesson: 2 - Gym Year Level: 7 Session Duration: 80mins Students: 40

Session Topic: One-Handed Strike

Learning Outcomes AusVELS
Students have participated in a variety of physical activities. They have learnt a number of fundamental movement skills, such as the vertical jump, sprint run, hop and
skip, and refined them through practice over time. The teacher has demonstrated the skill of two-handed striking, and provided feedback on correct techniques to the

Success Criteria:
Students demonstrate correct technique of the two handed strike during complex activities and games. Students have learnt the basic techniques involved and have
practised and refined the skills, focusing on one component at a time.

3 x Bat Tennis Nets
1 x Bat per Person
4 x Table Tennis Bats
1 x Table Tennis Ball
3 x Tennis Balls

Personal Instructional Goals

Explain the fundamental motor skill and explain the difference to the two handed strike
Use the whistle to commence games
Have a clear rotation for all teams

Post Lesson Reflection of Personal Instruction

The lesson went well with the amount of ill-behaved students. I worked on keeping them moving in rotations, which kept them interested in the games. All students
were engaged at all times. An organised mess is what it looked like however all students knew what they were doing and where they were going. Very happy!

Hamish Moore - 3829548

Time Activity/Content Organisation Equipment Safety Considerations Cues / Questions Reflections &
Students are to get changed
into PE uniform

Brief introduction on the
upcoming lesson

Take the roll

Blow whistle once to gain

Stand at the front of the class so
all students can see you


Bat Tennis Round Robin

Students are to get into teams
of four and will compete in a
round robin competition.

2 players are on court at each

After each point is complete,
players must swap
combinations in order for
everyone to have a turn.

Underhand striking ONLY

Students will have eight
games of four minutes on
rotation, with two minutes to
rotate and enter scores.

Each team of four will be
designated to a court in order to
commence the first game.

When the whistle is blown
students will move in a
clockwise direction to their next

Explain the court dimensions
and rules

One bounce then hit

Ball must land in the court

The winner of the point
becomes the serving team

No overhand striking

Allowed to hit the ball on the

3 x Bat Tennis

1 x Bat per

4 x Table
Tennis Bats

1 x Table
Tennis Ball

3 x Tennis
Students who are not
participating are
standing behind their
teams court safely
away from bats and

Position myself where I
can see all students

Utilise staff members
to assist in student
Ensure they understand
the formality of the plan


Eyes are focussed on
the ball throughout
Preferred hand grips bat

Stand side on to the

Bat held behind
shoulder prior to the

Step towards target
with foot opposite
preferred hand

Hip to shoulder rotation

Ball contact made
opposite front foot with
straight arms

Hamish Moore - 3829548

Follow through with bat
around body

Court Layout

Students will rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. When moving from rotation four, students will move to the foyer to complete their table tennis matches before
heading back inside to resume bat tennis on rotation seven.
3 2 1
4 7

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