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Bethany Michels

Philosophy of Education
Have you sat down and thought about what your beliefs are about something? I had to figure
out my philosophy or beliefs of education. I had to think about education and its purpose students and
their abilities how the students should be taught responsibilities of a teacher and the environment of
the classroom. !s I was pondering on these ideas four philosophies" Perennialism Essentialism
#omanticism and Progressivism helped me figure out my beliefs of education along with two theories
Behaviorism and $onstructivism.
I believe education is a preparation for life. Education helps you decide on what you want to
ma%or in and it shows your strengths and weaknesses. Education helps you solve problems and
discover knowledge but also makes you understand you will not know everything. I believe if you
have basic knowledge about sub%ects then you&ll at least be productive in life. I think education might
not necessarily be fun at times but in the end it will make you feel great accomplishment due to being
determined and you&re a step closer to your goal.
I believe students go to school to learn not only about what they know but especially what they
don&t know. I believe students should have respect for the teachers and listen to what they have to say. I
think students should understand that their knowledge will change constantly be redefined and they
have to decide what they believe. 'tudents should be enthusiastic about what they are learning or have
learned because it makes the teacher feel good. I believe students will have to make decisions by
deciding on how to be good citi(ens.
I believe students should be taught through opportunities so they can make good decisions and
learn from them. I think doing different activities that they are interested in will inspire them to want
to learn more. !ctivities will also make them reflect on what they learned and they will attach a
meaning to it. )o motivate the students to learn I think there needs to be both good and bad incentives.
If their behavior is rewarded then it will be repeated but if their behavior is punished it most likely
wont& be repeated. I believe incentives will help students reali(e what things they shouldn&t and should
I believe teachers have a lot of responsibilities. I think teachers should set the rules and be
consistent so the students understand there will be conse*uences for their actions. )eachers should
push their students to do their best which I think gives them more confidence in their selves whenever
they do well or improve. I think teachers should be very creative when teaching their students so they
don&t dread coming to school because they are bored or disinterested. !n anticipatory set for each
lesson will help keep the students attention and engaged in learning. I believe the teacher should have
goals or ob%ectives for each lesson him +she teaches. I think the teacher needs to either test or do a
group activity to make sure the students understand what was taught. If the students still don&t
understand it needs to be re,taught in a different way or one on one help.
I believe the environment of the class room should be task oriented and disciplined. I think the
teachers should have high e-pectations for the students. I think the classroom should be managed
properly. I believe the environment should feel warm and loving so the students feel comfortable to
I believe the community should be involved in the education of student. It takes everybody to
make a difference because you have to work together. .ou also need the support of the community
otherwise you can&t function with out each other. 'ome e-amples in getting the community involved
would be school events such as plays sport games potlucks or attend board meetings.
I believe if you want to be a teacher you should love being around children. I think watching
them grow not only physically but also in their knowledge is a great reward. Most of all I think making
a difference in their lives will change you forever.

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