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Observation 3

Name: Raven Bouye
CHDV 100, Child Growth and Development
Instrutor: !andy Visser
Date !u"mitted: #$%1$%01&
Childs First Name: Jadyn
Childs Age: 3 _Years 2_ onths
!OA"N: Physical !evelo#ment
1. A##earance and gro$th: !escribe the childs body b%ild& #ost%re& heights& and $eight' (2 #oints)
'adyn(s is a )emale, a"out &)t *in, wei+hts a"out &,l"s, she has straw"erry "londe hair and li+ht "rown
*ross + Fine otor ,-ills
2. .hat ty#es o/ #lay did yo% observe the child engaging in0 1ased on yo%r observations o/ this #lay&
determine $hich #arts o/ their #lay involved *ross or Fine otor ,-ills and list them accordingly in
the s#ace belo$' (2 #oints)
*ross otor ,-ills Fine otor ,-ills
1. 'adyn was danin+ 1- Held a her art up to show
2. Crawlin+ around when pushin+ a toy %- Goin+ throu+h some toys
3. Ran to "oo. readin+ enter &- /sin+ mouse to li.
4. Ran around outside *- 0penin+ and losin+ the mar.ers
3. !oes this child seem to #re/er large or /ine motor s-ill activities0 .hy do yo% say this0 (2 #oints)
'adyn seem to pre)er motor s.ill "eause o) the ativities she hoose to do-
4. !escribe the gest%res and /acial /eat%res %sed by the child to comm%nicate' (2 #oints)
1hen 'adyn wanted to ommuniate with the adult she made sure she made eye ontat and at times 2ust
stared and waited until she was notied-
5. !escribe at least 2 indications o/ good health that yo% can see by observing this child' (2 #oints)
'adyn seemed to "e in +ood health- !he has an avera+e healthy wei+ht )or a & year old, she was very
ative, she seemed li.e a happy hild, and she seemed well +roomed-
Physical !evelo#ment3Concl%ding 4ho%ghts:
'adyn(s overall physial development seems to "e typial- !he is a"out *% inhes and &,l"s- the te3t
indiates that the avera+e hei+ht )or a &year old is a"out *,ines- 'adyn(s motor development re)ers to her
physial +rowth- It seems to "e typial, her proess a4uires movement patterns and s.ills 56artin and 7a"es,
%0089- 'adyn(s +ross motor development seems to "e typial as well- Gross motor s.ills re)ers to the use o) le+s
and arms, e3amples runnin+ and throwin+ 56artin:7a"es,%0089- 'adyn(s )ine motor s.ills where the most I
o"served- 7ine motor deals with small tas. li.e- !milin+, up o"2ets, or tyin+ shoes- 'adyn(s dynami
development onsist o) the se4uene and physial han+e that our in all aspets o) a hild 56artin:7a"es,
%0089- ;s 'adyn physial development +rows she will interat di))erently dependin+ on the e3periene-
!omain: Cognitive And 5ang%age !evelo#ment
6' 7o$ does the child sho$ c%riosity0 "s the child sho$ing interest in a ne$ sit%ation0 !escribe a time
$hen a child $as c%rio%s' (2 #oints)
'adyn showed uriosity in the omputer, when she seen another hild en2oyin+ the "oo. enter she than
turned her attention to that enter-
2' .hen they are challenged some children $ill stay $ith an activity /or a long time' *ive an e8am#le o/
the length o/ this childs attention s#an' (2 #oints)
'adyn was listenin+ to a "oo. her attention was a"out % minutes- !he was around the lassroom-
!he than started to 2ust loo. at the piture instead o) readin+ alon+-
3' .atch and describe ho$ the child #artici#ates in #roblem solving' !id the child learn by trial and
error or by another a##roach0 .as the child s%##orted by another child or an ad%lt0 (3 #oints)
'adyn wanted to 2oin the other +roup o) .ids "ut there was not enou+h hairs- !he loo.ed around and
)ound an empty hair and pulled it to where the +roup o) hildren were-
2' 5oo- /or evidence o/ symbolic re#resentation' !id the child %se one ob9ect to re#resent another0 (2
'adyn was pretendin+ to "e leanin+ the dishes and on the phone- !he than used the phone as a
spon+e )or the dishes-
5. *ive an e8am#le o/ a child %sing classi/ication or seriation in an activity or in #lay' (2 #oints)
1hen 'adyn was playin+ with toys the same shape she +rouped them to+ether than +roup the toys that
were the same olor-
:' !escribe an e8am#le o/ the child sho$ing centration in his3her tho%ghts or actions' (2 #oints)
1hen she was at the "oo. readin+ setion, 'adyn )oused more on the pitures then )ollowin+ the words
as the reader was readin+-
;' Cite an e8am#le o/ egocentric thin-ing' (2 #oints)
<+oentri is when a hild thin.s everyone around them have the same views as they do-
<' 7o$ does the child describe ob9ect(s) she3he sees& or hears0 =%ote the child directly' (2 #oints)
'adyn desri"ed a tru. as =>oo. a "i+ ar?-
>' 5isten care/%lly to the childs sentence length and vocab%lary and loo- /or e8am#les o/
overreg%lari?ation' (2 #oints)
I didn(t hear any over re+ulari@ation- Ahe te3t states that over re+ulari@ation are when a hild add an Bs
to ma.e the word plural that doesn(t need to "e plurali@ed- 7or e3ample: ; hild may say =I want some
mores? instead o) sayin+ =I want some more-?
6@' 5isten care/%lly to a childs sentence length and vocab%lary and list the #arts o/ s#eech $hich yo%
have heard him3her %se' (no%ns& verbs& ad9ectives) *ive e8am#le3s (in A%otations) o/ the childs sentence'
(3 #oints)
'adyn spo.e with a deent amount o) words to desri"e her ativity- 1hen she was in play mode she
really only used ad2etives and nouns-
Cognitive35ang%age !evelo#ment Concl%ding 4ho%ghts:
'adyn overall o+nitive development seemed to "e a typial state- 'adyn showed she was in the preoperational
sta+e o) development- Cia+et noted that in this sta+e hildren do not yet understand onrete lo+i
56artin:7a"es, %0089- 'adyn(s showed some e+oentrism when I o"served her- <+oentrism is when a hild
assumes that the people around them have the same view o) thin+s has they do- ;nother onept would "e
onservation the .nowled+e that 4uantity is unrelated to the arran+ement and physial appearane o) o"2ets
56artin:7a"es, %0089 Vy+ots.y(s view o) o+nitive development is throu+h soial interations around
pro"lemDsolvin+- !a))oldin+ provides support )or learnin+- 'adyn was +iven a lot o) sa))oldin+ "y the adults
around her- 'adyn(s o+nitive development seemed to "e typial ompared to the readin+s )rom the "oo.-
!omain: ,ocial and Bmotional !evelo#ment
1. !id the child e8#ress intense /eelings $ith $ords0 !escribe an incident' .hat other means did
the child %se to e8#ress his /eelings0 (2 #oints)
1hen 'adyn was e3plainin+ what she was drawin+ to the adult, she was tryin+ to very detailed in what
she said-
2' .hich o/ the /ollo$ing ty#es o/ #lay did the child s#end time in0 Provide an e8am#le(s)'
C Dnocc%#ied& C onloo-er& C solitary& C #arallel& C associative& C coo#erative' (Partens 4heory o/ Play) (2
'adyn was in unoupied play where she 2ust played in the .ithen "y hersl)- Ahen she was in parral play
when another hild ame to 2oin her-
3' !escribe 3 traits o/ tem#erament e8hibited by the child' Cite behavior to s%##ort yo%r descri#tions'
!oes s3he seem to be a leader or a /ollo$er0 (3 #oints)
'adyn temperament that was e3hi"ited was that she is a easy +oin+- !he en2oyed ativities with and
without the ompany o) others- !he showed a leader trait when she went to ativities alone and others
)ollowed- But then when she was interested in somethin+ everyone else was doin+ she )ollowed-
2' .hat evidence do yo% see o/ the child acA%iring initiative or g%ilt0 5oo- /or things s%ch as creative
#lay& %n%s%al ideas& reaction to r%les& con/orming' (2 #oints)
'adyn seemed to "e an initiative hild- !he e3plored and played with toys and did ativities- !he was not
)ear)ul o) any tas.- !he told instrution well when rules were +iven-
E' .hat dramatic #lay activity does this child seem to en9oy0 (2 #oints)
'adyn seem to en2oy playin+ in the .ithen and play with the phone- !he was opyin+ what she may
have seen at home-
:' .hat evidence did yo% observe /or the develo#ment o/ gender a$areness0 (2 #oints)
'adyn was playin+ with the .ithen and when she wanted to play with the tru., a male hild told her
=No, it(s not pin.?-
;' !oes s3he acce#t res#onsibility /or small 9obs or does s3he attem#t to avoid res#onsibility' Cite an
e8am#le to s%##ort this in/erence' (2 #oints)
1hen an adult told 'adyn to lose up the mar.ers she was not usin+ anymore, 'adyn did the tas. with no
<' !escribe a sit%ation $here the child sho$s em#athy /or another child' (2 #oints)
'adyn didn(t show empathy )or another "eause a situation did not our-
>' .hat evidence do yo% see o/ the childs #rosocial develo#ment0 (2 #oints)
'adyn showed a prosoial "ehavior when she helped another hild with a toy-
6@' Provide an e8am#le o/ ho$ this child avoided or resolved con/lict $ith another child' (2 #oints)
'adyn avoided on)lit, when another hild ame and too. her toy she was playin+ with- 'adyn did not
sweat the situation she 2ust played with what the other stopped playin+ with-
,ocialFBmotional !evelo#ment Concl%ding 4ho%ghts:
'adyn(s overall soial emotional development seemed to "e typial "ased on what I o"served- !he
showed she was in the initiative sta+e o) Cia+et initiative vs +uilt sta+e 56artin:7a"es,%0089- 6ainly "eause
she was willin+ to play and e3plore rather than "e )ear)ul o) her environment- 'adyn(s temperament seems to "e
a )le3i"le one- !he en2oyed ativity with and without the ompany o) anyone else- Aemperament re)er to the
sta"le individual di))erenes in 4uality and intensity o) emotional reation, ativity level, attention and
emotional sel)Dre+ulation 56artin:7a"es,%0089- 'adyn didn(t have to hane to show empathy )or one o) her
peers- But she did show that she has the a"ility to understand the emotional or psyholo+ial state o) others
56artin:)a"es,%0089- 1hen she should prosoial "ehavior- 'adyn showed the typial proative and reative
response to the needs o) someone else-
"nterrelationshi# o/ domains o/ develo#ment:
7rom my o"servation o) 'adyn(s three domains: physial, o+nitive and lan+ua+e, and soialDemotional
development, I "e+an to interrelate all three- 1hen somethin+ happens or does not our in one domain, it
a))ets the development in the other two- ;ll domains have a purpose and are very essential in the developin+
proess- ;n e3ample would "e one ativity I o"served was when 'adyn was in pretend play- Her Co+nitive
domain was in play when she was playin+ in the .ithen and atin+ li.e she was on the phone- 1hen she
was 2oined "y a peer, 'adyn(s physial and soial domains were a))eted- !he ontinued to use her )ine motor
s.ills as she was showin+ her peer what she was doin+- Her prosoial "ehavior ame into play when the peer
needed help with the toy and was +ettin+ )rustrated- 1hen a han+e in 'adyn(s o+nitive happened 'adyn was
than a"le to show her other domains- I "elieve that 'adyn(s lon+ term outome may "e, she "eomes a very
industrial adult- !he seems to en2oy helpin+ other and is very willin+ to help others- Ahe importane o) the
early years and the proess o) nature vs nurture, is that 'adyn will "e molded into either a +reat responsi"le
adult- 0r 'adyn may turn out the omplete opposite o) how she is has a hild-
Concl%ding 4ho%ghts (E Points)
6y overall impression o) this assi+nment, was that I en2oyed learnin+ and wathin+ the di))erent
domains in ation- I o"tained a lot o) +ood in)ormation )or this assi+nment- Ahere were a )our onepts I too.
notie too- 0ne was the lassi)iation onept, on how hild an +roup di))erent o"2ets in the ri+ht ate+ory-
!eond, would "e the prosoial onept, the hild an detent when someone is not o.ay and needs help- Ahirdly,
was the theory o) play "y Carten, tal.ed a"out the di))erent sta+es o) play and hild an "e in- I thou+ht playin+
was 2ust one sta+e- 7ourthly, the onept o) e+oentrism, was very interestin+- Children everyone has
the same point o) view li.e theirs- !ine I am interested in hild development I an use what I have learned in
my )uture .nowled+e- Ahis assi+nment allowed me to "e hands on with my learnin+ and understand these
domains )rom a preshool )oundation )or mysel)- Ahe in)ormation I learned an "e used when I have hildren o)
my own and +et into my areer o) hild development-

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