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How Tia Lola Came to Stay Review

GrammarTypes of Sentences:
Declarative: A statement that gives information; ends with a period. THINK: declare
(example: Thirteen Direction performed at the end of the school day. )
Interrogative: Asks a question; ends with a question mark. THINK: interrogate
(example: Did Neon Sparkle-Toe One-Eyed Unicorns rap today? Did you carefully read
each answer choice on your test?)
Imperative: A command; ends with a period. THINK: It is imperative that you do this.
Remember that it can still be polite. (example: Miss Schiavo, please sing for us. Write
someone a love song.)
Exclamatory: An exclamation; ends with an exclamation point.
(examples: That is the largest piece of candy Ive ever seen! How I wish I could come to
school on the weekends! What a great day to go to the beach!)

Vocabulary StrategyContext Clues
make sure you read ALL of the words around the word you dont know
look for definitions, synonyms and antonyms, and examples
once you think you know what the word means, insert a synonym in its place to
make sure it makes sense

Target SkillCause and Effect
cause is why something happened
effect is what actually happened
one cause can have many effects
cause and effect is not always stated; sometimes it is implied, or hinted at

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