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The Human Digestive System

Types of Digestion
There are 2 types of digestion:

1. Mechanical chewing, tearing, grinding, mashing,

2. Chemical enzymes that assist with improving
digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids

The Mouth
The digestive process starts from the mouth

The teeth mechanically breaks down food into
smaller pieces to increase surface-volume ratio

This helps with the saliva (breaks down starch)
breaking down the food

Epiglottis (flap-like structure) that opens and
closes to prevent food from entering the trachea

The Esophagus
Secretes mucus

Moves the food from the throat to
the stomach through peristalsis
(muscle movement)

The Stomach
Contains acids and enzymes
that break down proteins and

Acid kills bacteria in the
The Small Intestine
Approximately 7 metres long
Villi are lined on the inner side on the intestine
(to increase surface area)
Microvilli can be found on the villlis (even more
surface area)
Nutrients are then carried through the intestinal
wall and in to the bloodstream
Absorbs 80% ingested water, vitamins, mineral,
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
The Large Intestines
Approximately 1.5 metres

Absorbs nutrients the small intestines
did not absorb

Ends at the rectum which holds the
feces until expelled
The Liver
One of the largest organs in the

Produces bile that helps digest fat

Filters out toxins (alcohol and
TES Australia
Retrieved on 26
September, 2014

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