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Name_______________________ Week of October 6, 2014

Homework Schedule
Ms. Armendariz 2
Grade Class
-Our campus has been selected to be provided ith fruits and ve!etables ever" #on, Wed, and $ri
startin! toda"% &oda"'s fruit is Baby Fuji Apples%
-(lass librar" da"- )emember to brin! and return librar" books from last visit in order to check
more books out%
-$ire truck and *re prevention presentation b" #r% (o+%
1% )ead a book, record the title in the )eadin! (hallen!e -o!% )eard for those ho complete
their lo!%
2% $luenc" packet .in binder/ - 0lease follo directions included for week 6 and answer
1% 2pellin!- Write and )ead the ords 1 times each in spiral 2pellin! notebook .in binder/%
2tudents have ritten spellin! ords in spellin! notebook%
4% #ath 3 (omplete pa!e 1 .front and back/%
1% )ead a book4 record the title in )eadin! (hallen!e -o!%
2% $luenc" .in binder/ &uesda" week 6%
1% Writin! 3 in spellin! spiral, rite all spellin! ords in alphabetical order%
4% #ath- (omplete pa!e 2 .front and back/%
$ednesday Vegetable: Sugar Snap Peas
1% )ead a book4 record the title in )eadin! (hallen!e -o!%
2% $luenc" for Wednesda" week 6%
1% Writin!- (reate 5 sentences usin! spellin! ords in spellin! spiral% 2tudents ma" rite 2
spellin! ords in 1 sentence% (ircle spellin! ords used% 62entences must be!in ith
correct capitali7ation and end ith appropriate punctuation% 3at least one of each
punctuation must be used .% 8 9/% 2entences should include descriptive ords such as color,
number, si7e, name, etc%
4% #ath- complete pa!e 1 .front and back/%
"hursday-:omestic aareness4 speaker from the ;00:, victims services unit from 1400 - 4400%
Open to parents, sta< and the public%
1% )ead a book4 record the title in )eadin! (hallen!e -o!%
2% $luenc" for &hursda" week 6%
1% 0ractice for spellin! test% 0ractice missed ords 1 times each%
4% #ath- (omplete pa!e 4 .front and back/%
%riday Fruit: Red grapes
=omeork binders due% 2pellin! test toda"%
$hat we are learning in class
#ath- 2tudents ill be usin! number lines in di<erent a"s%
2oc% 2tudies- 2tudents ill identif" local>state !overnment, and their functions%
Name_______________________ Week of October 6, 2014
2cience- chan!in! ph"sical properties of materials b" sandin!, cuttin!, foldin!, and
Writin!- 2tudents are usin! circle and tree maps to create descriptive sentences%

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