Key Attributes of A Mental Hygienist

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Tolentino, Shannen Nicole S.

Key attributes of a Mental Hygienist:
Attributes: Scene:
Positie !egar" : The #onfrontation scene $hen %ean
&alcott $as 'orbi""ing Patch to "o
$hateer it is he(s "oing in his hos)ital.
: The Scene $here Patch assures #arin
about the recognition she(ll get $hen the
)ut u) the 'un hos)ital
*+)athy : Patch(s 'irst session $ith the
Psychiatrist $here he ,ee)s on tal,ing
but the Psychiatrist is not listening is not
an e-a+)le of *+)athy.
: The #onfrontation scene $hen %ean
&alcott sai" that )atients shoul" be
treate" as )atients is not an e-a+)le of
)ositie regar".
.enuineness : &hen Patch ful/lle" +ost of the
)atients fantasy
: &hen he /nally got through the
Pancreatic #ancer Patient.
#reatiity : &hen Patch /nally thought of )utting
u) a 'un hos)ital for unatten"e"
: The scene $here he ha" to hel) a
frien" use the bathroo+ by ,illing
i+aginary s0uirrels.
Sense of Hu+or : &hen Patch regularly isits the
#ancer )atients $ar".
: The scene $here he )ut a .iant legs for
an 1bstetric conference.

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