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S t.tppOY1:i>ntt M £lC&r~:· http://butlertech. wi kis paces .


My Bu'il[dl~r Tools

As:=!i\gn'ltril'C'nil:: Bu! ~dI~ r

8'1j~~d ~nd sro re a~~itnimle ntt: tor' ytlur :s:blldert13 tn:rt IUS 8 Dis C DioI8 ry

E'dll,I ~:.~~l!Orf" eUi"j1el!:!ll,ll!f! eentent,

Go 10 \JtJ

iQunl.: Eh.lildQ r

lin Mii'P oli'~te 'liidel) cli~ into inter~ ethte Ilijlllizzes wil:n IDt;co/iFe1)l EdIUC:ati®~ Quiz Buil!.der~

Tools' crea .. ited here are

: :::::: ::::: <.'.: :.~ : :",. :::~" .. : .. ," '.:'~. ," .. : :' .. :>~ :",

saved to the DE Streaming database and can be accessed fo r us .. ·e···· .;_:jjjS"· n"·e .. ··e .. '·d· .. ed

::,.::' .,': .. :.-.: .. : ... g:.:.-.: .. : .... :, ... :," .. : ... ,':.

Writmng Plliompt rih.11 ndl~ fJ'

Give :.1,tude,f!.t:s: WritJFli: 1:11t"~IC'~iee Vt1tlM thM~ im~~~s. '~hu includli!l' ;t;om!p(is~~iof'll p FomlP~S';

The Quiz Buildertool

allowsyou to crea


online assess

you can use to studentcompr survey prior k You can search

pr- .. -

Wert~ l!~I1ih:a IOU~ E'Ulcler - a. 'lodll!~1 ~~ y.ttU ae-~te Q,ut~~e~ 'for 'Y'W' ~tuclGW~~" ,,"!!XI' ~~, wi! " b@ Sa~'~d In ~ IPWs:ort-3fi~~ ~ CQntElnt: aJ~i!', To gat S"~rtert cre~1tt8 ill n@'iH Quiz Qr ~~h '~"re [lbrifjl'"

BlJ..I:ildJ a New lQui~

e quizze

rary, choose ind ividualquestionsfrom the Q,uiz Builderdatabank

or write 'y,o""ur own

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I{e,j,i,iotd~ Il)it!iplay;:


M)' Qyi2~

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'fUll ~-:staFt ~ to IIJ~LFti;l ~ne

Qt:I~ IBlJH=, - -

B. Give the quiz a name.

b D· ·d h be oui Th d fault ] M'

.:eci e w'ere to save t'e quizv rne eau tiS":' Y


.... .... ..,' .. ~ .. , .

c. Select subject area.

d s··:_·:e···· "·1 e"" ···c .. ct g' rad e· .. · ". Ie" ···v··· ...... e .. · "·1 C·'····a·n··· pick m·······o·· "'r'e" ". than 0" ···n····e···· ". g' rad e" ".

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I. ' IC·.···· ····/,-a -e ·c v\···, / r e··.···········.<, '.· •••. o.······.n·· trnu e:.

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.. " "'. '. ."'. ..,....... '.;.... .,....... . .

b · I d d in vour oui

. . . . _. . . . . . . - .. . . . . .. . .

resources to e Inc U· .. .. ec In y,'our q UIZ,.

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. . .


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B. In···· th···e.········· Cre ..• ··········S.··-::··te.··········· N:···:· e.··········w' .,' .. n Q:····.u e .• s·········~·.tl·o.······ •. n···· bo .. ··.·x·· •••• ··.·, r s>~e .• ·······le .• ·········c .• ct o.······.n·'··e,·'···· of

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fo u r' 0······· pti 0······· n'" s '.~'

..... " .. ',. . .... , .. ','.' ..... ,...

b. There will be specific information required for

ea' e h q ue "'5' tl·O'· "'n"" fo ···r·m·'···a·t En···te·· "'r the ". s pe ···c··--I·f·l·c·-

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In ormation, ten c IC'-Bve '·,·uestlon.

R h b f· h ·

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c. .epeat t- e two steps a:ove or eacr question

ad d e .• ed .. r to the ..• '···'······, q' .. ' .. U.,· I·Z.

. .. _.. _..... _.

d C·'··'·'·II·c--k··· Continue W'-'· .. hen d one

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a P·:···re· ···v···::I·e·· ···w a·11 q UI·Z info ···rm······a·tl·o·· ···n····

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- - - ., _.. .. - .. .. - ... - ..-. . -

'Vl!IlM ~rudent:; m-.iiiIlL_ltt!l i5hft:: U~L ~i2p: U.fl~h:II'WnlMt!'l:.I!II!i(or,rel'"!i€;I~lJJl:.§'II lind In.pu~ the il:W Wo

~tJ!! Co~ ILnPiA, b!)):;.

IPt!)¥fde 5!)mjet'Lts: ~ith bho! fcJlI!)Wii"MJ1 A'SiiQriiillSiilt !UFtt:


a. Since our students don't have student accounts, select the UAssig,< n By", Code or URLu

, '''''' , " " " " , , ,,' , , , " "',' ' ,;' "" , , "


.... .

',: ,.

, S"""tud" e mts ac 'C' 'e" '5' '5' q uizze '5' and a's' 5' 'I-g' nme mts ' b"'y""

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going to and entering the quiz code shown on the Assign age, or

',', y going to a UR,L that includes the code.

1. Students go to Web site.

2. Enter Qui ... ~..._ .... Code. 3. Enter his/he ...... name

'.'; .....•

4. CI ick GO.

Stlud,en't Assii'glnlment I( Assessml@'lnt ,Ace,ess

U;ii!' ti\e' red form On -the, riglht ~ t!!i':oess !!!ithet' i1dP.'idu:-!J1 llSSigIVlii!i\b5 cr rrQtgr~ Z!:il1le,

Entef' 1ne eede ~virl6d bv yoor tea.-met')

Md YGL.iI' 1irst, and la:l;~ Mm~~ in'rn !ili'Je lOG.!( b~I~~'1, N.~thJ'Mt,M~~ w.f~ ... ~Ai.B' ~ r~ I&r~,


U:ie '!he' wttt!rlii beki, ...... 'tci atoe!5.S ' to d,,"~,8Mdwi;~ 00 hEight.

C!o(h~': I~EBS--~:l22 N ;Urtlltf*:: [ioe 'StlJid',!:n~

~f 'lj\0!1i at!! n f@1!I~ 01\:1 (HJ' y(!~§ do ~


n<Jt use y~.w !c'tU!l n:!fIi!, ~ yCMJt'

te~ :fior -i:!I S~e'f1i name t)J! u~e"

RTI Pro.b~,


(her: k Re'Qui ref'llE'n ts I Tenrn. 0: Use I PlI"iva!:y Pdic:y CGnta.J::t Us J!bJqJt. Us

Co:pyriil:h.t ~ 2.'009 Di~o'i'ery Ed\!1:~tfQlllj, rij:hb reser v edj,

DisCIJ\'E'P, E'ducatioo is a OL~'ij:ioo of' Dis,cw~ry C.ormr.unl,at'ioDils. LLC.

1 G· t htt /.:/.:. t d· d ti

.: '.. .. .. . ..•... ,........ " .. .' .. .- ' . .. .' . . .. . .

• ,_o ,·0 ..... p.,/,'/ asslgnmen.·s •... ·· Iscoverye uca.·,

2. Enter the code QEEB5-B322 in the Assignment Code bo:x:.

3 E··t··· ..... _ ....... C·····:·I··k··G:·O·········

· nrer your name IC· r :_.

4 C·I· k T k Q' ·

• : IC a"e" u IZ.

5. Answer the questions.

6 C··I· k C' I t Q' ·

• ••. : •• Ie: ··.:.omp e.·e · ••. • ••.•• · .•• UIZ.

You'll need to LOG OUT of the assignment center and log back in

h /.:/.: · d· ducati h d

.... : ",. :: ::..... . '. .. .': .. "-.' .' .: .. ' .. ·C. .i :....... .l : .' .: .. . ..' .. .' .: .. ' .. .'. .': .. .

at ttp.,.,. streamlng •... ·. Iscove·.· e, ucation.corn w·· en vou are, one.

Stimulatethe writing process in your classroom wit h t housa that are ready-mad pe rs u as ive, n a rrat writ i ng exe rcise Writing Prompt accompanied by creat the

W rltl n g: Prom pt Bu i Ide r

~ to tM Wfitl"lQ ~t ~ _. ~ mol I!lI ~ ~ trruM Vihi6"(i IPr~t:;. ~ fOOl' SiIl!nmt8. 'l\LU 1NIIit~ ~ts 'iNI 00 ~ iifI YGtJf ~ M¥ ()iTI'OO'lIt a'8.a, 11[1 !J@t: st;trlOO .. OI1eatte ,i;! ~ Wffi_rn ~t5 or '~h 't!i"e Wrih Pi'~' Lb".ary..


, ~,e,:: .:! ~~ rJ e:-",~~ Wr1.i'!g Pr~.

" _ ~ __ , ~ ~~I ~I'I (i'e~~l

,.,.,.;;&,. .... ' flY :(OlI' s~ >!M dl!;:trm

H5.p.r''5, Guide


Diiiif!llay: My Wii'~ RiI~!l,

o ~1Wi'J~IP~~, ~ ~ritt:Wr~~ O~~~

T)!pi!~ ~'" .. '

1. Give the writing

prompt a title. 2. For type, sel type of writi ng the students t Analysis; Des Expository; N Pers asive.

3. the save

,··ion in you~ My

Content folder.

4. Select Subject ~rea.

5. Select Grade Level. ~ .... - ..

6. CI ick: Save/Continue.

'To ci'iel,rbe a VI/nlillgl PmmlJ[, !f© IJ can sta Illy [~u'O~dng 'U'I'e,", gll:!itll'fi.",lIallnm rmatiJD 11 re{!IJII:!'Sted b el© ~~.

UO!1iE'; ]JiJ,dtcat~:s. R'~(I [jMi~d IF~ lei

:I: I

Save' l'!Ii!Ca'l1olfl: 111

, G' :s.e~, to ~xi'stllg IF'olil .... r: I ~i 'Y Co m!€-i'ril, (,Gto bill) ,O!]

School: B U 1ilt:R St:NIIOR, ~ IG ~ SC~'OOL


r Se\fEll1~ Grade r, '~hm I~ade r' 1ih Grade

r AM Grade r' socth Grade .......

r i~f'TId'I Cof!i~' r ~\.I\m1!h Gr~d~ r i\f~lfm Gl!i~

1. Select the image or video segment you want students to view as a writing prompt. You

a. Search for i database coil using a k search, or;

Writing Prompt Image

Step l of 5

TO 'fI"J d ~ nd ~'I~tt ;n ll"r\ig e, Ci[JJ Art'I' \l'[d ~~)i :S~!lm~ii1t lD r ~iJl Vid eo for tn is lI"lIrilj") g P M~t" €!'filt~ r ,~I ~Y\~,o~d($) b~loir~~ ~~el~(t :; ~ dial tvfJJ~ an d $~ _'ct: !!'~'~r(I'iI,." A'fiD~r' , YQ!j,l r meiO iiiJ ~t ~hle borlde r th~" will ~plPe~r :antll,ll'l d '''he' lm~d~.

b. elect it fr d Mellis

',dian. ~his will only

show media you chose to add as a wr.iti ng prompt from the Full Video page.

Keyword _

'TlI'lPes I CUp Aft 3

- flo NwW' -

1. Create a title for the writing prompt 2.Choosethe appearance oft title text. 3. Composeth writi ng prom acti - ln the t

bo -

_,,",,","-_ size,

style, colo-r, etc. can

be edited using the

tools in the edit box_ ..... _

above the te:xt area.

F l8Qldl F I~~

:oL'g,_1 .. = ~,= I -_ F l

~= ~I= .. ,... ,


I fC!fl'JlO~ ',," f,ont f.~mb '?' Font S!tU: ...

IH_ I ~ (g I A ',_, ~ .... 1-

- -

~ I I=~,~I )(, :~~ IOJ

, I I

I }

Writing Prompt Preview

1. Review your spelling, etc. and click on the video segment to make sure everything works ctly.

Patriot: or Unp,atriot Act?'

1. Click on the Assign by Code or URL tab.

2. Write down

the Assignment.....-..... Code and give students the URL below it,

a triot Act?

A;ssign by Code or LRL

Stud'enU will !OCE5:i ~"iiS; as..:SiQf!Jiile1i!t by "~IJ!~~ ~he (~de' et' Ii.Up:I1e.SiiWim.emt$"dis!tllVary,!idWi@, C(jlifi' lOr im~~ t~ ~he URI. PiO~ed, lepnMOJE'

ide the w ith~".___

Ink: in the assiqnrnent UR,L~._ ~ They will not

n~ eed to .. · ente ...

. '. -. '. - ".' '.' ',.. ".". - IIi.

the code

":, :,.,', .: , .. ,.'. :"

because the code is part. of the add

~vid'e ~tudent::; wieh ~rne ~iJl]bwiflg A5:5i~f1lifIerit 'e~ i W~I!I]lJ9-84,'9E

~i" Sb!lid'e:M~ will n~~ tooi go bo ttit, i...JP:L tJtbp:;U~~*nm.ent:!> ,d1~!:c!V<!~t'y,g1!l1jC~tiDn.(Orrn Bid l"lput tt}J~ cmd,@! 1ft\!! ~I\.s Code I~wt b~~,

Pro~! stlJ!d'e:nt:s y,li~h ttl"t!e: BoI1'~wi!!g ,o,SSiQflilfiefit URJL~

Mtp~/ fass~gl1!imen'ts.d]sc)!1IiV!er~ed!.llciitiillin'il:omV:j''cdlP'assc!1lide':;:;;:;'~I3BB9:-849:~

Viil1.lf ~~ud'ellts willlj,G dlrel~l!f ~1jJ the a~I'dirumet"l~ pal}8 ~li!illl1~ f1eeifling to enl!8l' ~Ile! M~I!}fImel"l~ (oo'e.

Students ente code and t hei

Use ihe' re<l form on 'the Ffgilt w .ail:Q~:i E:ihr .,dr.iawl ali:tignments or lProg ess Zone.

Efl't@f 'ih:.: eede ~vid~d bV your rearnlH)

Md VOl,li" ~'t. ~fld r.l!l~~ mm~. into d'I!! bWi): Ctl!lbw.

If·y,oo ,(fo Mt ~!Ie 8 C{)1e~ tiU"ie MIt y.oof T~ef fiy ~.

Cod e: ~QEE6S .:6322 N'Bli1ti@* i ~~Oi! ·S·tii,JGeiilt

""If y~ ~!! :'3, 'Y!i!tS old 0Ii' 1f(Iu~!t do not USe. ytM.!r a'l:w~1 n:.;!~, Ask YillJr .~~eI" b .6j screen F'lElm~ to use,

. Benchmark


RTI frobe-s

'11ft k R@[jui reraen ~s I Terrn·::;, of U:s~ It'~i'1aGy PdiGy I (ontaGt Us Jllxi.l..It Us

CGPyright ~ 2009 Dj~o .. '€'r~ IEdll:atlOO., . Ji-e:ht:; r5er~€'tl:I.

Dls{o .. 'eJ~ Edut;;il!tloo is a D; .. i:)~oo of OiscQ'."ery {Om."'P!1fl catfoos. lLc'.

You can view writin'

1. Instruct students to print their writing prompts when completed, and turn in the hard copy to you.

2. Follow the directions below to view them from My Content.

1 F :.':.' the O·····E he :.":' ' ' , ····,·I··· .. ·k·'·· .. ·, :.' M',·" ',',:: c·:·,,·:·· .. ·· ,···t··,··,· rt

· rom ',', e u ome page, e rc con "V ,,····,on,,·en,,·,.

2 N· ··,·tt·"V'·::IEW' th .. ····· .. r d d'" ·S"··I····t ,,,",,t''''''' t'f'··· ..

".'. e::'··x·'···': 0':":' ",.' , "':,,. ,. e::"'re::" IS:":" a:", ,,' ro':":'p·:-,: o:··:'w"n' m"" e,:,··n· u ",·'···e':'·· e':"'c::' W'··,',p,II",n'· '9" p:"p\o"::m" "'p:" ro':·:'m·· ..

• ',,,,,,," "., ','", ", .,'" ,',' .... , , ' ','" ,". _',' r 1'1' "",,1' I" ,,', ',','


....... ' .. '. ,'.

, '. " ',' ".

3 F· d th iti t nroi t th I t St d t R It f th

· me me wrlJng promp project, ,,', en se eet estuc ent jeesuns 'rom rne

A tl d d

. . . ,"' .. ", . ", ..

C"',·IO':::::n· '.::. rop-e O':::::W" rn m .. en U·.

•• •• •• .•• • •• t •• • •••

4 C"-·I· k th As· B" C"- d UR'Lt b

..... ". . . .. ,"' .. '. " ... " ... . ... ' ... "", .... '". ... . . '" .

. : Ic,on " .. , e,slgnY,Q e or"s .'.

5 L·' .. ' .... .ate th ,',... :·t· .,',' .',. :.' .. '. ,." .. ·,,·t .'. '·' .. '··,' .. ··, .. ,t .' .. ', .. ' th ,', ... list ,.', ""d" click en th ,', ... title of · oeae "., e wrllng promp projec on t e IS, an e rc on t e I eo

th · t

.. '". ".... ." ...

"e proJec .

6 L t th t d t It · h to vi d I· k V·' ,. w ltl

· oeae "., "'e su em resus you WIS ··'0 View, an'< C Ie: on vrew ,', rlJng


: .. ; .... "

': ." ,",',,' .

7 C"'·'lo·'·'s"e,···th·"e'·'· stud ent wO"'r'k" wh"'e""n" 'd" one

· '::~ :,',',' .... ' '" :,' ',:", .. ':.", '" ',', ,'":,, ',',,' :, '::,,: ".

irnaq e to see a

. . . .. ..' .. ' .

. ',.", ".... ", ", ", .


- -


writing prompts.

The AssignmentBuilderis a versati leresourcethatj

you build onlinea web-based proje stored on the Dis

wetome to 'h A'SSiQrment EIUkB' - ,a 'm] 'to IhetJ yOO 1Or~.a'te A~efilts 'for YW' 's,t~entS:i l10ur ,A~~~ent~ ~l be' ~,ed iTII '!JiOUF ~~ My ~ ,;fjFe<,3J, To lidst ~taJted! 'Iore* .a !19ii,1' A~&lgwiniNIt or 1h:1'D~ t~, ~f,;d8 ls>sigr!mants,

Educationstrea You can usethist stud___.,_


in ea 'variety of digital

med i a types. ~ d ~'5tii'iji A:;liJijMltnts jl inclljd~ ta'lo:;e~ th~t Mve been li:re.Med ~ie:!Lt f'ot' !fOIJI" ~I alii cI~rliCt'~'

i(~W@lrd: iDis~lla}l:

, , My A~~flMMH: o :5cIhool A~)Y!tIem

~ 1i'\!~"=I; .. t, j"~"I<9 ... -.,.,.,, ... \J ~ ~ 1 [M_"III!-I~! !oI~~ l!irJIJ

'f~ ~~:ili:ait Iguide to ~ltne,Ajj:!kI~t;

Ei~~h:ler; -

The TeacherCenter provides quality curriculumresou and accessto additionaledu information.

Re~dy:Zanle;~ C:@:iflJit,ini.liit;,y' @f Le,i!I'jj'fi'ifl:l~, iEfLlluffie ~fjn tlnlli'liy @f !.eaming 11m the event of exte nded :~t.u de nt ,a.bSienG€' 'or sc he el with ;a myriad or '~OO IJ;, an d resources,

GOI 're I.;:;;J

5 ilEM Connect

£xiploll"'e' career videes and ~eaming

ae tWi ties '~h(ljt ~U,PP ert SWIi e'cilut':a:~ 0111 aC:IF'{I ~ '~;r ades 6,.,8 ;andi'9,-11.

Go, 'T,~ '.::;/

Le;s;:!;,Qr:! Plalln Ln b Ii,a ry

T:!p 1M! t~ Wi cpr!!l tll'l-ln 200 !i!!:~"n plAn!S: d~1Oigiul'dI 'for [ij!3cO'!.t'~i)!' £dUCIl,ti on :1!itNQmin~ vid~o~.


Thema:t~'~ f,~cY!ii

8i1'\l)'W;S~ we'l!ikLy '~I!i~~hrM!~ It'OiP~C 5. tll'la'tt in c:'lu d~ ""tid ~il:! !I~'ID'fi ~n'~l' LE;!5t!OrI P~I.rti!5.Ji illI'I,d stu de-Iii! t ae 'liivi'lii es,

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Help ~tlJldiellTlis. e ennee t: tlheo 1P~.t. ,;mel p resent 'wi t.h viel'e{l,~ 'ti ed 00' rn5it:o rie el e \!Ie nits.


Di:iiOO¥lery E;dlJl c;a!tio n Atlas

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g!!.!lidie to eur WfJ rldl.

Go 10 'e/

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Make history come ali every day by sho contentto your s that presentsev that occurredo

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A collection of vide teaching materials a map-like forma Zoom into the co and view video by cunure~ gave and alural world.

Lookl~ iflF your lt4Jil1d'er il"1XII::;J tfeeorl ID arE2It;:; a russ~

I each er

Jkl«! the mQ~t Qf IOisW'!'ery E<dl!.~tJ'Ion il;Ql'il'ent 'With It~ ~ .£Lnd ~llTQ~·

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Di$oO¥~ry Ed~(at!!:l,r' Hetworlk

b~~ reseurees !l!~ c:ommunlty '~, for-

Mlllt:dtors e indudifl!!l. e:«!llJ~ive Qi)f'I~el!It for

[Le ~1l}1'iiI [Plan U br airy Tap iiil'O l'ii'IOte lihall'ii :liOO ~wn ~mi dei[jr!ed '('OF fl'l~ EdIX9i~ion SJ:\i'f'Gm'ns' ~ ..


E)i~ClOl!/efIY EdwlI!:atillllll A;Uas.

IlMpir~ Dr [I;j~ CIliaI'lMt's. ~lrnark A·tI'..a:~ '5err~. 1Jl~~O'i'~!f1I E:dl!.l!t~;ItlOl1i

O'ilSlCQ've;~ Edyc~Uon :s:tfle'Qmi'ng Hews~etber

E'.a'Ch month. 1ei)!'T1i about (!(i~ EdlX9ittion ~r0tWj~' events 1)00 aotlvHtlei.

Lesson Pll,an L.ibrary

Containsmore th lessonsdesign with Discovery streaming vi de


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II'SllE 1L.c:n;on iPl_a.rns

Character -_ .. , Cultu

Each Thematic Focus provides linksto lessonsand materia organized around centraltheme or topic. Newthem ad ded weekly a focus on season

time nts.

Disltunir!:lll G uide

I~I'@ oor Dr ~~" Ute 1Mik:r W,i't 'Gali!x1. i!fId t~, l~iiI urm'O\C'i"tilt _' MiiIl 'ft ~,tt'i:i~!JI' !'1M ~-e1iI "_ oor Ir~niil, unGe!".SitMilI~:ii: M t!'lem.

~TII.oad ~SGLl51:;ioo @ui~ Oxlr rorm.alJ

L~s.'Sol!'l Pla.n-: G rr,n:l'e :l ~S

Molle' Ui.oo!l tM,Q<tMii' ~ts, ~ftI 'Oi.!ii' W:i' I~~'M .. ~flti~ ~n U: 1U~..e.' ~nn" Yet, 'tN-I~¥l~· ",,~re.jle~H ,lFf' n~.

~~ [M~Ll5100n @ui~ IJId' ifOrrn.atJ

L~s.'Sol!'l Plan:: Grrade 6·8

'WMIt.':s, ~t IbU Itm;!.iltt' ,iYiii1I wod<. ii'iI :::jiIlt~e'~ Go ~Mr4e' ~M' ! i'r!~FM't~ ~~~ 'St~l1o!'! fw,~ ~ ,a,t dd:V lire. ~1lImli [)iSGLl51Mn Oui~ Oxn ifOrrn.atJ

l~s.'Solii Plan:: Gliad':e 9~"t2

A'QdI~m wRh ~~~!D, ~" t~ i)&Ft:i (~;jjIf' ~!:It 'IiU[1ll .... 'e~pujdTI!iii, ~l!( IMtes - '~liloer t!i'!e',Po\:..l!oi.:"¥ W6.1t~, 'rY~!.iIre-.

~ ... iWd Di:licl"lniOfi Qwioe (~r if(;i'YI'iltt)

For .IIi compt~rn list of top-ics 'ill", the Tile-mafic: focus. Arch IViE.

W~i.c:~i'lJ!I t" :(CIijj' ciM'~!i'(MIm IlI'!lifl~r, Ti* i:Ii II! ij;Q.",L ~~ ,",G~ \I'~I;IIbv!ldi ~Il!dl ffiil!!'Qii;oCI ~~r ~1~i"Ijol1"lj ~nd ~f&.nm;:;r;yt!-

~j.fhiilt":itli"ri: ~'IIII~~ Wtltii'illl: ~rOli\~t SliJdo!'r

_ '~'t!Irt Ilyo[r.~:.!l!)i: ~ CI-!l3S'_

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;;" VIew rOO~~ tirt ~J!~ er ~jt, ~~~ MlW ~ '~1"lI "\I'ii!w,Ii.~~~~~t~~

Se lect Personalize this

P'''''lig·'.:· e.···" to .••. : ed d .. ·. t he feat u.·· re"s'·

al,_:. u.... . u .

that fit your needs.


1I'%S: J. K .. Ftowtlng ~ !HI atrt POtter a.uthor

arne II'.i!ItlMtOOlil RM~lIli iIIUttoor o~ the HiIIlT'J Pott:er Sl!l"1!2s. of 00JI.i.s. haril 5OOK! ~h times, bcFil«! her b'i'~ ~" but she Il!!"fCr ii:.a'!l2' up writilJt. RGJWll~ \'llk§; u~.g .am lil,lijlll 'ill >11, tilll -nat in !6"didJIII.lrjh. ', ~ ~'(;111nC' up 'i'J,;t!ii !Ifiie; 'idG!! rQl" Mr OC!W"~i!!IlV1OU~ OC'~ Qr OOI!'W '' ridi~ 10 , •• ~'ac

iI1hil!' iiiqic af 'Words.: lennini, iI'~'il[h1I'i" S4!oealil;i (~11 OOJ

Lioolfalt!lfn!' tG E1njoy i!lind Write .lIionut: (!.loot, fte.'r,rj(lw: F,i!lint , •• (fll V co)

LiOOIfM!lfl"C' fur Ohildr<lm fanta!i,y '/ideo

your ow home pa DE.

ROQuo-i-t 011 'S,,"hool Prriil1~il;!W' or DE Serv]ces

j!)iEH II:Uog He-twCl rk

~i1!l. WdliJ1lr; Ifx~~ MrKa T~y !I;lfJ.t,I Weekky' Uj)iillitc:~ 7-':I!.I!-iJ9

~~ fr~ tl'!e O:El~ nMiOi'ball"~t[tuil:e' 21JO'l< H11Z~t:$, II'r~ ~~ Defi ~~~I~ I ~Ulll.!!tt'

Tools and res~"" for learn ing using Disco Education 5

IF' rofessienal De''Vlel"opm~ nt

~ th~, rtIos.t M Di~it o.v&F)' Ed!l.lil:,IJIIl!IJ1iI cOIlI'~liit 'Wi Ilh OiMil:' teels ~i'iIdi rres.o!l.ll",~!:i.

IDE: J:::tr'C1Clmil'l, ~ I!II A.cition ililea~hine Tilp'~

Prn¥ii!!W qurklk ~oI: h nlDl,iJ;'f'I ~p5 ., ifr-om hy~el'"lil!llkin!!i:, to mQ'll'i!!!' m.a:kiin!!:, ,- th2i.'~ will! fUID~~'~rt YOu:r te!~ON_


~~t P\l:'a~iti~e$

Viiew 'Sltmritvide!J< '!ie!l:m.'EiIil'1i!; ttmi!lit profti~i!I' 'srri'enc.e 'jtei!icners, and g~1!II !!!l);!l:i tin!!: '~'t.r~~e~e5 f,o r in(lmrt-Da!i-ed '~n.:-s;ItlI'U!l: Iti'O!1!.


Viie:w slm"t ride;o clips '00 bh!; 'rU~dai'l:!'i:i!lllii:lfl5; of ~ 1\1£ ()l5eo't~~~ E&.tt:01i1Uoo nr~mc: I'tO!:ll(l tIJ" IliC.Ir ~rt5~ '!lca-ti Ki'mey and 1H\d, D'2i,vidocin. ~ t~ V!~ ~~ !'!ofI"!!: '01' 'tc:hod, ~~ ~ ),fi!!J(' ~W,or ~ tb!m 'tto 1M in stillfl d~'i'~~ ~·:siQl1~.

ili"raiin e.,r'~ 1'1~llk!'t

Usij '~II!l~ Mtlls, 00 '~Fll1mc~ you!'" Di'lSiC D'IIBT)'!lolli :s:tr,!!'amir.lS' :5i~aff !!iJevel\l;Jpm;et'i t 'WQ~h(lp.~

Go lJio ~

Init~C"ac'UVE!' T'r,i!JI1f'iiili'ilfl

~~iitlfii t:o 1I~' DisG~r:r [E.duCi!J'tiO;ii1 S:;:~ijIfiiG'!!:' "With '~e5ei :5ii!!iIIf~p<aced~ ,eti'f·'!ki'fU~8' te~l;in~"


Il)i:r::cO'W!!ry' IE:dll.lI~}tGr til at'iNOrl<, hp~OIl\e' ~e~o!Ji"c,e1i ud eOITii'illun3'ty to ob, JiQl'" itdut;,e;ool"$ .' ~IiIC budi:n: 'HCl!iJSWli!l' c::oliltent. "'01'" membol!lfi.

A III Ill: l~, 2oo~'

E\iGit~l Sta F)'~~llllili Wil:'~!k:

TIiil'llkiliilii:, O!llitsid'.!I' tA!!l" 'S;~d!!l"

Ji;y~ 4~, 2:009'

l)1!1iiul StQ ~~eWl'ig We-e'l!;: Ci~'~l StO'l')'tellfng M~de [MY wiith D1~eovefY E<lu(:>:!'tio I'!< Corrbel1i't_, Jw'!ii'f!O'too aF!<lIPl'!( .. ~S,toor'!l

A lIi Ill: 41, 2009

Eht:,~1I"'f [duc i!itikun strni!mlnc. 8.ack tD 51[ lliioot [nhi!inoI:'i~N[I~li1iits,

PMjC.ciI: IOfiiii'rion!::il:r,'a'tion'i;;

G e,t l'!i"I~ljI'ed ~'t.IrJ llh.e~ ,e~emj:iolM leM(ln plm:s., P'~ojll!lc It,j'l ,i!ilfldi tutoni~[j; ithi!liit :5I1ow you nlJow bJ' 1 iii '!te g.-.a. Ili!!' Discovery Ibduc.atian ~1!: ... «miililg ,!:!QlI1II~'eflit 1H.ith lP(lp~ilu '~q.f~~-e ,~pp'~c:~ti!~i!U'.


The S_· keletal

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S·~··Y·· '5··· ··te··· . m

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Use the pen tool to correctly label the diagram.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Motion" Force" & Gravity

6. 7.

B. 9.


DlNil:'Wim: G~p~.e;tit r(U· t[o'flIo.l 'il:1l!urt"mm rtU ilcnCDil:ii~Ir'.L~'ft lPi,lDI.'J' J!~DJJo .HlII !:lUIil:mu~ ill'!" t.:ldll ~r',!~:th;~;~Ji !tJrn~: i!l'!!!JiIl:;,'b :D~Ji~:O!!!!, Tht;rt!l!!!ilio~ [~!I!IIl:!rt.I[!:!.1II! 'imt 'U31!1,ph:-:m t,;:th ~!lt~m1l! [I!lUb~' t~t.

The Great


REGlDJ!S 0,1" TD '\lJ"i(!lIR[D;;; ~l!\, KIlP OF" .U'RIC\\,~, P JJD' I~E :~i"Dll, c;:f',.i\i[mil,

Dn~llie~~; lJ~.ltl)' ~de' ;:a, ~~ ~~te' cQ'!m, ,md, m~te' 'm '5~, ~~~ Qf;,Mc1Ci:

N~:ti~ A'm,,;! NO~Te~ .U'cta ~~: .Mri'l';:3

CitMrliI J.!Uiiti ' ~Afii(,!i ~~,!Ii

-- ----

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