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Wiki and Blog Use Agreement

Purpose: The purpose of class use of a wiki or blog is to use technology to

demonstrate understanding, to share knowledge from many students to increase the
knowledge of all, to give students greater access to class information, and to increase
student use of technology for educational purposes.


1. Everything on the wiki or blog must be appropriate for school. Everything

you create can and will be viewed by others. Treat these sites as a place for
learning, a place to learn from each other and a place to have
conversations. Do not say/write/do anything within this wiki or blog site
that you would not say/write/do at school.
2. When you are editing a wiki, you are changing the information that is
published for all users to see. Treat the work of others with respect. Any
defacing or sabotage of the wiki will not be tolerated. When adding
comments to a blog post, remember to keep them school-appropriate.
3. Only information that is related to the assignment may be posted on the
wiki or blog.
4. You may NOT change your username, password, e-mail information, or any
other settings assigned by your teacher on your wiki or blog page.

Please keep these rules and the wiki/blog etiquette in mind. Every page on these sites
is monitored by your teacher. Please report any technical difficulties concerning the
wiki/blog to your teacher immediately.

Violating the rules of the wiki/blog may result in loss of wiki/blog privileges, loss
of project points, loss of Internet privileges, or other disciplinary action.

Agreement: I agree to the purpose and rules for wiki and blog use. I promise to give
my best effort, to write responsibly, and contribute appropriately when I edit a wiki or
comment on a blog, to follow the wiki/blog rules, and use good wiki/blog etiquette.

Signed ________________________________________ Date________________

Print Name _________________________________________________________ 

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