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PRC-0008, Rev.

Process Specification for the Qualification of
Manual Arc Welders
Engineering Directorate
Manufacturing, Materials, and
Process Technology Division
February !!"
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
#yndon $% &ohnson Space 'enter
Houston, Texas
Process Specification for the Qualification of
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
Manual Arc Welders
Prepared by ) Signature on File 2/12/04
#aniel $. R%&ic'i
(aterials and Processes
Tec)nolog% *ranc)+,S-
Approved by) Signature on File 2/12/04
$ose. (. Hernande/
(aterials and Processes
Tec)nolog% *ranc)+,S-
0,RS12N #,SCR1PT12N #AT,
*aseline 2riginal version 3+4+35
A C)ange process o6ner, re6rote numerous sections to clari!%,
re6rite section 7.- to remove allo6ance !or use o! 6or'mans)ip
8uali!ication testing on pressure s%stems )ard6are, and to add
examination and testing re8uirements.
* 0arious editorial c)anges, re6rite 9.0, expand ".4, amended
!ootnotes in Ta&les 7.9., 7.9.9 and 7.9.-, added -:-1 plate
8uali!ication position to Ta&le 7.9., re6rite 7.- !or clari!ication,
com&ined 7.7 and 7.7., re6rite 7.5.1 !or simpli!ication and
clari!ication, added -:-1 s'etc) to ;igure A-, modi!ied !igures A
and A4.
C Periodic 1S2 revie6. 0arious editorial corrections and c)anges.
Added re!erence to ANS1+A<S #5.. Add to ta&le 7.4.
alternate acceptance test !or !illet 6eld 8uali!ication.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
*%! S'+PE
T)is process speci!ication provides t)e minimum re8uirements t)at govern t)e testing
and 8uali!ication o! manual arc 6elding =includes semi-automatic processes> personnel.
Procedural and 8ualit% assurance re8uirements are given. All 6or' instructions and
<elding Procedure Speci!ications =<PS> used during 6elder 8uali!ication s)all satis!%
t)e re8uirements o! t)is process speci!ication and its applica&le documents.
%! APP#,'A$,#,T-
T)is speci!ication applies to t)e 8uali!ication o! manual arc 6elding personnel =6elders>
6)o !a&ricate, repair, or install 6elded )ard6are under t)e aut)orit% o! NASA+$SC.
<elders success!ull% 8uali!%ing under t)is Process Speci!ication =PRC> s)all receive
certi!ication !or t)e manual arc 6elding o! pressuri/ed or structural )ard6are, &ot) !lig)t
and non !lig)t as applica&le to t)e t%pe and scope o! t)e test=s> passed.
%* APP#,'A$#E P.+'ESSES
T)e !ollo6ing processes and an% pulsed derivatives t)ereo! are governed &% t)is
a> :as Tungsten Arc <elding =:TA<>.
&> :as (etal Arc <elding =:(A<>.
c> ;lux Cored Arc <elding =;CA<>
d> Plasma Arc <elding =PA<>.
e> S)ielded (etal Arc <elding =S(A<>.
/%! 0SA1E
T)is process speci!ication is considered to meet or exceed t)e intent o! t)e ma@or
recogni/ed industr% and government standards !or 6elder per!ormance 8uali!ication.
T)ere!ore, vendors preparing to 6eld )ard6are !or NASA+$SC t)at )ave existing
personnel 6it) applica&le and currentl% valid 8uali!ications+certi!ications to A<S,
AS(,, SA,+A(S or A.S. government standards !or 6elder per!ormance 8uali!ication,
!or 6)ic) 8uali!ication and continuit% records are availa&le and 8uali!ications are
current, s)all &e considered accepta&le !or use 6)ere t)is PRC is invo'ed.
Buali!ications+certi!ications are considered not trans!era&le t)ere!ore, 6elders t)at are
ne6l% )ired &% NASA+$SC or one o! its contractors, s)all &e tested in accordance 6it)
t)is PRC. ;ollo6ing an interruption to emplo%ment, 6elders re)ired to t)e same
organi/ation 6it)in 7 mont)s !rom t)e last veri!ication o! a certi!ication &eing current,
s)all not &e re8uired to recerti!% at t)e discretion o! t)e 8uali!ier.
/%* W+.2 ,3ST.0'T,+3S
<or' instructions s)all &e generated !or implementing t)is process speci!ication. T)e
6or' instructions s)all contain su!!icient detail to ensure t)at t)e s'ills per!ormance
testing process produces consistent, repeata&le results t)at compl% 6it) t)is
speci!ication. At $SC, t)ese 6or' instructions are approved as #etailed Process
1nstructions =#P1s> t)at descri&e in a detailed, step-&%-step !ormat t)e re8uired
procedures, e8uipment, and materials to &e used !or conducting a given process.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
1! t)e s'ills per!ormance testing process is to &e per!ormed &% an outside vendor, 6or'
instruction development s)all &e t)e responsi&ilit% o! t)e vendor. T)e contractor s)all
ensure t)at t)e 6or' instructions meet t)e re8uirements o! t)is process speci!ication.
/% WE#D,31 P.+'ED0.E SPE',F,'AT,+3
All <elder Per!ormance Buali!ication =<PB> testing s)all &e conducted using a
8uali!ied <PS. Ho6ever, t)e 8uali!ication o! a 6elder and t)e 8uali!ication o! a <PS
can &e conducted concurrentl%, &ut in t)e event t)at t)e <PS 8uali!ication test results
are unsatis!actor%, t)e <PB test s)all &e considered invalid.
"%! .EFE.E3'ES
T)e standards listed &elo6 s)all &e considered a part o! t)is speci!ication 6)ere
applica&le. <)ere t)ere is a con!lict, t)is document s)all ta'e precedence. Anless
ot)er6ise indicated, t)e revision t)at is in e!!ect on t)e date o! invitation !or &ids or t)e
date o! re8uest !or proposals s)all appl%.
a% A4erican Society of Mechanical Engineers
AS(,+ *CP0 Code Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications
b% A4erican Society for Testing and Materials
AST( ,-5 Liquid Penetrant Examination, Standard Practice for
AST( ,--- Magnetic Particle Examination, Standard Practice for
AST( ,-54 Radiogra!ic Examination, Standard Practice for
c% A4erican Welding Society 5AWS6
ANS1+A<S A4.- Standard S"m#ols for Welding, Brazing and $ondestructi%e
ANS1+A<S A9.0 Standard Welding &erms and 'efinitions
ANS1+A<S *4. Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification
ANS1+A<S #5. Secification for (usion Welding for )erosace )lications
ANS1+A<S BC- Standard for )WS *ertification of Welding Insectors
d% 3ASA7&ohnson Space 'enter
S2P-005. Prearation and Re%ision of Process Secifications +PR*,
PRC-7"09 Process Secification for Radiogra!ic Insection
PRC-7"0" Process Secification for Magnetic Particle Insection
PRC-7"07 Process Secification for Liquid Penetrant Insection
T1-0000-0- &raining Instructions for t!e Welding Processes
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
S305--AB-:1*-00+4-8 Requirements for Welding and Brazing Procedure
and Performance Qualification
A(S-ST#-"3" Qualification of )ircraft, Missile and )erosace (usion Welders
8%! 1E3E.A# .EQ0,.EME3TS
Buali!ication under t)is PRC re8uires completion o! a speci!ied test 6eldment and
acceptance &% t)e 8uali!ier o! t)e test 6eldment and test results. T)e 6elder
8uali!ication is limited &% t)e essential varia&les given !or eac) 6elding process as
listed in Section 7.9. Acceptance o! per!ormance 8uali!ication 6eldments is allo6ed &%
eit)er o! t6o met)ods?
a> Buali!ication &% standard test = Section 7.4 > or,
&> Buali!ication &% 6or'mans)ip test = Section 7.- >.
Per!ormance 8uali!ication &% standard test s)all 8uali!% t)e individual to per!orm
6elding 6)ere 8uali!ication &% eit)er standard test or 6or'mans)ip test is speci!ied, &ut
not vice versa.
8%* Q0A#,F,'AT,+3 .ESP+3S,$,#,T-
,ac) manu!acturer or contractor =i.e., a !a&ricator, assem&ler or an installer is included
in t)is premise> is ultimatel% responsi&le !or conducting tests to 8uali!% t)e s'ill
per!ormance o! 6elders in accordance 6it) a 8uali!ied <PS 6)ic) t)at organi/ation
emplo%s in t)e !a&rication o! 6eldments.
T)e 6elder underta'ing per!ormance 8uali!ication tests s)all &e under t)e supervision
and control o! a 8uali!%ing part% =)erein re!erred to as D8uali!ierE> during t)e 6elding o!
test 6eldments. T)e extent o! supervision and control s)all &e at t)e discretion o! t)e
8uali!ier 6it) due consideration given to an% and all possi&le !actors t)at ma% adversel%
a!!ect t)e integrit% o! t)e process activit% governed &% t)is PRC. Acceptance, re@ection,
8uali!ication, dis8uali!ication and documentation o! test results is t)e responsi&ilit% o!
t)e 8uali!ier.
T)e 8uali!ier s)all )ave appropriate 8uali!ications and experience in code governed
6elding related activities. A pre!erred credential is certi!ication as a 6elding inspector
=e.g., American <elding Societ% C<1>, &ut not re8uired. Per!ormance 8uali!ication
documentation s)all &e signed =certi!ied> and dated &% t)e 8uali!ier.
1t is permissi&le to su&contract an% or all o! t)e 6or' !or preparation o! test materials
prior to 6elding and su&se8uent 6or' on t)e preparation o! test specimens !rom t)e
completed 6eldments, per!ormance o! nondestructive examination and mec)anical
tests. Ho6ever, t)e 8uali!ier s)all &e ultimatel% responsi&le !or t)e validit% and
accurac% o! t)e 6or' per!ormed to support t)e process activities per!ormed under t)is
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
8% (,S,+3 .EQ0,.EME3TS
0ision acuit% is considered essential to t)e proper execution o! 6elding processes.
T)ere!ore, at a minimum, 6elder candidates s)all &e tested and t)eir vision s)all meet
t)e !ollo6ing minimum conditions in eac) e%e =natural or corrected>? > !or long
distance, &etter t)an 40+90 and, 4> !or sixteen =7> inc)es distance, permits reading o!
$aeger No. 4 t%pe. ;ailure to meet t)is minimum level o! vision acuit% s)all &e
su&stantial cause to > re@ect a candidate !or per!ormance 8uali!ication testing or, 4>
revo'e a current certi!ication or, 9> re!use recerti!ication. 2t)er vision acuit% tests
determined &% a 8uali!ied and licensed medical pro!essional to &e e8uivalent to t)e
a&ove s)all also &e accepta&le.
<elders s)all &e tested %earl% to ensure t)at t)ese vision re8uirements are maintained.
T)e examination =testing> s)all &e administered &% an 2p)t)almologist, 2ptometrist,
(edical #octor, Registered Nurse, or &% an% op)t)almic or medical personnel =e.g.,
,(T, F0N, paramedic, Certi!ied P)%sician.s Assistant, etc.> 8uali!ied and licensed to
administer t)ese speci!ic exams. Records o! t)ese tests s)all &e made availa&le to t)e
8uali!ier upon re8uest. <)en corrective aids are used !or t)e vision test, e8uivalent
aids s)all &e used !or production 6elding.
8%/ ,DE3T,F,'AT,+3 +F WE#DE.S
T)e contractor s)all assign a uni8ue num&er or ot)er identi!ication to eac) 6elder upon
t)eir initial 8uali!ication and is responsi&le !or maintaining 6elder identi!ication records
including t)e date o! assignment o! t)ese num&ers. T)e identi!ication s)all &e
tracea&le to an emplo%ee num&er, social securit% num&er, or ot)er in!ormation t)at is
uni8ue to t)at person to ensure t)ere is no duplication o! assignment o!
num&ers+identi!ications during t)e same period o! emplo%ment.
9%! TEST,31 .EQ0,.EME3TS
T)e per!ormance 8uali!ication tests are intended to determine t)e a&ilit% o! 6elders to
ma'e sound 6elds. Buali!ication tests s)all &e conducted using a 8uali!ied <PS,
except t)at 6)en per!ormance 8uali!ication is done in accordance 6it) a <PS t)at
re8uires a pre)eat or post6eld )eat treatment, and destructive testing 6ill not &e used,
t)ese post6eld processes ma% &e omitted.
9%* TEST .E'+.DS
;or eac) 6elder, t)e contractor s)all complete a <PB test record containing t)e
essential varia&les, t%pe o! tests and results, and t)e ranges 8uali!ied in accordance
6it) t)e applica&le sections o! t)is speci!ication. Suggested !ormats !or t)ese test
records is given in Appendix A, ;igures A, A4, and A9. Ho6ever, an% reasona&le
met)od o! maintaining t)ese records is considered accepta&le provided t)e necessar%
data is recorded and t)e records are readil% accessi&le upon re8uest.
9% Q0A#,F,'AT,+3 $- STA3DA.D TEST
Per!ormance 8uali!ication &% standard test s)all &e in accordance 6it) t)e examination
re8uirements o! Section 7.4.. Buali!ication &% standard test re8uires completion o! a
standard test 6eldment t)at meets t)e essential varia&le re8uirements o! Section 7.9
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
and &e 6elded in accordance 6it) a 8uali!ied <PS. Test 6eldments s)all satis!% t)e
applica&le acceptance criteria o! Section 7.5.
9%%* E:a4ination .e;uire4ents
,xcept !or t)e special re8uirements o! Section 7.-, eac) 6elder 6)o 6elds under t)e
rules o! t)is speci!ication s)all )ave passed t)e visual and mec)anical examinations
prescri&ed in Section 7.5 as applica&le. T)e examination re8uirements s)all &e in
accordance 6it) Ta&le 7.4., except t)at t)e lengt) o! 6eld re8uired !or 8uali!ication &%
radiograp)ic examination s)all &e in accordance 6it) Section 7.5.9.
<elders ma'ing a groove 6eld test coupon using ;CA<, :(A< =except 6it) t)e
s)ort-circuiting arc mode>, :TA<, PA<, or S(A<, or a com&ination o! t)ese
processes, ma% &e 8uali!ied &% radiograp)ic examination, except !or (aterial :roup
Num&ers 4G =Aluminum>, "G =Titanium>, and 7G =Hirconium> metals. Ho6ever, 6elders
8uali!%ing on &ase material=s> in :roup Num&ers 4G =Aluminum> or "G =Titanium> 6it)
t)e :TA< and+or PA< processes ma% &e 8uali!ied &% radiograp)ic examination.
Per!ormance 8uali!ication !or t)e :(A< process using t)e Ds)ort-circuiting arcE mode
s)all al6a%s re8uire &end testing except as speci!ied in Section 7.-.
Table 9%%*
E:a4ination .e;uire4ents < Qualification $y Standard Test
Pipe or Plate
E:a4ination 7 Testing 1roove Fillet
0isual ,xamination Ies Ies
Radiograp)ic ,xamination Ies
:uided *end Test Ies
;illet <eld S)ear Test -- Ies

;racture Test -- Ies
(acro ,xamination -- Ies
,it)er radiograp)ic examination or guided &end test ma% &e per!ormed.
,it)er !illet 6eld s)ear test or !illet !racture test ma% &e per!ormed.
9%/ ESSE3T,A# (A.,A$#ES
A 6elder 8uali!ied to 6eld in accordance 6it) one 8uali!ied <PS is also 8uali!ied to
6eld in accordance 6it) ot)er 8uali!ied <PSs, using t)e same 6elding process, 6it)in
t)e limits o! t)e essential per!ormance 6elding varia&les. A c)ange in t)e essential
varia&les as speci!ied &elo6 6ill re8uire additional per!ormance 8uali!ication &% t)e
a> A c)ange in t)e 6elding process.
&> T)e deletion o! &ac'ing =T)e term D&ac'ingE s)all mean metallic or non metallic
materials in an% !orm or &ac' 6elding at an% stage o! 6elding t)e @oint.>.
c> T)e deletion o! auxillar% s)ielding gas =e.g., trailing gas> or root side s)ielding gas
6)ere it is a <PS re8uirement, except !or @oints 6elded !rom &ot) sides.
d> A c)ange in t)e 6elding position except as allo6ed &% Section 7.9..
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
e> A c)ange in t)e 6eld metal t)ic'ness or tu&e+pipe diameter range &e%ond t)at !or
6)ic) t)e 6elder is 8uali!ied =Section 7.9.4>.
!> A c)ange in t)e &ase metal =(-No.> except as allo6ed &% Section 7.9.9.
g> A c)ange in t)e !iller metal =;-No.> except as allo6ed &% Section 7.9.-.
)> A c)ange in vertical 6elding progression, up6ard or do6n6ard, except !or !inal
dress passes =cap passes>.
i> ,xcept !or S(A<, a c)ange !rom AC to #C, or vice versa, or a c)ange in #C
@> ;or :(A<, a c)ange !rom t)e standard mode =spra% arc, glo&ular arc, or pulsed
arc> to t)e s)ort circuiting arc mode, or vice versa.
'> ;or PA<, a c)ange !rom trans!erred arc mode to t)e non trans!erred arc mode, or
vice versa.
l> ;or :TA< and PA<, t)e addition or deletion o! !iller metal or consuma&le inserts.
9%/%* Position
T)e positions !or 6)ic) a 6elder &ecomes 8uali!ied 6)en success!ull% completing a
test 6eldment in one or more o! t)e positions illustrated in Appendix A, ;igures A-, A",
A7, and A5 are s)o6n in Ta&le 7.9..
9%/% Thic=ness and Dia4eter
T)e t)ic'ness, and diameter 6)ere applica&le, o! a groove 6eld or !illet 6eld test
6eldment s)all &e &ased upon t)e 6eld t)ic'nesses and diameters to &e 6elded in
production. ;or groove 6elds, Ta&le 7.9.4 =a> s)o6s t)e ranges 8uali!ied &% a given
test 6eldment t)ic'ness and Ta&le 7.9.4 =&> s)o6s t)e ranges 8uali!ied &% a given test
6eldment diameter. ;or !illet 6elds, Ta&le 7.9.4 =c> s)o6s t)e ranges 8uali!ied &% a
given plate test 6eldment t)ic'ness and Ta&le 7.9.4 =d> s)o6s t)e ranges 8uali!ied &% a
given test 6eldment diameter. An% groove 6eld 8uali!ication s)all also 8uali!% a 6elder
!or !illet 6elds o! an% &ase material t)ic'ness, !illet si/es and diameters.
9%/%/ $ase Metals
Buali!ication s)all &e per!ormed 6it) a &ase metal=s> !rom t)e same &ase metal
group=s> to &e used in production, 6)ic) s)all 8uali!% onl% !or &ase metals under t)e
same ( Num&er =see Appendix C>, except t)at some &ase metals 8uali!% !or ot)er &ase
metals as speci!ied in Ta&le 7.9.9.
9%/%" Filler Metals
Buali!ication s)all &e per!ormed 6it) a !iller metal=s> !rom t)e same !iller metal group to
&e used in production, 6)ic) s)all 8uali!% onl% !or !iller metals under t)e same ;
Num&er =see Appendix *>, except t)at some !iller metals 8uali!% !or ot)er !iller metals as
speci!ied in Ta&le 7.9.-.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
Table 9%/%*
Welding Position and Dia4eter #i4itations
Position and Type Weld Qualified
Qualification Test 1roove Fillet
<eld Position Plate C Tu&e+Pipe Tu&e+Pipe less Plate C Tu&e+Pipe
over 4-E 2# t)an 4-E 2#
Plate - :roove : ; --- ;
4: ;, H --- ;, H
9: ;, 0 --- ;, H, 0
-: ;, 2 --- ;, H, 2
9: and -: ;, 0, 2 --- All
4:, 9:, and -: All --- All
9: and -:-1
All --- All
Plate - ;illet ; --- --- ;
4; --- --- ;, H
9; --- --- ;, H, 0
-; --- --- ;, H, 2
9; and -; --- --- All
Pipe J :roove
: ; ; ;
4: ;, H ;, H ;, H
": ;, 0, 2 ;, 0, 2 All
7: All All All
4: and ": All All All
Pipe J ;illet
; --- --- ;
4; --- --- ;, H
4;R --- --- ;, H
-; --- --- ;, H, 2
"; --- --- All
Positions o! 6elding as s)o6n in Appendix A, ;igures A-, A", A7, and A5.
;K ;lat, HK Hori/ontal, 0K 0ertical, 2K 2ver)ead
Tu&e+pipe 4
+8 E and over.
S8uare =&ox> tu&ing !lat-to-!lat dimension s)all &e considered t)e D2#E.
-:-1 means D-: 1nclinedE. T)is term is used to descri&e a position 6)ic) closel% simulates &ot) t)e over)ead
and )ori/ontal positions. T)e plate is oriented in t)e over)ead position except t)at t)e torc)side o! t)e plate is
inclined to -"
, a&out t)e axis o! t)e 6eld @oint.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
Table 9%/% 5a6
Thic=ness #i4its and Test Speci4ens < 1roove Welds
Thic=ness 5T6 .ange Type and 3u4ber of Tests
$end Thic=ness 5T6 of Qualified .e;uired 51uided $end6
Speci4ens Test 'oupon Mini4u4 Ma:i4u4 Side $end Face $end .oot $end
+8E L T 4 T Note
4 4
= 1n t)e ": or L T 4 T Note
4 4
7: Position >
Transverse >
+8E and < ME L T 4 T Note
4 4
= 1n t)e ": or L T 4 T Note
4 4
7: Position >
Transverse ME L T unlimited - n+a n+a
= 1n t)e ": or L T unlimited - n+a n+a
7: Position >
Fongitudinal An% L T 4 T --
- A side &end ma% &e su&stituted !or eac) o! t)e re8uired !ace and root &end tests.
Table 9%%* 5b6
1roove Weld Dia4eter #i4its
+utside Dia4eter
Q0A#,F,ED, in
of Test 'oupon, in Mini4u4 Ma:i4u4
< E si/e 6elded unlimited
E &ut < 4-
+8 D E unlimited
+8 E 4-
+8 E unlimited

S8uare =&ox> tu&ing !lat-to-!lat dimension s)all &e considered t)e D2#E.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
Table 9%%* 5c6
Thic=ness #i4its and Test Speci4ens < Fillet Welds 5Plate6
Type and 3u4ber of Tests
Thic=ness 5T6 of Test
Type of &oint 'oupon as >elded .ange Qualified Macro Fracture
Tee ;illet
+7E and
+8E All &ase material t)ic'nesses,
!illet si/es, and diameters
+8 E 2# and over
Tee ;illet <
+7E T to 4T &ase metal t)ic'ness.
T maximum !illet si/e, and all
diameters 4-
+8 E 2# and over
Table 9%%* 5d6
S4all Dia4eter Fillet Weld Test
+utside Dia4eter
Mini4u4 +utside
of Test coupon Dia4eter Qualified Thic=ness Qualified
< E 2# Si/e 6elded Anlimited
E &ut < 4-
+8 E 2# E Anlimited
+8 E 2# 4-
+8 E Anlimited
S8uare =&ox> tu&ing !lat-to-!lat dimension s)all &e considered t)e D2#E.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C
Table 9%/%/
Allo>able Test Weld4ent $ase Metal 1roups 5M<3u4bers6
*ase (etal (-Num&er=s> Ased
!or <elder Buali!ication Test
Buali!ies !or *ase (etal (-Num&er=s>
(-No. t)roug) (-No. or (-No. t)roug) (-No. , (-No. - t)roug)
(-No. - t)roug) (-No. -5 (-No. -5, and an% unassigned &ase metals o!
similar c)emical composition to t)ese metals.
(-No. 4 (-No. 4 onl%
(-No. 9 (-No. 9 onl%
(-No. 4, 44, 49, or 4" (-No. 4, 44, 49, or 4"
(-No. 47 (-No. 47 onl%

(-No. 9 t)roug) (-No. 9" (-No. 9 t)roug) (-No. 9"
(-No. -8 (-No. -8 onl%
(-No. ", "4, "9 or (-No. 7, 74 (-No. ", "4, "9 and (-No. 7, 74
(-No. "" (-No. "" onl%

(-No. 8 (-No. 8 onl%
(-No. 3 (-No. 3 onl%
Per!ormance 8uali!ication tests using a &ase metal not listed in Appendix C s)all 8uali!% onl% !or t)at &ase metal.
,ac) &ase metal in t)is (-Num&er group 6ill re8uire individual 8uali!ication.
(-Num&er &ase metal allo%s are as !ollo6s?
(-No. t)ru (-No. 9 - Steel and Steel Allo%s
(-No. 4G - Aluminum and Aluminum-*ase Allo%s
(-No. 9G - Copper and Copper-*ase Allo%s
(-No. -G - Nic'el and Nic'el-*ase Allo%s
(-No. "G - Titanium and Titanium-*ase Allo%s
(-No. 7G - Hirconium and Hirconium-*ase Allo%s
(-No. 8 - Co&alt and Co&alt-*ase Allo%s
(-No. 3 - (agnesium and (agnesium-*ase Allo%s
(erify correct version before use%
Page 4 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Table 9%/%"
Allo>able Test Weld4ent Filler Metal 1roups 5F<3u4bers6
;iller (etal ;-Num&er=s> Ased
!or <elder Buali!ication Test
Buali!ies !or ;iller (etal ;-Num&er=s>
An% ;-No. t)roug) ;-No. - T)e ;-Num&er used in test 6eldment and an%
=6it) &ac'ing> lo6er ;-Num&er, 6it) &ac'ing onl%.
An% ;-No. t)roug) ;-No. - T)e ;-Num&er used in test 6eldment 6it) or 6it)out
=6it)out &ac'ing> &ac'ing and an% lo6er ;-Num&er, 6it) &ac'ing onl%.
An% ;-No. " =6it) &ac'ing> An% ;-No. or " 6it) &ac'ing
An% ;-No. " =6it)out &ac'ing> An% ;-No. 6it) &ac'ing and an% ;-No. " 6it) or
6it)out &ac'ing
An% ;-No. 7 An% ;-No. 7
An% ;-No. 4 An% ;-No. 4
An% ;-No. 9 An% ;-No. 9
An% ;-No. 4 t)ru ;-No. 4- An% ;-No. 4 t)roug) ;-No. 4-
An% ;-No. 47 An% ;-No. 47
An% ;-No. 9, 94, 99, 97, or 95 2nl% t)e same ;-Num&er t)at 6as used during t)e
An% ;-No. 9- or ;-No. - t)ru ;-No. 9- and an% ;-No. - t)ru ;-No. -"
;-No. -"
An% ;-No. -8 An% ;-No. -8
An% ;-No. " t)ru ;-No. "- An% ;-No. " t)ru ;-No. "-
An% ;-No. "" An% ;-No. ""
An% ;-No. 7 An% ;-No. 7
An% ;-No. 8 An% ;-No. 8
An% ;-No. 3 An% ;-No. 3
Per!ormance 8uali!ication tests using a !iller metal not listed in Appendix * s)all 8uali!% onl% !or t)at !iller metal.
,ac) !iller metal in t)is ;-Num&er group 6ill re8uire individual 8uali!ication.
;-Num&er !iller metal allo%s are as !ollo6s?
;-No. t)roug) ;-No. 9 - Steel and Steel Allo%s ;-No. "G - Titanium and Titanium-*ase Allo%s
;-No. 4G - Aluminum and Aluminum-*ase Allo%s ;-No. 7G - Hirconium and Hirconium-*ase Allo%s
;-No. 9G - Copper and Copper-*ase Allo%s ;-No. 8 - Co&alt and Co&alt-*ase Allo%s
;-No. -G - Nic'el and Nic'el-*ase Allo%s ;-No. 3 - (agnesium and (agnesium-*ase Allo%s
(erify correct version before use%
Page 9 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
9%" Q0A#,F,'AT,+3 $- W+.2MA3S?,P TEST
Ander special conditions, 6)ere it is determined t)at t)e standard tests ma% not &e !ull%
applica&le or do not accommodate t)e actual )ard6are re8uirements, t)e 6elder ma%
&e 8uali!ied &% a 6or'mans)ip test =sometimes re!erred to as DProduction Assem&l%
(oc'upE> in lieu o! t)e standard test 6eld re8uirements o! Section 7.4. T)is met)od o!
8uali!ication must &e approved &% t)e responsi&le (aterials C Processes =(CP>
organi/ation and s)all onl% appl% to 6elding activities !or !lig)t or non !lig)t structural
)ard6are. <elding o! non !lig)t pressuri/ed )ard6are s)all &e per!ormed onl% &%
6elders 8uali!ied &% standard testing.
9%"%* Wor=4anship Test Weld4ents for 3on Flight Structural 53FS6 ?ard>are
Per!ormance 8uali!ication &% 6or'mans)ip test re8uires completion o! one or more
6or'mans)ip 6eldments in accordance 6it) a 8uali!ied <PS, representing a t%pical
production con!iguration=s> and conditions. T)e 6or'mans)ip 6eldment ma% &e an
actual production 6eld in lieu o! a test sample representative o! t)e production
9%"%*%* Qualification #i4itations for 3FS ?ard>are Wor=4anship Tests
<)en 6or'mans)ip 8uali!ication testing is per!ormed, t)e maximum 8uali!ication range
allo6ed s)all &e limited to t)e condition ranges =i.e., essential varia&les> allo6ed &% t)e
<PS used to ma'e t)e test 6eld. Ho6ever, t)e responsi&le (CP organi/ation s)all
)ave t)e aut)orit% to !urt)er limit an% or all o! t)ese condition ranges as determined
necessar%, to ensure t)e 8ualit% o! t)e manuall% applied 6elds.
9%"%*% Wor=4anship Test E:a4ination and Testing for 3FS ?ard>are
At a minimum, 6or'mans)ip test 6eldments s)all &e accepted or re@ected &ased
primaril% on t)e visual examination criteria given in section 7.5. As deemed necessar%
and appropriate &% t)e (CP organi/ation, additional testing =e.g., N#,, metallograp)%,
destructive testing, proo! testing, etc.> ma% &e speci!ied !or t)e test 6eldment to
validate t)e soundness and integrit% o! t)e deposited 6elds.
9%"%*%/ Failure of Wor=4anship Weld4ent for 3FS ?ard>are
1! t)e per!ormance test is made on a given production 6eld and it is deemed re@ecta&le
during examination, t)is 6eld s)all &e treated according to t)e applica&le process
speci!ication re8uirements !or 6eld repairs. No !urt)er 6elding s)all &e permitted on
t)e production )ard6are and !urt)er per!ormance testing s)all &e administered onl% on
moc' test samples per 7.-. or standard testing per 7.4. All ot)er retesting
re8uirements o! 7." s)all also appl%.
9%"% Wor=4anship Test Weld4ents for Flight ?ard>are
Per!ormance 8uali!ication &% 6or'mans)ip test re8uires completion o! one or more
6or'mans)ip 6eldments in accordance 6it) a 8uali!ied <PS, representing a t%pical
production con!iguration=s> and conditions. T)e 6or'mans)ip 6eldment ma% &e an
actual production 6eld in lieu o! a test sample representative o! t)e production
(erify correct version before use%
Page - o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
9%"%%* Qualification #i4itations for Flight ?ard>are Wor=4anship Tests
<)en 6or'mans)ip 8uali!ication testing is per!ormed, t)e 8uali!ication range 8uali!ied
!or production 6elding s)all &e limited to t)e 6elding conditions o! t)e test 6eld 6it)
regard to process, &ase metal t)ic'ness, speci!ic !iller metal, position, 6eld t%pe and
@oint con!iguration emplo%ed during t)e 6elding o! t)e test 6eld, and an% ot)er 6elding
condition or parameter identi!ied &% t)e (CP organi/ation.
9%"%% Wor=4anship Test E:a4ination and Testing for Flight ?ard>are
At a minimum, 6or'mans)ip test 6eldments s)all &e accepted or re@ected &ased on t)e
results o! all examinations and testing t)at duplicate t)at speci!ied !or t)e production
)ard6are, and at t)e sames classes o! 8ualit% as speci!ied !or t)e production 6elds. As
deemed necessar% and appropriate &% t)e (CP organi/ation, additional testing =e.g.,
N#,, metallograp)%, destructive testing, proo! testing, etc.> ma% &e speci!ied !or t)e
test 6eldment to validate t)e soundness and integrit% o! t)e deposited 6elds.
9%"%%/ Failure of Wor=4anship Weld4ent for Flight ?ard>are
1! t)e per!ormance test is made on a given production 6eld and it is deemed re@ecta&le
during examination, t)is 6eld s)all &e treated according to t)e applica&le process
speci!ication re8uirements !or 6eld repairs. No !urt)er 6elding s)all &e permitted on
t)e production )ard6are and !urt)er per!ormance testing s)all &e administered onl% on
moc' test samples per 7.-. or standard testing per 7.4. All ot)er retesting
re8uirements o! 7." s)all also appl%.
A 6elder 6)o !ails an% per!ormance test ma% &e retested under t)e !ollo6ing conditions
descri&ed &elo6.
9%8%* ,44ediate .etest 0pon Test Failure
<)en t)e 8uali!ication coupon )as !ailed t)e visual examination, mec)anical testing, or
radiograp)ic examination, an immediate retest s)all &e allo6ed. <)en an immediate
retest is made, t)e 6elder s)all ma'e t6o =4> consecutive test coupons !or eac) !ailed
test, &ot) o! 6)ic) s)all pass all o! t)e prescri&ed visual inspection re8uirements. T)e
8uali!ier s)all t)en select one => o! t)e success!ul test coupons =!or eac) speci!ic test>
!or mec)anical or radiograp)ic testing. Retesting s)all &e allo6ed onl% once. 1! a
6elder !ails t)e retest, !urt)er training and practice s)all &e re8uired prior to attempting
anot)er test.
9%8% .etest Follo>ing Further Training
<)en t)e 6elder )as )ad !urt)er training and practice, a retest consisting o! all t)e
original test re8uirements s)all &e permitted. 1! 6elder training is considered necessar%
it s)all &e conducted in accordance 6it) T1-0000-0- or a vendor generated training
9%9 Q0A#,F,'AT,+3 D0.AT,+3
T)e per!ormance 8uali!ication o! a 6elder s)all remain in e!!ect inde!initel% unless one
o! t)e !ollo6ing conditions occur?
(erify correct version before use%
Page " o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
a> <)en t)e 6elder )as not 6elded 6it) a process during a period o! six =7> mont)s or
more, t)e 6elder.s 8uali!ication !or t)at process s)all expire.
&> <)en t)ere is speci!ic reason to 8uestion t)e 6elder.s a&ilit% to ma'e 6elds t)at
meet t)e applica&le speci!ication, t)e 8uali!ications 6)ic) support t)e 6elding
t)e 6elder is doing s)all &e revo'ed &% t)e (CP organi/ation, management, or
supervision. All ot)er 8uali!ications not 8uestioned s)all remain in e!!ect.
9%9%* .ene>al of Qualification
a> Rene6al o! 8uali!ication expired under 7.7=a> a&ove ma% &e made !or an% process
&% 6elding a single test coupon o! eit)er plate or pipe, o! an% material, t)ic'ness
or diameter, in an% position, and testing t)at coupon in accordance 6it) Section
7.4. or t)e original test re8uirements !or t)at 8uali!ication. A success!ul test
rene6s t)e 6elder.s previous 8uali!ications !or t)at process.
&> <elders 6)ose 8uali!ication )ave &een revo'ed under 7.7=&> a&ove s)all re8uali!%
to t)e same test conditions as administered !or t)e original 8uali!ication.
Buali!ication e!!orts s)all utili/e t)e appropriate process, test coupon, position,
and all ot)er essential varia&les emplo%ed 6it) t)e 8uali!ication t)at 6as
revo'ed and test t)at coupon in accordance 6it) Section 7.4.. A success!ul test
restores t)e 8uali!ication.
c> ;ollo6ing an interruption to emplo%ment, 6elders re)ired to t)e same
organi/ation 6it)in 7 mont)s !rom t)e last veri!ication o! a certi!ication &eing
current 6it) t)at emplo%er, s)all not &e re8uired to recerti!% at t)e discretion o!
t)e 8uali!ier. 1! it is determined t)at t)e 6elder.s s'ill in a given process )as
deteriorated due to t)e interruption in emplo%ment, t)en at a minimum, t)e
6elder s)all &e re8uired to test per 7.7. a> a&ove.
All visual inspections o! 6elded test coupons s)all &e per!ormed &% an American
<elding Societ% =A<S> Certi!ied <elding 1nspector =C<1> 8uali!ied in accordance 6it)
A<S BC-. T)e C<1 certi!ication must &e current.
9%@%* (isual E:a4ination of 1roove Welds
All test coupons s)all &e examined in t)e Das 6eldedE condition 6it) t)e 6eld
rein!orcement le!t su&stantiall% intact unless ot)er6ise directed &% t)e 8uali!ier.
Ho6ever, at t)e discretion o! t)e 8uali!ier, sur!ace dressing suc) as minor grinding,
sanding, 6ire &rus)ing, and+or lig)t !iling s)all &e allo6ed to prepare t)e 6eld !or
;or plate coupons, all sur!aces =except areas designated DdiscardE or Ddrop o!!E> s)all
&e examined visuall% &e!ore t)e cutting o! &end specimens or prior to radiograp)ic
examination. Tu&e+pipe coupons s)all &e visuall% examined over t)e entire
circum!erence, inside and outside &e!ore t)e cutting o! &end specimens or prior to
radiograp)ic examination. T)e acceptance criteria is as !ollo6s and DTE s)all mean
D&ase metal t)ic'nessE?
a> Crac's are unaccepta&le.
&> Ander!ill =caused &% 6elding or mec)anical means> is unaccepta&le.
(erify correct version before use%
Page 7 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
c> Complete !usion and @oint penetration is re8uired.
d> 2verlap is unaccepta&le.
e> (ismatc) allo6ed in T +7E s)all not exceed 0.4T. <)ere T N+7E mismatc)
s)all not exceed 0.T or 0.0E, 6)ic)ever is less.
!> <eld rein!orcement s)all &e su&stantiall% smoot) and s)all transition into t)e &ase
metal graduall% so as to !orm a considera&l% Dlo6 stressE sur!ace condition.
<eld rein!orcement allo6ed !or t)e root and !ace !or T +7E s)all not exceed
0.04E O T or 0.0"E, 6)ic)ever is less, and !or T >+7E s)all not exceed 0.8T or
+8E, 6)ic)ever is less.
g> Andercut =caused &% 6elding or mec)anical means> s)all not &e greater t)an 0.T
deep or +94E, 6)ic)ever is less.
)> ;or T +7E t)ere s)all &e no voids or inclusions >+94E or 0.7T in an% dimension,
6)ic)ever is less. ;or T >+7E t)ere s)all &e no voids or inclusions >9+94E or
0.-T in an% dimension, 6)ic)ever is less. 1! 4 or more voids+inclusions are
separated &% a distance t)e diameter o! t)e larger void, t)e cluster s)all &e
counted as one void and measured and evaluated accordingl% to t)e criteria
i> Arc stri'es are unaccepta&le and s)all &e removed.
9%@% (isual E:a4ination of Fillet Welds
;or plate coupons all sur!aces =except areas designated DdiscardE > s)all &e examined
visuall% &e!ore t)e cutting o! !racture and macro examination specimens. Pipe-to-pipe
and pipe-to-plate coupons s)all &e visuall% examined over t)e entire circum!erence
&e!ore t)e cutting o! !racture and macro examination specimens. T)e acceptance
criteria is as !ollo6s and and DTE s)all mean D&ase metal t)ic'nessE?
a> Crac's are unaccepta&le.
&> 2verlap is unaccepta&le.
c> ;illet 6eld leg si/e s)all &e e8ual to t)e t)ic'ness o! t)e t)inner component
&eing @oined unless ot)er6ise speci!ied &% t)e 8uali!ier. (aximum leg si/e s)all
not exceed 0.4T or 9+7E greater t)an t)e minimum re8uired, 6)ic)ever is t)e
lesser, unless ot)er6ise speci!ied &% t)e 8uali!ier.
d> ;illet 6elds s)all )ave approximatel% e8ual legs. 1! t)e legs o! t)e 6eld are
measura&l% di!!erent, t)e leg si/e ratio s)all &e no greater t)an ." at an%
e> <eld rein!orcement s)all &e su&stantiall% smoot) and s)all transition into t)e
&ase metal graduall% so as to !orm a considera&l% Dlo6 stressE sur!ace condition.
<elds ma% &e slig)tl% concave, convex, or !lat. Concavit% and convexit% s)all
not exceed 0P o! t)e average leg si/e or +7E, 6)ic)ever is t)e lesser, at an%
!> Andercut =caused &% 6elding or mec)anical means> s)all not &e greater t)an
0.T deep or a maximum o! +94E, 6)ic)ever is less.
g> ;or T +7E t)ere s)all &e no voids or inclusions >+94E or 0.7T in an%
dimension, 6)ic)ever is less. ;or T >+7E t)ere s)all &e no voids or inclusions
>9+94E or 0.-T in an% dimension, 6)ic)ever is less. 1! 4 or more voids+inclusions
are separated &% a distance t)e diameter o! t)e larger void, t)e cluster s)all &e
counted as one void and measured and evaluated accordingl% to t)e criteria
)> Arc stri'es are unaccepta&le and s)all &e removed.
(erify correct version before use%
Page 5 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
9%@%/ .adiographic E:a4ination
Radiograp)ic examination is intended to evaluate t)e internal 8ualit% o! a 6eld deposit
t)ere!ore t)e criteria stated )erein is intended to &e applied to t)e same. Ho6ever,
6)ere a 6eld test coupon=s> cannot &e ade8uatel% evaluated+inspected &% visual
examination on all external sur!aces =e.g., small diameter tu&es+pipe>, t)e applica&le
criteria stated a&ove in 7.5. s)all also appl% to t)e radiograp)ic !ilm interpretation.
<)en a 6elder is 8uali!ied &% radiograp)ic examination, as permitted &% Section 7.4.,
t)e minimum lengt) o! coupon=s> to &e examined s)all &e six =7> inc)es and s)all
include t)e entire 6eld !or plate =less designated discard sections> and t)e entire 6eld
circum!erence !or pipes. ;or small diameter tu&e+pipe, multiple coupons ma% &e
re8uired, &ut t)e num&er need not exceed !our =-> consecutivel% made coupons. T)e
acceptance criteria is as !ollo6s and DTE s)all mean D&ase metal t)ic'nessE?
a> Crac's are unaccepta&le.
&> Fac' o! !usion is unaccepta&le.
c> ;or T +7E t)ere s)all &e no indications, voids, or inclusions >+94E or 0.7T in
an% dimension, 6)ic)ever is less. ;or T >+7E t)ere s)all &e no indications,
voids, or inclusions >9+94E or 0.-T in an% dimension, 6)ic)ever is less. 1! 4 or
more voids+inclusions are separated &% a distance t)e diameter o! t)e larger
void, t)e cluster s)all &e counted as one void and measured and evaluated
accordingl% to t)e criteria a&ove.
9%@%" 1uided $end Testing
<)en a 6elder is 8uali!ied &% guided &end testing, test specimens s)all &e prepared &%
cutting t)e test plate or tu&e+pipe to !orm specimens o! approximatel% rectangular cross
section. T)e cut sur!aces s)all designate t)e sides o! t)e specimen. T)e ot)er t6o
sur!aces s)all &e called t)e !ace and t)e root sur!aces. ;or plate coupons t)e !ace
s)all &e designated as t)e side t)at t)e 6eld t)e 6eld 6as made !rom =torc) side> !or
single sided 6elds or t)e side o! t)e 6eld t)at t)e !irst 6eld pass=es> 6as made !rom !or
dou&le sided 6elds. ;or tu&e+pipe coupons, t)e outside sur!ace o! t)e tu&e+pipe is
t%picall% t)e torc) side. 1n an% case, e8ual num&ers o! specimens s)all &e tested !rom
eac) side o! t)e test coupon.
9%@%"%* Test Speci4en .e4oval
T)e location o! specimen removal s)all &e in su&stantial accordance 6it) t)e !ollo6ing
!igures located in Appendix A.
;or plate test coupons, t)e !ollo6ing s)all appl%?
a> Transverse !ace and root, or side &ends in accordance 6it) ;igure A8.
&> Fongitudinal !ace and root &ends in accordance 6it) ;igure A3.
;or tu&ular product test coupons, onl% transverse &ends are used and t)e !ollo6ing
s)all appl%?
a> ;ace and root &end specimens removed !rom tu&e+pipe 6it) a 6all t)ic'ness o! up
to 0.5"0E in accordance 6it) ;igure A0.
&> Side &end specimens removed !rom tu&e+pipe 6it) a 6all t)ic'ness o! 0.5"0E and
over and alternate !rom 0.95"E &ut less t)an 0.5"0E 6all t)ic'ness in accordance
6it) ;igure A.
(erify correct version before use%
Page 8 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
c> 1n t)e situation 6)ere a s8uare =&ox> tu&ular product is used !or t)e test 6eld,
specimens s)all &e removed !rom t)e test 6eldment in su&stantial accordance
6it) t)e applica&le !igure !ound in C)apter 9 o! A<S *4..
;or tu&ular products 6it) a diameter e8ual to or less t)an -9+8E 2.#., t)e &end
specimens ma% &e o&tained &% cutting t)e tu&e+pipe into 8uarter sections. T)ese
8uarter sections specimens are not re8uired to )ave one sur!ace mac)ined !lat.
9%@%"% Preparation of Test Speci4ens
T)e si/e and preparation o! guided &end specimens =plate or tu&e+pipe> s)all &e in
su&stantial accordance 6it) t)e !ollo6ing !igures in Appendix A.
a> Side &end specimens in accordance 6it) ;igure A4.
&> Transverse !ace and root &end specimens in accordance 6it) ;igure A9.
c> Fongitudinal !ace and root &end specimens in accordance 6it) ;igure A-.
9%@%"%/ Test &igs
:uided &end specimens s)all &e &ent in test @igs t)at are in su&stantial accordance
6it) t)e !ollo6ing !igures in Appendix A. *end radii and ot)er test @ig dimension s)all
&e in accordance 6it) Ta&le A in Appendix A.
a> :uided &end test @ig, in accordance 6it) ;igure A". <)en using t)e guided
&end @ig, t)e side o! t)e specimen turned to6ard t)e gap in t)e @ig s)all &e t)e
!ace !or !ace &end specimens, t)e root !or root &end specimens, and t)e side
6it) t)e greater de!ects, i! an%, !or t)e side &end specimens. T)e specimen s)all
&e !orced into t)e die &% appl%ing a load on t)e plunger until t)e curvature o! t)e
specimen is suc) t)at a 0.4"E diameter 6ire cannot &e inserted &et6een t)e
specimen and t)e die.
&> :uided &end roller test @ig =&ottom e@ection>, in accordance 6it) ;igure A7.
<)en using t)e guided &end roller @ig, t)e side o! t)e specimen turned to6ard
t)e gap in t)e @ig s)all &e t)e !ace !or !ace &end specimens, t)e root !or root
&end specimens, and t)e side 6it) t)e greater de!ects, i! an%, !or t)e side &end
specimens. T)e specimen s)all &e !orced into t)e die &% appl%ing a load on t)e
plunger until t)e specimen is &ottom e@ected.
c> <rap around @ig, in accordance 6it) ;igure A5. <)en using t)e 6rap around
@ig, t)e side o! t)e specimen turned to6ard t)e roller s)all &e t)e !ace !or !ace
&end specimens, t)e root !or root &end specimens, and t)e side 6it) t)e greater
de!ects, i! an%, !or t)e side &end specimens.
9%@%"%" Acceptance 'riteria
T)e acceptance criteria !or guided &end test s)all &e as !ollo6s?
a> T)e 6eld and )eat a!!ected /one o! a transverse specimen s)all &e completel% in
t)e &ent portion o! t)e specimen a!ter testing.
&> T)ere s)all &e no open de!ects in t)e 6eld or )eat a!!ected /one >+8E, measured in
an% direction on t)e convex sur!ace o! t)e specimen a!ter &ending.
c> 2pen de!ects occurring on t)e corners o! t)e specimen during testing s)all not &e
considered unless t)ere is de!inite evidence t)at t)e% result !rom lac' o! !usion,
slag inclusions, or ot)er internal de!ects.
(erify correct version before use%
Page 3 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
9%@%8 Fracture Test
T)e stem o! t)e plate specimen - inc) center section in accordance 6it) Appendix A,
;igure A8 or t)e stem o! one o! t)e pipe 8uarters in accordance 6it) ;igure A3 or
A40, as applica&le, s)all &e loaded laterall% in suc) a 6a% t)at t)e root o! t)e 6eld is in
tension. T)e load s)all &e steadil% increased until t)e specimen !ractures or &ends !lat
upon itsel!. 1! t)e specimen does not !racture, it s)all &e considered accepta&le. 1! t)e
specimen !ractures, t)e acceptance criteria is as !ollo6s?
a> T)e !ractured sur!ace s)all s)o6 no evidence crac's or incomplete root !usion.
&> T)e sum o! t)e lengt)s o! inclusions and porosit% visi&le on t)e !ractured sur!ace
s)all not exceed 9+8E in plate specimens or 0P o! t)e lengt) o! t)e 8uarter
section o! tu&e+pipe.
9%@%9 Macro E:a4ination
T)e cut end o! one o! t)e end plate sections in accordance 6it) Appendix A, ;igure A8
or t)e cut end o! one o! t)e tu&e+pipe 8uarters in accordance 6it) ;igure A3 or A40, as
applica&le, s)all &e smoot)ed and etc)ed 6it) a suita&le etc)ant to give a clear
de!inition o! t)e 6eld metal and )eat a!!ected /one and t)en examined. T)e
acceptance criteria is as !ollo6s?
a> Complete !usion is re8uired.
&> T)ere s)all &e no crac's.
@%! DE(,AT,+3S A3D WA,(E.S
An% deviations or 6aivers regarding t)e use o! t)is process speci!ication s)all &e
re8uested in 6riting. T)is re8uest s)all &e directed to t)e NASA+$SC (CP organi/ation
6it) t)e appropriate @usti!ication and rationale. A 6ritten response 6ill &e provided
upon suc) a re8uest.
(erify correct version before use%
Page 40 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
A(S-ST# "3" BAAF1;1CAT12N T,ST R,C2R#
$oint 6elding procedure
*ase metal description
<elding process
S)eet groove
Tu&e groove
S)eet !illet
Tu&e !illet
*ase (etal :roup No.
S)eet groove
Tu&e groove
S)eet !illet
Tu&e !illet
1d. SS No.
<elder Q R <elding operator Q R
:roup No.
#o6n Q R
#C Q R
Ap Q R
Single 6eld Q R #ou&le 6eld Q R
*ac'ing Ies Q R No Q R
Penetration Complete Q R Partial Q R
: Q R
: Q R
; Q R
; Q R
4: Q R
4: Q R
4; Q R
4; Q R
9: Q R
": Q R
9; Q R
4;R Q R
-: Q R -:-1 Q R
7: Q R
-; Q R
-; Q R "; Q R
#imension, inc) Position
Pass Q R
Pass Q R
Pass Q R
Pass Q R
;ail Q R
;ail Q R
;ail Q R
;ail Q R
#o6n Q R
#C Q R
Ap Q R
Single 6eld Q R #ou&le 6eld Q R
*ac'ing Ies Q R No Q R
Penetration Complete Q R Partial Q R
;lat Q R
;lat Q R
;lat Q R
;lat Q R
Hori Q R
Hori Q R
Hori Q R
Hori Q R
0ert Q R
0ert Q R
0ert Q R
0ert Q R
2ver Q R
2ver Q R
(in. (ax. (in. (ax.
t, inc) 2.#., inc)
T)e a&ove named individual is 8uali!ied in accordance 6it) PRC-0008 6)ic) meets t)e re8uirements o! A(S-ST#-"3" 6it)in t)e a&ove limits
!or t)e 6elding process used !or t)is test 6eld.
#ate o! test 6eld
Figure A*
2ver Q R
2ver Q R
(erify correct version before use%
Page 4 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
A<S *4. P,R;2R(ANC, BAAF1;1CAT12N T,ST R,C2R#
Social securit% num&er
Test &ase metal speci!ications
(aterial num&er
;uel gas =2;<>
A<S !iller metal classi!ication
*ac'ing ?
Current ?
Consuma&le insert ?
Root s)ielding ?
1.++(E )
F,##ET )
2t)er =descri&e>
Test results ? Remar's
0isual test results
*end test results
(acro test results
Tension test
Radiograp)ic test results
Penetrant test
N+A = >
N+A = >
N+A = >
N+A = >
N+A = >
N+A = >
Pass = >
Pass = >
Pass = >
Pass = >
Pass = >
Pass = >
;ail = >
;ail = >
;ail = >
;ail = >
;ail = >
;ail = >
Q0A#,F,ED F+. )
1.++(E )
F,##ET )
<eld cladding = >
Consuma&le insert = >
0ertical Ap = >
Single side = >
S)ort-circuiting arc = >
Rein!orcing &ar - &utt = >
T)e a&oved named person is 8uali!ied in accordance 6it) PRC-0008 6)ic) meets t)e re8uirements o! A<S *4. 6it)in t)e a&ove limits
!or t)e 6elding process used !or t)is test 6eld.
#ate tested
T (in Position=s> Clad (in (in
or Spliced &utt = >
Spra% arc = > Pulsed arc = >
#ou&le side = > No &ac'ing = >
#o6n = >
*ac'ing t%pe = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
= T > (in
= T > (in
*ar si/e
= T > (in
= T > (in
*ar si/e
(in (ax
; = >
; = >
4; = >
4; = >
9; = >
4;R = >
-; = >
-; = >
"; = > #iameter = T >
= T >
= T >
*ar si/e
= T >
*utt = >
Spliced &utt = >
: = >
: = >
: = >
4: = >
4: = >
4: = >
": = >
9: = >
9: = >
7: = >
-: = >
-: = >
1denti!ication <elder = > 2perator = >
Buali!ied to <PS no.
(anual = >
Semi-Automatic = > Automatic = > (ac)ine = >
; no.
Ies = >
Ac = >
Ies = >
Ies = >
No = >
#C = >
No = >
No = >
#ou&le = > or Single side = >
S)ort-circuiting arc =:(A<> Ies = > No = >
Figure A
-:-1 = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
;lat = > Hori = > 0ert = > 2ver = > AFF = >
(erify correct version before use%
Page 44 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
AS(, S,C 1G <,F#,R+<,F#1N: 2P,RAT2R P,R;2R(ANC, BAAF1;1CAT12NS
*ac'ing =metal, 6eld metal, 6elded !rom &ot) sides, !lux, etc.> =B<--04>
AS(, P-No. to AS(, P-No. =B<--09>
= > Plate = > Pipe =enter diameter i! pipe>
;iller metal speci!ication =S;A> ? Classi!ication =B<--0->
;iller metal ;-No.
Consuma&le insert !or :TA< or PA<
<eld deposit t)ic'ness !or eac) 6elding process
<elding position =:, ":, etc.> =B<--0">
Progression =up)ill+do6n)ill>
*ac'ing gas !or :TA<, PA<, or :(A<S !uel gas !or 2;< =B<--08>
:(A< trans!er mode =B<--03>
:TA< 6elding current t%pe+polarit%
#irect+remote visual control
Automatic voltage control =:TA<>
Automatic @oint trac'ing
<elding position =:, ":, etc.>
Consuma&le insert
*ac'ing =metal, 6eld metal, 6elded !rom &ot) sides, !lux, etc.>
Machine Welding (ariables for the Process 0sed 5QW</9!6
Manual or Se4iauto4atic (ariables for Each Process 5QW</8!6
1uided $end Test .esults
:uided *end Tests T%pe = > B<--74.4 =Side> Results = > B<--74.9=a> =Trans. R C ; T%pe> = > B<--74.9=&> =Fong. R C ;> Results
Actual (alues .ange Qualified
0isual examination results =B<-904.->
Radiograp)ic test results =B<-90- and B<-90">
=;or alternative 8uali!ication o! groove 6elds &% radiograp)%>
;illet <eld - ;racture test
(acro test !usion
<elding test conducted &%
(ec)anical tests conducted &%
<e certi!% t)at t)e statements in t)is record are correct and t)at t)e test coupons 6ere prepared, 6elded, and tested in accordance 6it) t)e
re8uirements o! PRC-0008 6)ic) meets or exceeds t)e re8uirements o! Section 1G o! t)e AS(, Code.
Fengt) and percent o! de!ects
Fa&orator% test no.
;illet leg si/e in. x in. Concavit%+Convexit% in.
<elder.s name
<elding process=es> used
1denti!ication o! <PS !ollo6ed &% 6elder during 6elding o! test coupon
*ase material=s> 6elded T)ic'ness
Cloc' num&er Stamp no.
Actual (alues .ange Qualified
Appendi: A
Figure A/
(erify correct version before use%
Page 49 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A

Figure A" < 1roove Welds in Plate, Test Positions
Figure A8 < 1roove Welds in Pipe, Test Positions
(erify correct version before use%
Page 4- o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A9 < Fillet Welds in Plate, Test Positions
Figure A@ < Fillet Welds in Pipe, Test Positions
(erify correct version before use%
Page 4" o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A@ 5continued6 < Fillet Welds in Pipe, Test Positions
Figure AB < Standard Plate Transverse $end Test Weld4ents
(erify correct version before use%
Page 47 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure AC < Alternate Plate Test Weld4ent, #ongitudinal $ends
Figure A*! < Face and .oot $ends Figure A** < Side $ends
(erify correct version before use%
Page 45 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A* < Transverse Side $end Speci4ens
Figure A*/ < Transverse Face and .oot $end Speci4ens
(erify correct version before use%
Page 48 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A*" < #ongitudinal Face and .oot $end Speci4ens
(erify correct version before use%
Page 43 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A*8 < 1uided $end Test &ig
Figure A*9 < 1uided $end .oller 5$otto4 EDection6 Test &ig
(erify correct version before use%
Page 90 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Table A < 1uided $end Test &ig Di4ensions
T)ic'ness o! DAE DCE
*ase (etal Specimen = T or inc)es > = T or inc)es >
(-No. 4G, 6elded 6it) ;-No. 49S
(-No. 49, as 6eldedS (-No. 9"S

+8E 4-

+7E 4-
An% (-No. 6elded 6it) ;-No. 97 Fess t)an

+8E 7-

+4 T 8-

+4 T O

(-No. S (-No. 4"
+8E 4-

+4E 9-
Fess t)an
+8E 7-
+9 T 8-
+9 T O

(-No. "
+8E 9E 9-
Fess t)an
+8E 8 T 0 T O

(-No. "" All 40 T 44 T O


(-No. "4S (-No. "9S
+8E 9-
+-E --
(-No. 7S (-No. 74 Fess t)an
+8E 0 T 4 T O

All ot)er (-Num&ers 6it) greater
+8E -

+4E 4-
t)an or e8ual to 40P elongation Fess t)an
+8E - T 7 T O

All ot)er (-Num&ers 6it) less = see note > 95-
+8 T max. 9--
+8 T O

+7 E
t)an 40P elongation
Note - T)e dimensions o! t)e test @ig s)all &e suc) as to give t)e &end specimen a calculated percent
outer !i&er elongation e8ual to at least t)at o! t)e &ase material @oined 6it) t)e lo6er minimum elongation
as speci!ied in t)e &ase material speci!ication.

Percent outer !i&er elongation =P
> K 00T
T)e !ollo6ing !ormula is provided !or calculating t)e &end specimen t)ic'ness?
T)ic'ness o! specimen K A x percent elongation or,
Q =00 - =percent elongation> R
T)e !ollo6ing !ormula is provided !or calculating t)e diameter o! t)e &end mandrel =A>?
A K 00T - T

(erify correct version before use%
Page 9 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A*@ < 1uided $end 5Wrap Around6 Test &ig
Figure A*B < Standard Fillet Weld Test Weld4ent < Plate
(erify correct version before use%
Page 94 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: A
Figure A*C < Standard Fillet Weld Test Weld4ent, Pipe
Figure A! < Alternate Fillet Weld Test Weld4ent, Pipe
(erify correct version before use%
Page 99 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: $
;-Num&ers - :rouping o! ,lectrodes and <elding Rods !or Buali!ication
F<3o% Specification 3o% AWS 'lassification 3u4ber or +ther
Steel and Steel Alloys
". C "."
,GG40, ,GG44, ,GG4-, ,GG45, ,GG48
,GG4", ,GG47
4 ". C "." ,GG4, ,GG9, ,GG9-G, ,GG-, ,GG3
9 ". C "." ,GG0, ,GG0-G, ,GG, ,GG--G
- ". C "."
".-, ot)er t)an
austenitic and duplex
,GG", ,GG"-G, ,GG7, ,GG8, ,GG-8
,GG", ,GG7, ,GG5
" ".-, austenitic and
,GG", ,GG7, ,GG5
7 ".4
4 A(S 7-"5
A(S 7-"8
A(S 7-7
A(S 7-74
A(S 7-79
A(S 7-77
A(S 7-78
-90 =0(>
5-44AS =0(>
790 =0(>
HP---40 =0(>
(erify correct version before use%
Page 9- o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: $
;-Num&ers - :rouping o! ,lectrodes and <elding Rods !or Buali!ication
F<3o% Specification 3o% AWS 'lassification 3u4ber or +ther
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
9 A(S "55-
A(S "580
A(S "584
A(S "58-
A(S "84
A(S "85
A(S "849
A(S "84-
A(S "84"
A(S "8-0
"-5 (o
:ree' Ascolo%
--8 (o
Alu4inu4 and Alu4inu4<$ase Alloys
4 ".0 ,R00
44 ".0 ,R"""-, ,R"9"7, ,R"""7, ,R"89, ,R"7"-
49 ".0 ,R-003, ,R-00, ,R-0-9, ,R-0-5, ,R--", ,R-7-9,
4- ".0 R-A9"7.0, R-SC "A,
R-S: 50A
47 ".0 ,R493
'opper and 'opper<$ase Alloys
9 ".7
94 ".7
99 ".7
,CuSn-A C ,CuSn-C
(erify correct version before use%
Page 9" o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: $
;-Num&ers - :rouping o! ,lectrodes and <elding Rods !or Buali!ication
F<3o% Specification 3o% AWS 'lassification 3u4ber or +ther
'opper and 'opper<$ase Alloys 5continued6
9- ".7
97 ".7
,CuAl-A4 C ,CuAl-*
,RCuAl-A, ,RCuAl-A4, ,RCuAl-A9
95 ".7
,CuNiAl C ,Cu(nNiAl
,RCuNiAl C ,RCu(nNiAl
3ic=el and 3ic=el<$ase Alloys
- ".
-4 ".
-9 ".
,NiCr;e-, ,NiCr;e-4, ,NiCr;e-9, ,NiCr;e--, ,NiCrCo(o-,
,NiCr(o-4, ,NiCr(o-9, ,NiCr(o-7
,RNiCr-9, ,RNiCr;e-", ,RNiCr;e-7, ,RNiCrCo(o-, ,RNiCr(o-4,
-- ".
,Ni(o-, ,Ni(o-9, ,Ni(o-5, ,NiCr(o--, ,NiCr(o-", ,NiCr(o-5,
,RNi(o-, ,RNi(o-4, ,RNi(o-5 =allo% *-4>, ,RNiCr(o--,
,RNiCr(o-", ,RNiCr(o-5 =allo% *-->, ,RNiCr(o-0
-" ".
,NiCr(o-, ,NiCr(o-3, ,NiCr(o-
,RNiCr(o-, ,R;eCr-, ,RNiCr(o-8, ,RNiCr(o-3,
-8 A(S "770
A(S "789
A(S "785
A(S "738
A(S "558
Allo% 30
Allo% -4
1nconel 700
1nconel G-5"0
1nconel 73
(erify correct version before use%
Page 97 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: $
;-Num&ers - :rouping o! ,lectrodes and <elding Rods !or Buali!ication
F<3o% Specification 3o% AWS 'lassification 3u4ber or +ther
3ic=el and 3ic=el<$ase Alloys 5continued6
A(S "800
A(S "80-
A(S "80"
A(S "848
Rene -
A487 =0(>
Titaniu4 and Titaniu4 Alloys
" ".7 ,RTi-, ,RTi-4, ,RTi-9, ,RTi--,
"4 ".7 ,RTi-5
"9 ".7 ,RTi-3, ,RTi-3,F1
"- ".7 ,RTi-4,
"" ".7 ,RTi-", ,RTi-",F1, ,RTi-7, ,RTi-7,F1
Firconiu4 and Firconiu4 Alloys
7 ".4- ,RHr-4, ,RHr-9, ,RHr--
'obalt and 'obalt $ase Alloys
8 A(S "583
A(S "537
A(S "80
Stellite 9
Ha%nes 4" =F-70">
Ha%nes 88
Magnesiu4 and Magnesiu4 $ase Alloys
3 A(S -9"0
A(S -93"
A(S -937
A(S --8
(erify correct version before use%
Page 95 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys
$04"04 <CA
$04"09 <CC
$09004 <C*
T000-0 --
T0400 A
T040 --
T0"0 A
T0500 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0800 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0805 A4
T0400 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0400 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T040- All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04400 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0440 *
T04404 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04409 *
T04-0 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04-04 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04-09 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04"0 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04"09 C
T04"0- All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04"0" All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04"07 Car&on Steel
T04500 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0450- ,
T04800 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0480 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T04809 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09004 T%pe
T09009 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0900" All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09007 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09005 *4
T09003 F;
T090 F;4
T0905 Cl. -
T090 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0904 ;
AST(- A47
AST(- A47
AST(- A47
AST(- A740
AST(< A58, A53
AST(- A53, A34, A447
AST(- A--
AST(- A48"
AST(- A"7
AST(- A4-, A""7, A""5
AST(- A48-, A""
AST(- A"7
AST(- A"4-
AST(- A48"
AST(- A--
AST(- A--4
AST(- A774
AST(- A489, A48-, A""
AST(- A--4
AST(- A"7
AST(- A07, A973
AST(- A--
AST(- A"9, A"49
AST(- A--
AST(- A545
AST(- A"7
AST(- A--
AST(- A""
AST(- A48"
AST(- A433
AST(- A954
AST(- A93
AST(- A"9, A"49
AST(- A07, A49-, A999, A99-, A973, A""7
AST(- A""5
AST(- A999, A99-
AST(- A9"0
AST(- A9"0
AST(- A477
AST(- A""
AST(- A--
(erify correct version before use%
Page 98 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
T0909 :
T09400 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09"0 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09"04 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09"09 C
T09"0- All t%pes, grades, C classes
T09"0" C4
T09"07 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T0-00 T%pe 11
T0"00 Cl. 9
T44- Allo% Steel
T"00 Allo% Steel
T89 A
T400 *
T409 *
T4--5 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T9"04 Cl.
AST(- A--
AST(- A737
AST(- A07, A40, A49-
AST(- A8
AST(- A58
AST(- A0", A73"
AST(- A""5
AST(- A477, A"-
AST(- A954
AST(- A477
AST(- A"74
AST(- A"85
AST(- A54-
AST(- A595, A598
AST(- A54-
AST(- A598
AST(- A"08
/ $"44 CP"
$"-5 CP4
$4"4 CP
$4"44 <C
T-44 T&
T"44 T
T"-5 T4
T"58 P"
T840 A
T4040 *
T404 A
T4044 *
T4049 Ta
T4093 C
T40-4 Cl. 9 C9a
T40-" Cl. 9 C9a
T40"- #
T444 ;4
T4-9 :r. 4, Cl. C 4
T4940 C
T4"40 ;
T4"4 T%pe A, Cl. C 4
T4"43 T%pe #, Cl. C 4
AST(- A-47
AST(- A-47
AST(- A-47
AST(- A9"4
AST(- A403, A4"0
AST(- A7, A403, A4"0
AST(- A49, A4"0
AST(- A99"
AST(- A40-
AST(- A40-
AST(- A904
AST(- A904
AST(- A403, A4"0
AST(- A904
AST(- A"08
AST(- A"-
AST(- A904
AST(- A84
AST(- A985
AST(- A40-
AST(- A997
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"99
(erify correct version before use%
Page 93 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
T4"93 T%pe *, Cl. C 4
T4""- T%pe C, Cl. C 4
T457" Cl. 4 C 4a
T4577 Cl. 4 C 4a
T484 <P
T4844 ;
$"74 CP4
$4054 <C7
$4084 <C-
T475 -
T"-0 4
T"74 ;4, Cl.
T"7- ;4, Cl.4
T"54 ;, Cl. C 4
T"35 T
T5-4 A
T5"5 4, Cl. C 4
T583 , Cl. C 4
T535 *
T4074 <P4, Cl.
T4"-4 *
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"-
AST(- A"08
AST(- A49-
AST(- A84
AST(- A-47
AST(- A45
AST(- A45
AST(- A999
AST(- A-49
AST(- A-49
AST(- A84
AST(- A84
AST(- A84
AST(- A33, A400, A49, A4"0
AST(- A404
AST(- A985
AST(- A985
AST(- A593
AST(- A49-
AST(- A404
8 $4830 <C3
$4403 :r. 8, Cl. A, *, C C
$-40-" C"
$""-" CP"&
$84030 C4
T4930 *44
T4"30 All t%pes, grades, C classes
T9"03 T44
T9"-" All t%pes, grades, C classes
T9890 ;90
T-4-" T"c
T-"-" All t%pes, grades, C classes
T-4"-- ;"a
T""-" P"&
T8"30 T3
AST(- A45
AST(- A-85
AST(- A45
AST(- A-47
AST(- A45
AST(- A593
AST(- A84, A33, A400, A49, A49-, A4"0, A99", A997, A973,
A985, A"08, A"-4
AST(- A33, A400
AST(- A84, A33, A400, A49, A99", A997, A973, A985
AST(- A"08, A"-, A894
AST(- A49
AST(- A84, A33, A400, A49, A49-, A99", A997, A973, A985
AST(- A84, A997
AST(- A99"
AST(- A33, A400, A49
(erify correct version before use%
Page -0 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
$3" CA"( Cl.A
$3"-0 CA7N( Cl.A C *
S-000 T%pe -0
S-047 ;7&
S-"00 ;7N(
S-4300 ;-43
S-0"00 T%pe -0"
S-0800 --
S-0300 T%pe -03
S-008 T%pe -0S
S-9000 T%pe -90
S-909" T%pe -93
S---00 8Cr-4(o
AST(- A-85, A5-9
AST(- A9"4, A9"7, A-85
A(S- ""0-, ""0", ""3, "79, "557, 5-39 AST(- A57, A39, A3-, A4-0, A478,
A457, A9-, A-59, A-53, A-39, A", A"80
AST(- A84
AST(- A57, A84, A4-0, A478, A-53, A8"
AST(- A57, A84, A4-0, A478, A457, A9-, A-59, A-39, A", A""-, A8"
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A457, A-59, A-53, A", A"80
AST(- 478
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0, A-59
A(S- ""09, "745 AST(- A57, A84, A4-0, A478, A457, A9-, A-59, A-53, A-39,
A", A""-, A53, A8"
AST(- A4-0, A478, A-53, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0,A457, A-53, A53, A809
B $34"00 C;-9
$34700 C;-8
$3450 C;-8C
$34800 C;-9(
$34300 C;-8(
$39-00 CH-8
$39-04 CH-40
S4000 TP40
S40400 404
S4030 T%pe G(-3
S4700 47
S4709 47F
S4800 Nitronic 70
S430- 4-7-3 FC
S"!!! *B</<Mn
S/!!! /!
AST(- A9", A5-9, A5--
AST(- A9", A5-9, A5--
AST(- A9", A5-9, A5--
AST(- A9", A5--
AST(- A9", A5-9, A5--
AST(- A9"
AST(- A9", A5-9
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A-4, A777
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A9-, A-4, A-59, A777
A(S- "57- AST(- A84, A8-, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A94, A-09, A-4, A-53,
A"80, A89
AST(- A4-0, A-53, A-34
AST(- A4-0, A-53, A-34
A(S- "8-8 AST(- A39, A3-, A4-0, A457, A-53, A""", A"80
A(S- ""74, ""3", "7"7 AST(- A84, A457, A9-, A-4, A-59, A-53, A"80, A777
AST(- A4-0, A4-3, A473, A94, A-4, A-53, A"80, A788, A89, A8-
A(S- """, ""7, "700, "797, "795, "788, "739, 540, 54- AST(- A75, A4-0,
A457, A99, A9-, A978, A-59, A-58, A-53, A-34, A-39, A", A""-, A"80, A"77,
A89, A8-, A8"
(erify correct version before use%
Page - o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
S90-00 90-
S90-09 90-F
S90-03 90-H
S90-" 90-N
S90-"9 90-FN
S90700 8-"
S908" 4"9 (A
S90308 903S
S90303 903H
S903-0 903 S C&
S903- 903HC&
S9000 90
S9008 90S
S9003 90H
S90-0 90C&
S94"- 4"- S(2
S9700 97
S9709 97F
S9703 97H
S979" 97Ti
A(S- ""0, ""9, ""70, ""79 - ""75, "793, "735, 5448,54-" AST(- A75, A84, A39,
A3-, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A450, A45, A457, A94, A99, A9-, A940, A997, A9"8,
A978, A957, A-03, A-90, A-59, A-58, A-53, A-34, A-39, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A777,
A788, A539
A(S- "", "7-5 AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A450, A457, A94, A9-,
A997, A-09, A-59, A-58, A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A777, A788, A55-, A558, A89,
A8-, A8"
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A45, A94, A997, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-90, A-53, A89,
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-90, A-53, A777, A788, A89,
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A997, A957, A-09, A-53, A777, A788,
A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A4-0, A473, A94, A9"8, A-53
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A457, A94, A-59, A-53, A89, A8-
A(S- ""49, ""5-, "7"0, 5-30 AST(- A75, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A457, A94, A9-, A-59,
A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A89, A8-
AST(- A4-0, A473, A94, A997, A-53
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A-58, A-53, A""-, A"80, A89, A8-
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A457, A9-, A997, A9"8, A-09, A-03, A-59, A"80,
AST(- A75, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A457, A94, A9-, A-59, A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A89,
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A997, A-53
AST(- A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A-58, A-53, A8-
AST(- A84, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A-53, A89, A8-
A(S- ""4-, ""59, "7-8, "730, "737, 5-30 AST(- A75, A84, A39, A3-, A49, A4-0,
A4-3, A473, A450, A45, A457, A94, A99, A9-, A940, A997, A9"8, A978, A957, A-09,
A-03, A-90, A-59, A-58, A-53, A-34, A-39, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A777, A788, A55,
A89, A8-, A847
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A450, A457, A94, A9-, A997, A-09, A-59,
A-58, A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A777, A788, A55-, A558, A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A45, A94, A997, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-90, A-53, A89,
AST(- A4-0, A978, A-58, A-53
(erify correct version before use%
Page -4 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
S97-0 97C&
S97" 97N
S97"9 97FN
S9500 95
S9509 95F
S954" 95F(
S9547 95F-
S95"9 95FN
S9400 94
S9403 94H
S9900 ;-0
S9-500 9-5
S9-503 9-5H
S9-800 9-8
S9-803 9-8H
S9800 8-8-4
AST(- A4-0, A978, A-58, A-53
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A457, A94, A997, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-90, A-53, A777,
A788, A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A39, A3-, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A940, A997, A957, A-09,
A-53, A788, A89, A8-
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A9-, A-09, A-03, A-59, A-58,
A", A""-, A"80, A794, A89, A8-
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A55-, A558, A89, A8-
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A9"8, A957, A-03, A-53
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A9"8, A957, A-03, A-53
AST(- A75, A4-0
AST(- A75, A84, A39, A3-, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A45, A457, A94, A9-, A940,
A997, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-03, A-90, A-59, A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A55-, A558,
A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A45, A94, A997, A957, A-09, A-90, A-53, A89, A8-
AST(- A84
AST(- A75, A84, A39, A3-, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A45, A457, A94, A9-, A940,
A997, A9"8, A957, A-09, A-03, A-90, A-59, A-53, A", A""-, A"80, A794, A55-, A558,
A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A45, A94, A997, A957, A-09, A-90, A-59, A-53, A89,
AST(- A75, A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A457, A94, A9-, A997, A9"8, A957, A-09,
A-03, A-53, A"80, A794, A89, A8-
AST(- A84, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A94, A997, A-53, A89, A8-
AST(- A75, A49, A4-0, A4-3, A473, A94, A89, A8-
C $44"00 FC4
$9""0 FC9
$-"00 FC-
T90"0 F;"
T4509 A
T4309 5
T4409" <PR
T44097 F;3
T4409 *
T958 #
T938 9
T9408 ,
AST(- A9"4
AST(- A9"4
AST(- A9"4
AST(- A9"0
AST(- A409
AST(- A999, A99-
AST(- A49-
AST(- A9"0
AST(- A409
AST(- A409
AST(- A999, A99-
AST(- A409
(erify correct version before use%
Page -9 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
*! $0900- :r., Cl.A C *
$900" :r.4, Cl.A C *
$90-5 :r.-, Cl.A C *
$399-" C,8(N
$39950 C#-(cu
T04300 --
T40-5 T5
T4"4- C
S9400 ;"0
S9809 ;"
S94300 T%pe 943
S943"0 5 (o Plus
S--700 TP--7-4
S--747 T%pe G(-99
S--745 ;G(-45C&
S--79" 4"----
S--770 47-9-9
S--500 43--
S--800 43---4
AST(- A47, A5"5
AST(- A-85
AST(- A-85
AST(- A830
AST(- A5--
AST(- A74
AST(- A49
AST(- A44"
AST(- A84, A4-0, A583, A530
AST(- A84
AST(- A4-0, A478, A583, A530
AST(- A4-0, A478, A583, A530
AST(- A57, A487, A457, A9-, A-59, A", A"80, A8"
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A84, A4-0, A457, A9-, A997, A-53, A59, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A-53, A-39, A", A"80, A53, A809
AST(- A57, A4-0, A478, A457, A-53, A-39, A", A53, A809
** $90-5 :r.-, Cl. * C ,
$-44" FC4-
T"57 ;
T74" $
T790 *
T73" ,
T8"7 A
T4"4 T%pe A, Cl.9
T4"43 T%pe #, Cl.9
T4"93 T%pe *, Cl.9
T4""- T%pe C, Cl.9
T470- ,
T47"0 P
T4495" Cl.- C Cl.-A
T-"89 --
T-497" Cl." C CF."A
T59-0 T%pe 11
T89-0 8
AST(- A-85
AST(- A"94
AST(- A"-, A"5, A"34
A(S- 7987 AST(- A"-, A"5
A(S- 7987 AST(- A"-, A"5
AST(- A"34
A(S- 7987 AST(- A"-, A"5, A"34
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"99
AST(- A"-, A"5
AST(- A"-, A"5
AST(- A"08
AST(- A7-"
AST(- A"08
AST(- A"44, A""9
AST(- A999, A99-
(erify correct version before use%
Page -- o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Steel and Steel Alloys 5continued6
:-900 -90
:-9"0 -9"
:--00 --0
:-"00 -"0
:-9-00 -9-0
:87900 8790
T4-548 #7AC
T--9" 900(
T408 H
S9800 PH 9-8(o
S"500 PH "-5(o
S5-00 5--PH
S5500 5-5PH
S9"000 A(-9"0
S9""00 A(-9""
S-"000 Custom -"0
S-""00 Custom -""
S77487 A-487
S77"-" <"-"
A(S- 79-8, 79"0, 79", 7970, 797, 7974, 7950, 795, 7959, 795-, 7"48, 5-37
AST(- A944, A99, A"07, A"05, A"9, A"3, A7-7, A843
A(S- 79"4, 797", 7954 AST(- A99, A"3, A843
A(S- 79-3, 798, 7984, 7930, 793", 7"43 AST(- A944, A99, A"07, A"9, A"3,
A7-7, A5, A843
AST(- A944, A99, A"3, A5
A(S- 79"3, 7-03, 7--, 7-", 7-"- AST(- A944, A99, A"07, A"3, A7-7, A5,
A(S- AST(- A944, A99, A"9, A"3, A7-7, A5"4, A843
A(S- 7-9, 7-94, 7-98, 7-93 AST(- A"53
A(S- 7-5, 7-3 AST(- A7-7
A(S- 7-95, 7-8", 7-85, 7-88 AST(- A"53, A78
A(S- "743, "87- AST(- A"7-, A739, A50"
A(S- ""40 AST(- A"7-, A"53, A739, A50"
A(S- "70-, "744, "7-9 AST(- A"7-, A739, A50"
A(S- ""48, ""43, ""78, "7--, "759, "758 AST(- A99, A"7-, A"53, A739, A50"
A(S- ""-7, ""-8, """-, "5-" AST(- A"53,A739
A(S- ""-5, ""-3, "5-9, "5-- AST(- A"7-, A"53,A739, A50"
A(S- "579, "559, "8"3, "879 AST(- A"7-, A739, A50"
A(S- ""58, "75, "754, "870 AST(- A99, A"7-, A739, A50"
A(S- ""4", "547, "59, "594, "59-, "595, "80-, "80", "8"9, "8"8, "83", 549"
AST(- A798
AST(- A-"9
Alu4inu4 and Alu4inu4<$ase Alloys

A3070 070
A300 00
A39009 9009
A3900- 900-
A3"0"4 "0"4
A3""- ""-
A3"7"4 "7"4
A3707 707
A37079 7079
A(S- -000 AST(- *403, *40, *44, *49-, *4-
A(S- -00, -009, -074, -04, -80, 5440 AST(- *403, *44, *4-
A(S- -007,-008, -00, -07", -075 AST(- *403, *40, *44, *49-, *4-, *4-5
A(S- AST(- *403,
A(S- -00-,-0", -07, -05, -037, -050, -05, --, -5", -58, -9-8 AST(- *403
AST(- *403, *40, *44
AST(- *403
A(S- -003, -04" - -045, -053 - -089, -9, -" - -5, -45, -48, --7, -"0,
-70, -7, -54, -59, -4-8, -94 AST(- *403, *40, *4, *44, *49-, *4-,
*4-5, *908
A(S- -"7 AST(- *40, *44, *4-
(erify correct version before use%
Page -" o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Alu4inu4 and Alu4inu4<$ase Alloys 5continued6
A3"089 "089
A3"087 "087
A3"-"7 "-"7
A09"70 9"7
A340- 40-
A3443 443
A(S- -0"7, -0"5, -0"8, -0"3 AST(- *403, *44, *4-, *4-5
AST(- *403, *4-
A(S- AST(- *403, *44, *4-
A(S- -45, -470, -47, -48-, -48", -487 AST(- *47, *08
A(S- -048, -043, -4, -99, -9-, -"9, -9- AST(- *403, *40,
*4, *44, *4-, *4-5
A(S- -09, -077, --9, ---, -74, -79, -99 AST(- *403, *4,
*44, *4-, *4-5, *97
'opper and 'opper<$ase Alloys
C0400 2;
C0-00 2;S
C0"00 2;S
C0500 2;S
C000 ,TP
C4000 #FP
C4400 #HP
C4900 #HP
C4"00 ;RTP
C-400 #PA
C3400 --
C49000 Red *rass, 8"P
C48000 (unt/ (etal, 70P
C97"00 Feaded (unt/ metal Anin)i&ited
C97700 Feaded (unt/ metal, Arsenical
C97500 Feaded (unt/ metal, Antimonial
C97800 Feaded (unt/ metal, P)os.
C--900 Admiralt%, Arsenical
C---00 Admiralt%, Antimonial
C--"00 Admiralt%, P)osp)ori/ed
C-7-00 Naval *rass
C-7"00 Naval *rass, Arsenical
C-7700 Naval *rass, Antimonial
C-7500 Naval *rass, P)osp)ori/ed
C78500 Aluminum *rass, Arsenical
A(S- -"0, -704, -50 AST(- *-4, *5", *99, *93"
AST(- *"4
AST(- *"4
AST(- *"4
AST(- *99,
AST(- *-4, *5", *, *99, *9"3, *93"
AST(- *-4, *5", *, *99, *"4, *9"3, *93", *"-9
AST(- *"4
AST(- *99, *"4
AST(- *5", *, *99, *"4, *9"3, *93"
AST(- *, *9"3
AST(- *-9, *, *9", *9"3, *93", *"-9,
AST(- *
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *, *5, *9"3, *93", *"-9
AST(- *, *5, *9"3, *93", *"-9
AST(- *, *5, *9"3, *93", *"-9
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *5
AST(- *, *9"3, *93", *"-9
(erify correct version before use%
Page -7 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
'opper and 'opper<$ase Alloys 5continued6
C7"00 Fo6 Silicon *ron/e *
C7""00 Hig) Silicon *ron/e A
C50-00 Copper-Nic'el, "P
C50700 Copper-Nic'el,0P
C5000 Copper-Nic'el, 40P
C5"00 Copper-Nic'el, 90P
C57-0 Copper-Nic'el
C54400 Copper-Nic'el
C37400 Cast Copper-Nic'el
C70800 Aluminum *ron/e
C7-00 Aluminum *ron/e #
C74900 Aluminum *ron/e
C79000 Aluminum *ron/e
C7-400 Aluminum *ron/e
AST(- *37, *38, *9",
A(S- -7", -77" AST(- *37, *38, *9"
AST(- *, *9"3,
AST(- *, *44, *", *5, *9"3, *93", *-77, *-75, *-"9
AST(- *, *44, *407, *9"3, *93", *-77, *-75, *-"9, *73-
AST(- *, *44, *", *5, *9"3, *93", *-77, *-75, *-"9
AST(- *, *"-9, *""4
AST(- *, *44, *5, *9"3, *93", *-77, *-"9
AST(- *90,
AST(- *, *9"3, *93"
AST(- *, *"0, *73, *5, *9", *-94, *708,
AST(- *4-, *"0, *489
AST(- *4-, *"0, *5, *489,
AST(- *4-, *"0, *489,
3ic=el and 3ic=el<$ase Alloys
N04400 Nic'el 400
N0440 Nic'el 40
N0--00 (onel -00
N0--0" (onel -0"
N07004 Hastello% G
N07700 1nconel 700
N0774" 1nconel 74"
N07730 1nconel 730
N07044 Hastello% C-44
N07-"" Hastello% C-
N000 Hastello% *
N0004 Hastello% C
N0009 Hastello% N
N0457 Hastello% 457
N077" Hastello% *4
AST(- *70, *7, *74, *79, *977, *54", *590
A(S- """9 AST(- *70, *7, *74, *79, *977, *54", *590
A(S- -"--, -"5-, -"5", -75", -590, -59, 5499 AST(- *45, *79,
*7-, *7", *977, *"7-
A(S- -75-, 549- AST(- *7-
A(S- "930, ""97, ""85, ""88, "5"-, "538, 5495 AST(- *977, *-9",
*"54, *73, *744, *747
A(S- ""-0, ""80, "77", "785, 5494 AST(- *79, *77, *75, *78,
*"7, *"5, *"7-
A(S- "-0, "-04, ""8, ""33, "777, "895,5-30 AST(- *977, *--9,
*---, *--7, *50-, *50"
AST(- *79, *77, *75, *78
AST(- *977, *"7-, *"5-, *"5", *73, *744, *747
AST(- *"5-, *"5", *73, *744, *747
A(S- "937 AST(- *999, *99", *977, *73, *744, *747
A(S- "988, "983, ""90, "5"0
A(S- "705, "55 AST(- *977, *-9-, *"59
AST(- *977, *"7-, *"5-, *"5", *73, *744, *747
A(S- AST(- *999, *99", *977, *73, *744, *747
(erify correct version before use%
Page -5 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
3ic=el and 3ic=el<$ase Alloys 5continued6
N07005 Hastello% :
N07090 Hastello% :-90
N0735" Hastello% :-4
N0738" Hastello% :-9
N08005 AC1 CN-5(
N08040 Carpenter C&9
N0804- Colum&ium Sta&ili/ed
N08047 Carpenter 40(o7
N08048 Sanicro 48
N08940 Ha%nes 40 (od
N08977 AF-7G
N08975 AF-7GN
N08500 $S 500
N08800 1ncolo% 800
N0880 1ncolo% 800H
N088 1ncolo% 800HT
N0884" 1ncolo% 84"
N0830- ;e-Ni-Cr allo%
N0834" --
R90""7 HS ""7
N08990 RA-990
N07490 Allo% No. 490
N0""00 (onel T"00
N0770 Hastello% ;
N0500 <aspalo%
N0509 P%romet 9
N050- Rene -
N05080 Nimonic 80A
N054"4 (4"4
N05"00 Adimet "00
N0558 1nconel 58
N055"0 1nconel G5"0
N03507 1nconel 507
N0330 1nconel 30
N03304 1nconel 304
AST(- *977, *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *977, *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- A9"
AST(- *977, *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *"8, *"84, *73, *744, *747
AST(- *778, *503
AST(- *73, *740, *74, *744, *747
AST(- *75", *757, *788, *730, *73
AST(- *-54, *"7-, *75", *757, *788, *730, *73, *80-
AST(- *"33, *754
A(S- "577, "85 AST(- *79, *-05, *-08, *-03, *"-, *""
AST(- *79, *-05, *-08, *-03, *"-, *"7-
AST(- *-05, *-08, *-03
AST(- *79, *-49, *-4-, *-4", *-"7, *50-, *50"
AST(- *74", *7-3, *759, *75-, *755
AST(- *74", *7-3, *759,*75-, *755
A(S- "85- AST(- *977, *-9", *"54, *73, *744, *747
A(S- ""34, "57 AST(- *977, *"97, *"-7, *50, *593
AST(- *-9", *"54, *73, *744, *747
A(S- -757
AST(- *977
A(S- ""--, ""87, "50-, "507, "505, "508 AST(- *795
= SA, $55" >
A(S- "933, ""-", "54, "59, "800, 5-73
AST(- *795
AST(- *795
A(S- "98-, "5", "5"9 AST(- *795
A(S- "989, ""83, ""37, ""35, "774 AST(- *795, *750
A(S- ""-4, ""84, ""89, ""38, "775, "778, AST(- *795
A(S- "70", "707, "50, "504, "509
A(S- "770, "77
A(S- "44, "449, "44"
(erify correct version before use%
Page -8 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Titaniu4 and Titaniu4<$ase Alloys
R"04"0 :rade
R"0-00 :rade 4
R"4-00 :rade 5
R"0""0 :rade 9
R"9-00 :rade 4
R"7940 :rade 3
R"-4"0 Ti-"Al-4."Sn
R"-740 Ti-7Al-4Sn--Hr-4(o
R"-80 Ti-8Al-(o-0
R"740 Ti-7Al-4C&-Ta-(o
R"7470 Ti-7Al-4Sn--Hr-7(o
R"7-00 Ti-7Al--0
R"7740 Ti-7Al-70-4Sn
R"87-0 Ti-9Al-80-7Cr--(o--Hr
AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *98
A(S- -304, -3-, -3-4 AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *975, *98
AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *98
AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *98
AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *98
A(S- -3-9, -3-- AST(- *47", *995, *998, *9-8, *98
AST(- *975
A(S- -33, -3"4, -35", -357
A(S- -3", -37, -399, -3"", -354, -359
A(S- -38
A(S- -30", -307, -3, -340,-390, -39, -39-, -39", -3"-, -37", -375,
-339 AST(- *47", *9-8, *975, *98
A(S- -38, -397, -35, -358, -353
A(S- -3"5, -3"8
Firconiu4 and Firconiu4<$ase Alloys
R70504 :rade R70504
R7050" :rade R7050"
AST(- *-39, *-3-, *-3", *"49, *""0, *"", *7"9, *7"8, *5"4
AST(- *-39, *-3", *"49, *""0, *"", *7"9, *7"8, *"54
'obalt and 'obalt<$ased Alloys
B* R90007 Stellite 7
R9004 Stellite 4
R90049 Stellite 49
R90045 Stellite 45
R90090 Stellite 90
R9009 Stellite 9
R9088 Allo% 88
R9070" F70"
R9087 S87
A(S- "959, "985, "588
A(S- "98"
A(S- "95"
A(S- "958
A(S- "980
A(S- "984, "583
A(S- "708, "554, "80
A(S- ""95, "5"3, "537, 5497
AST(- *793
(erify correct version before use%
Page -3 o! "0
PRC-0008, Rev. C
Appendi: '
M<3u4bers < 1rouping of $ase Metals for Qualification
03S 'o44on
M<3o% 3u4ber Description ASTM E AMS 3u4bers
Magnesiu4 and Magnesiu4<$ase Alloys
C* (000 A(00A
(9 AH9*
(70 AH7A
(800 AH80A
(30 AH3A
(340 AH34A
(4990 ,H99A
(940 H(4A
(990 HT9A
(994 H(9A
(9940 HH94A
(-- FA-A
(7740 HH74A
(8440 B,44A
A(S- --"", --89 AST(- *39, *33, *45", *-09
A(S- -95", -957, -955, -984 AST(- *30, *3, *05, *45"
A(S- -9"0 AST(- *30, *3, *05, *45"
A(S- -970 AST(- *3, *05, *45"
A(S- --30 AST(- *3-, *45"
A(S- --9-, --"9, --8- AST(- *80, *39, *33, *45", *-09
A(S- ---4 AST(- *80, *39, *33, *45", *-09
A(S- -979, -989, -930 AST(- *30, *3, *45"
A(S- -98-, -98", ---" AST( *80, *33, *45", *-09
A(S- -988, -983 AST(- *45"
A(S- ---5 AST(- *80, *39, *45"
A(S- -987, -935 AST(- *30, *45"
A(S- --89 AST(- *80, *39, *45"
A(S- --8 AST(- *80, *39, *33, *-09
(erify correct version before use%
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