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Photoshop is a photo editing program.
This software allows users to manipulate, crop, resize
and correct colour on digital photos.
There are a lot of tools you can use to manipulate
your picture.
You can also use different filters and adjustment

Original picture
Fist I changed the brightnes an contast of the
picture, to make the flower more stand out.
Then I changed
the colour
balance to let the
green look a bit
more alive.
Step 3-4
Then I selected the flower in the forgraund with the
Quick selection tool, but I just wanted to change the
background so I went on the select button on the top
and chose Inverse.
Then I used Filter - Blur Shape to blur the Backround a
bit more so the flower is more outstanding.

Step 3-4
Step 5
Then I jused adjustments Brightes and Contrast to
bright up the backround a bit.
Edited picture

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