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Color Part Lecture SciVis 1

1. What is color?
Color is a function of light and represents one portion of the electromagnetic
2. What are the two models of color?
1. Light- Additive
2. Pigment- Sutractive
!. What are the wave lengths of visile light on the electromagnetic spectrum?
"## nanometers to $## nanometers.
". What does %&'()*+ stand for?
%- %ed
&- &range
(- (reen
)- )lue
*- *ndigo
+- +iolet
,. What are the primar- colors of light .additive/?
%ed0 )lue0 and (reen.
1. What are the secondar- colors of light?
'ellow0 2agenta0 and C-an.
$. What do -ou get when -ou mi3 the three primar- colors of light together?
4ne5ual measures of light.
6. Lael the following color model for the correct additive colors .light/.

7. &ther light colors can e created -8
A single0 pure wavelength.
1#. What devices use the light .additive/ color process?
Print secondaries.
11. 9ow is color created from pigments?
2aterials contain atoms which are capale of selectivel- asoring one or
more fre5uencies of light.
12. Wh- do we a -ellow anana?
:he color of an o;ect is determined - what color<colors of light are
sutracted from the original set.
1!. What are the primar- colors of pigment .sutractive/?
2agenta0 'ellow0 and C-an.
1". What are the secondar- colors of pigment .sutractive/?
)lue0 (reen0 and %ed.
1,. What do we get when we mi3 the primar- colors of pigment?
11. What devices use the sutractive colors to reproduce color?
1$. Lael the following color model with the correct colors for Pigment.

Model Primary
Color when
all mied
!ther name "sed in what
16. What does 9S+ stand for?
17. =efine hue.
2#. =efine saturation
21. =efine value.
22. =raw the 9S+ model for color.
2!. 2a>e a slice of the 9S+ model in paint.
2". =o the 9S+ numer activit- in paint?
2,. What does %() stand for?
21. Wh- are colors in the %() model righter?
2$. What is 2"-it color?
26. What are the %() call values for the following primar- and secondar- colors8
%ed %? (? )? C-an %? (? )?
)lue %? (? )? 2agenta %? (? )?
(reen %? (? )? 'ellow %? (? )?
White %? (? )? )lac> %? (? )?
27. =o the Clemson0 4@C activit-.
!#. What does C2'A stand for?
!1. Wh- do we add the color lac> .A/ to printer cartridges?
!1. Wh- are the colors in C2'A muted?
!2. Which color model should -ou use when -ou are creating a document to e
printed? Wh-?
!!. Which color model should -ou use when -ou are creating documents to e
pulished on the internet or used in a power point pro;ect? Wh-?
!". Can -ou convert documents ac> to %() once -ou have converted it to C2'A?
!,. What are complementar- colors?
!1. What is a color gamut?
!$. =o the 2ap activities.
!6. =o the @C population activit-.
!$. 9ow do the following colors affect emotion?
=> )lue8
Light )lue
Cool (reen
!6. What are three hints to rememer when using color?
!7. =o logo in paint
Color 2-

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