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Color Part 2 SciVis 1

1. Define hue.
Hue is determined by the dominant wavelength.
2. Define saturation.
Saturation refers to the dominance of hue in the color.
3. Define value.
How light or dark a color is.
4. What roerty of color would you change in order to make a color aear a
darker red!
". What roerty of color would you change to make a color look a lighter red!
$. What roerty of color would you change to make it an entirely new color %&
blue to red!
'. What are comlementary colors!
(olors directly oosite each other in the color sectrum.
). What are some e&amles of comlimentary colors!
*ed and +reen, -lue and .range.
/. +ive an e&amle of two comliments.
0ellow and 1urle.
12. What are slit comliments!
11. +ive an e&amle of slit comliments.
12. What are analogous colors!
13. +ive an e&amle of analogous colors.
14. What is meant by colors set moods!
1". Define 3isual (ommunication.
1$. 4inish the following chart with the aroriate color and emotions associated with
Color Name Emotion/Mood

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