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Drugs are bad

Scene 1: Exterior
Ray ray: what up guys?
Big steve: (grunts)
Nico: Ray ray, what took you so long?
Ray ray: well I was trying to leave my house but my bro was stood at the door
talking to some guy about some great powder he tried at the club
Nico: wait. Cocaine? Thats really bad for you!
Big steve: what? You never tried it? That stuffs like riding the rainbow river
Ray ray: I didnt know you tried that stuff.
Big steve: I didnt know you hadnt, you gotta try it man, its the bomb.
Nico: I dont know about this guys Maybe we should stop talking about it.
Big steve: dont be a bitch nico. Ray ray, what do you think?


Choice 1: Happy lemonade time
Ray ray: Oh come on guys, you know I wasnt serious, lets go get some lemonade!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
(Montage of the three friends having fun and drinking lemonade)

Choice 2: Police officer
Ray ray: (opens mouth to speak)
(Police officer walks over)
Police officer: alright guys, I want you to stop talking right now. What the hell do
you think it is youre talking about?
Ray ray: oh, sorry officer, we were just having a hypothetical discussion.
Police officer: theres nothing hypothetical about drugs, you take them or you
dont, and you strike me as the kind of people who partake in such activities.
Nico: Im so sorry officer, we were just
Police officer: Excuse me maam, you interrupted me. Carry on like that and ill
arrest you on suspicion of carrying drugs.
Ray ray: wait, if you just listen for one second
Police officer: I dont have to listen to anything you have to say on the matter,
now Im letting you off with a warning this time, just get the hell out of here
before I change my mind.
(They start walking away annoyed)
Police officer: (under his breath) fucking punk.
(Ray ray gets angry)

Choice 2A: shout back
Ray ray: Hey screw you asshole, what kind of policeman are you, I bet youre one
of the most corrupt people in this town.
(Officer gets in Ray rays face)
Police officer: Well I dont think you want to find out son. Now I suggest you turn
around and walk away before I lose my patience.
(The three friends walk away)
Ray ray: (inner thoughts) What if things had gone differently?

Choice 2B: Assault
(Ray ray turns around and throws a punch at the officer. The officer takes the hit
and then proceeds to restrain Ray ray)
Police officer: well that son, is assaulting an officer.
(Big steve and Nico run)
Police officer: You feel like a big shot? I hope it was worth it son.
Ray ray: (inner thoughts) What if things had gone differently?

Choice 3: purchase
Ray ray: Lets do it!
Big steve: Yeah! I knew youd be cool Ray ray. Nico you in?
Nico: I dont know if I want to.
Big steve: oh, come on, you never know if you like something until you try it.
Nico: (reluctantly) Okay fine, one time.
Big steve: Yes, there you go. All right I know a guy who could sort this for us, Ill
give him a call, and as far as money goes since its your first time guys, this is on
(Big steve goes to make a call.)
Nico: Im still not sure about this Ray ray.
Ray ray: oh come on, whats the worst that could happen?
(fade out)

(Fade in to the three friends with three lines of drugs layed out in front of them)
Big steve: okay, who wants to do the honours? Ray ray?
Ray ray: why dont you take the first one steve.
Big steve: oh, with pleasure buddy.
(Big steve snorts a line)
Big steve: Damn, that is some high quality product right there!
Nico: Steve, you okay?
Big steve: Im better than okay, Im on top of the world guys!
Ray ray: that good huh?
Big steve: Find out for yourself Ray, its your turn buddy!
(Ray ray snorts a line)
Ray ray: oh my god! That stings!!
Big steve: itll pass just give it a little time. Wait for it
(Ray ray looks uncomfortable)
Big steve: wait for it
(Ray ray starts to look happy)
Big steve: there it is!
Ray ray: whoa, I have so much energy!
Big steve: I know right, its incredible!
(Ray ray gets up and starts pacing while swinging his arms back and forth)
Nico: Ray are you alright? Whats wrong?
Ray ray: Absolutely nothing! This is amazing!
Big steve: your turn Nico, hurry up!
Nico: okay fine.
(Nico snorts a line)
Nico: that does sting.
Big steve: Let it pass
Ray ray: Its great when it does!
Nico: Oh my god, I want to run somewhere!
Big steve: Lets do it!
(Montage of the three running and doing stupid stuff)

(The three are sat in a park on a comedown)
Ray ray: oh god, I wanna die
Nico: I told you guys, this was a bad move
Ray ray: ohh, my everything
Big steve: You know the best way to handle a comedown right?
Ray ray: no, but im sure youll tell me.
Big steve: take more coke.
Ray ray: I dunno man, then Ill just feel shit and great at the same time.
Big steve: yeah, thats exactly the point, they cancel each other out. Its science.
Ray ray: Okay buddy, Im sold. Break it out.
Nico: Im in, this is just horrible.
(Montage of the three becoming more and more addicted)

(The three are sat in the park from before)
Ray ray: You guys, this is great.
Big steve: I know right, hanging out just the three of us.
Ray ray: Just chilling. What do you think Nico?
(waits for Nico to respond)
Ray ray: Nico?
Big steve: You alright Nico?
(Nico doesnt reply, Ray ray sits up and looks at her, she is motionless and has
blood pouring out of her nostrils)
Ray ray: Oh my god, Steve! STEVE!!!
Big steve: what buddy?
Big steve: haha, you crazy man.
Ray ray: Steve Im serious!! I think shes dead!
Big steve: Alright, lemme take a look
(Inspects body)
Big steve: oh shit SHIT, shes dead.
Ray ray: Oh fuck! What do we do?
Big steve: What do you mean? We run!
Ray ray: We cant just leave her here.
Big steve: Ray, shes dead. Theres nothing we can do for her.
Ray ray: but we have to call an ambulance or the police something
Big steve: If were still here when they show up, Ill go to prison for the big bag of
coke in my pocket. Well call them when were gone, come on.
(Ray ray reluctantly agrees and they walk away. Fade out)
(Fade in on Ray and Steve with a couple of lines in front of them)
Big steve: Come on Ray ray, thats your line.
Ray ray: Nico died a week ago and it already seems like she was never even here.
Big steve: For god sake Ray, I cant have you depressing me everyday with this
shit. It happened, now sniff your coke and get over it.


Choice 3A: Recovery
Ray ray: No. Im not doing this stuff anymore.
Big steve: seriously? Just because of what happened?
Ray ray: What happened was a wake up call. This stuff is dangerous and I dont
want to take the risk and one day end up just like Nico.
Big steve: Nico knew the risk, she knew what she was doing and she wanted to
do it anyway.
Ray ray: No steve! Nico never wanted to do this stuff until you pressured her into
Big steve: Well remember the first day you guys tried it? You brought up the
subject. It was you who started the conversation, so whos really to blame?
Ray ray: Both of us. And I have to live with that, but im going to do it clean, for
(Ray ray walks away)
Ray ray: (inner thoughts) I just wish things couldve gone differently.

Choice 3B: Coke
Ray ray: Yeah, youre right. Ill feel better after a fix.
(Snorts a line)
Ray ray: Ohh, There we go
(Quick shots of Ray ray sniffing coke loads of times, then fade to black)
(Fade in on Ray ray led down motionless with a smile on his face and blood
pouring out of his nostrils)

Choice 3C: Distribution
Ray ray: Who exactly is it that gave you this coke?
Big steve: A guy called Dave. Why?
Ray ray: And who supplies it to Dave?
Big steve: I dont know but I know Daves scared because hes been looking
around for new dealers to replace some of Daves friends.
Ray ray: Really? Any way you could find out who this person is?
Big steve: I doubt it but if your looking for a meeting with the guy then I could
talk to Dave and set something up.
Ray ray: If you wouldnt mind Steve. Ive been looking for some steady income.
Big steve: Okay, only if youre sure about this.
Ray ray: Set it up.
(Fade to Black)

(Fade in on Ray ray in an alley making a sale)
(Steve shows up to meet Ray ray)
Big Steve: Hey man, been a while. hows business?
Ray ray: Great. Im making more money in a week than I used to in a year.
Big steve: Thats great man. Im real happy that everything worked out for you. I
know you took it hard, what happened to Nico
Ray ray: I think shed be happy to know that I did alright, and that I havent used
the powder since.
Big steve: Seriously? Not even once?
Ray ray: Never get high on your own supply steve. Theres a quick life lesson for
Big steve: well obviously youre the guy to listen to richy rich.
Ray ray: Im just saying. Things are finally getting better.
(A hooded figure runs into the alley and straight up to Ray ray)
Ray ray: Hey man, you looking for a snow day?
(the figure turns to steve, strikes him in the face, and steve falls to the ground.
The man then turns to Ray ray and stabs him with a sharp object. The man takes
all the money and drugs and runs away)
(Steve gets up and dusts himself off. He looks up to see Ray ray, but then he sees
Ray on the floor and realises what has happened.)
(Ray ray is on the floor in a pool of blood. Fade to black)

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