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1. What is Geocaching?
Go to the following website and answer the questions below:
a. What is Geocaching?
An outdoor treasure hunt using GPSenabled de!ices. Participants na!igate to a
specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache
"container# hidden at the location.
b. $ow is technolog% used in this game?
&% using the na!igation s%stem' participants can follow GPS coordinates to reach
the geocache.
c. What does the word Geocaching mean?
$unting for and finding a hidden ob(ect b% means of GPS coordinates posted on
a website.
d. )ompare the term cache in computer terms to the meaning for hi*ers/campers:
A cache usuall% refers to information stored in memor% to ma*e it faster to
retrie!e' but the term is also used in hi*ing/camping as a hiding place for
concealing and preser!ing pro!isions.
e. What does GPS stand for? "+ou will need as* (ee!es for this definition#.
,t stands for Global Positioning S%stem.
f. $ow close can a GPS unit determine %our position?
Within around - . /0 feet.
g. 1escribe how a GPS de!ice wor*s:
2ach GPS de!ice is a computer that recei!es signals broadcast from GPS
satellites. A de!ice needs to read signals from at least three satellites at a time to
calculate its general location.
h. What is trilateration?
A GPS uses trilateration to determine its position on the surface of the earth b%
timing signals from three satellites.
i. ,f a GPS de!ice recei!es signals from 3 satellites what additional data would be pro!ided?
,t can get a more accurate fi4 that includes altitude and the e4act time' as well as
latitude and longitude.
(. 1o GPS de!ices broadcast %our location? ")an %ou be trac*ed using a GPS?#
5o' the satellites using radio frequencies actuall% broadcast their own position.
*. What are some problems which might pre!ent %ou from going directl% to a cache?
6he cache could ha!e been mo!ed' or ma% ha!e gone missing.
l. What are three rules for Geocaching?
,f %ou ta*e something from the geocache' lea!e something of equal or greater
Write about %our find in the cache logboo*.
7og %our e4perience.
m. What items are usuall% placed in a cache?
A logboo* or logsheet for %ou to log %our find. 6he% could also contain an%
number of items.
n. What items should not be placed in a cache?
24plosi!es' ammunition' *ni!es' drugs and alcohol' food or hea!il% scented
o. Where do people t%picall% choose to hide a cache?
,n locations that are important to them.
p. 1o %ou thin* this would be a fun hobb% to ha!e? 24plain:
1epends if it is something %ou8re interested in. ,f %ou aren8t into hi*ing or
running/wal*ing' %ou might not en(o% this acti!it%.
9. What would %ou chose to hide for others to find in a cache?
2ither somewhere around the librar%' a par*' or a Gamestop.
/. What would %ou hide in %our cache?
)18s' ma%be a few figures. , would probabl% hide cute little *e% chains for others
to en(o%.
3. Wh% would %ou choose this location and contents for %our cache?
&ecause , reall% en(o% reading' music' and !ideo games.
:. What is the latitude and longitude where %ou li!e? Go to http://geonames.usgs.go!/pls/gnispublic
and t%pe in %our cit% ";eature 5ame#' state' count% and <ip code.
-. 1escribe a situation when %ou would benefit from *nowing %our latitude and longitude.
When %ou get lost in the woods and want to find %our wa% bac*.

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