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2nd intermediate ( lift off 3 ) Exam (1) Name

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-Read the following question then answer the questions below:The Great Fire of London destroyed more than 13,ooo houses and shops.
The summer of 1666 was very hot in London . There was no rain and everything was
dry. Early on Sunday 2nd September , a bakery caught fire because the baker
forgot to put his oven fire out on Saturday evening . It was very windy , and the
wind blew the fire to other buildings. Londoners woke up and ran away from their
burning houses . The fire burnt for four days. It was amazing that no one died.
1-When did the great fire of London happen ?
2-How many people died in the Great fire ?
***Choose :1- The fire burnt for [ 4 - 5 - 6 ] days.
2- The [ farmer baker waiter ] forgot to put his oven fire out .
**** put ( X )
or ( ) .
1-The summer was very cold in London. (.)
2-People ran away from their houses () .
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Answer the following question :1-What is your surname ?
2-What is your father's job ?
3-What is your nationality ?

4-What is your first name ?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Write the missing letters;-

U -


- i - n

Fre dril.
Sciece m.seum .

4-Grammar :- Choose the correct answer;1-( Who Whose What ) is the camera ?
It's Fatimah's .
2-We ( are were was ) in Makkah last month.
3-(Are we We're ) studying English , arent we ?
**Complete :1-She is a teacher ,? ..
**Write simple past of these verbs :1-go
3-think .
4-say .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-Vocbulary :- Choose the correct words to fill in blanks:-

buildings -



1-Rawdha'means the place where you can find beautiful

2-What does the wind do ? It .
--------------------------------------------------------**Choose :1-I have three brothers [ all / both ] of them are tall .
** find the odd word:1-chicken cat - horse - monkey .

Good Luck ,

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