Enrichment: Descriptive Writing W/topic Sentence

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Monday, October 6

HW: Scavenger Hunt; Urban Gardens

ML: QAR Strategy for answering reading
comprehension questions.
Leona - Comprehend strategy read questions
first to focus
J: Vocabulary 6 9 using context clues
Partner 4
Enrichment: Descriptive writing w/topic sentence
Senior citizen whom you admire
Tuesday, October 7
HW: Urban Garden article
Class: You have an innate ability to think .
use it!
Vocabulary pgs. 10, 11
Finish Sam write Book
Club questions
Wednesday, October 8
HW: Scavenger Hunt due 11/7
WS: English class goals due Friday
ML: Smart Goals; J
J; Seedfolks Virgil Fleischmans purpose,
main ideas
Urban Gardens
J: What have you learned about writing from reading Seedfolks? When you
write your narrative, how will you challenge yourself?
Thursday, October 9
HW: WS: Goals due tomorrow (2
Class: EE 3 Literary Element Point of View
Check what comprehension strategies work
for you?
Comprehend Sae Young 30 min. (9 pts)
Finish Virgil
Metaphor something described as if it
were something else
Nora gardening a soap opera growing
out of the ground.
Simile using like or as to compare
two unlike ideas
Wendell leaves shaped like spades in a
deck of cards.
Personification non-human subject
given human characteristics
Empty windows stared at me.
Hyperbole exaggeration for effect
Virgil Two foot wide smile.
Friday, October 12
HW: J: My name what it means, why
Class: Turn in goals
EE 14 Figurative Language
Curtis J: Curtiss Tweets (83
Book Club Sam, Virgil,
Sae Young

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