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The Concept of Right
Right is individuals entitlement of something
A person has a right when he is entitled to act
in a certain way
Rights are powerful devices whose main
purpose is to enable individual to choose
Rights: Characteristics
Right is an individual's entitlement to
Rights are derived from legal system and are
limited by jurisdiction
Moral or human rights are based on moral
norms and not limited by jurisdiction.
Moral Rights
Moral rights are tied up with duties and
It provides a individuals with autonomy and
equality to pursue their interests freely
It provides a basis for protecting rights of
- and + Rights
- Rights : I have the right and others should
not interfere with my enjoyment of rights

+ Rights: If I have rights, I also have the duty to
respect others rights
A Basis for Moral Rights:
Kants theory is based on the moral principle
categorical Imperative that requires that
everyone shall be treated as free person equal
to everyone else.
Everyone has a moral right to such treatment
and everyone has the correlative duty to to
treat others in this way.
Criteria for Determining Moral
Right & Wrong
Universalizability persons reason for acting
must be reasons that everyone could act on
at least in principle
Reversibility - persons reason for acting must
be reasons that he or she would be willing to
have all others use, even as a basis oh how
they treat him or her
Kants Categorical Imperative
Never do something unless you are willing to
have everyone do it
Never use people merely as means, but
always respect and develop their ability to
choose for themselves.
Problem with Kant
Not clear to be useful
What are the limits of rights
Universalizability and Reversibility cannot be
untenable in all instances
Justice and Fairness

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