Aptitude Ablity Part III

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1. In a Class composed of x Girls and y Boys. Wha par of he class is

composed of Girls!
a. y " # x $ y %
&. x " #x ' y %
c. x " # x $ y %
d. y " # x ' y %
(. There are ()) *+esions on a , ho+r Examinaion. Amon- hese .+esions
are /) 0ahemaics pro&lems. I is s+--esed ha 1ice as m+ch ime &e
spen on each 0ahemaics pro&lem as for each oher .+esion. 2o1 many
min+es sho+ld &e spen on 0ahemaics pro&lem!
a. ,3
&. 4(
c. 3)
d. 1))
,. If 5x 6 ,y 7 1( and ,x 6 /y 7 4 hen 3x 6 (y 7 !
a. 8/
&. 9
c. (
d. :
9. A can ha;e a piece of 1or< done in : days= B can 1or< hree imes faser han
he A= C can 1or< fi;e imes faser han he A. 2o1 many days 1ill hey a<e
o do he 1or< o-eher!
a. , days
&. : " 5 days
c. 9 days
d. Canno Say
/. A faher is ,) years older han his son= ho1e;er he 1ill &e only hrice as old
as he son afer / years. Wha is he faher>s presen a-e!
a. 9) years
&. ,) years
c. /) years
d. 99 years
3. A Simple Ineres amo+n of ?s. /)))"8 for 3 monh is ?s. ()). Wha is he
ann+al rae of Ineres!
a. 1)@
&. 3@
c. :@
d. 5@
4. The S.+are of a 1o di-i n+m&er is di;ided &y half he n+m&er. Afer ,3 is
added o he .+oien= his s+m is hen di;ided &y (. The di-is of he
res+lin- n+m&er are he same as hose in he ori-inal n+m&er= &+ hey are
in he re;erse order. The en>s place of he ori-inal n+m&er is e.+al o 1ice
he difference &e1een is di-is. Wha is he n+m&er!
a. 93
&. 99
c. (,
d. (/
:. A s+den di;ided a n+m&er &y (", 1hen he re.+ired o m+liply &y ,"(.
Calc+lae he percena-e of error in his res+l.
a. )@
&. :,.,,@
c. 99@
d. (,@
5. Wha is A percen of B di;ided &y B percen of A!
a. A
&. B
c. 1
d. 1)
1). A fas ypis can ype some maer in ( ho+rs and a slo1 ypis can ype he
same in , ho+rs. If &oh ype com&ina&le in ho1 m+ch ime 1ill hey finish!
a. 1 hr 1( min
&. 1 hr (9 min
c. 1 hr ,3 min
d. 1 hr 9: min
11. 2o1 lon- 1ill a rain 1))m lon- ra;elin- a 4(<mph a<e o o;era<e
anoher rain ())m lon- ra;elin- a /9<mph!
a. 4) sec
&. 1 min
c. 1 min 1/ sec
d. // sec
1(. A and B can finish a piece of 1or< in () days. B and C in ,) days and C and
A in 9) days. In ho1 many days 1ill A alone finish he Ao&!
a. 9:
&. ,9 ("4
c. 99
d. 9/
1,. B+ of 1) 1hie= 5 &lac< and 4 red &alls= in ho1 many 1ays can 1e selec one
or more &alls
a. (,9
&. /(
c. 3,)
d. :45
19. A person ra;els 1( <m in he so+h1ard direcion and hen ra;els /<m o
he ri-h and hen ra;els 1/<m o1ard he ri-h and finally ra;els /<m
o1ards he eas= ho1 far is he from his sarin- place!
a. /./ <m
&. , <m
c. 1, <m
d. 3.9 <m
15. Cind he nex n+m&er in he series 1= ,= 4= 1,= (1= ,1
a. 9,
&. ,,
c. 91
d. 9/
13. If in a cerain code D?AEGED is coded as 1(,9/ and D?AEDB0D is coded
as 1(,34:. Then he code for he 1ord D0AEGBD 1o+ld &e
a. :(,/4
&. :5,9,
c. :93(5
d. :(,94
14. If DP?B0PTD is coded as *SPFBS= hen DPFAGE?D sho+ld &e
a. *0BHCS
&. *W0CDW
c. *U?EI0
The questions 18-19 are based on the following data
3 people A= B= C= D= E and C si aro+nd a a&le for dinner. Since A does no li<e C= he
doesnJ si eiher opposie or &eside C. B and C al1ays li<e o si opposie each oher.
1:. If A is &eside C hen 1ho is are he 1o nei-h&ors of B!
a. D and C
&. E and C
c. D and E
d. Eiher #a% or #&%
15. If D is adAacen o C hen 1ho is adAacen o C!
a. E and B
&. D and A
c. D and B
d. Eiher #a% or #c%
(). A person ra;els 3<m o1ards 1es= hen ra;els /<m o1ards norh =hen
finally ra;els 3<m o1ards 1es. Where is he 1ih respec o his sarin-
a. 1, <m Eas
&. 1, <m Eorh8Eas
c. 1, <m Eorh8Wes
d. 1, <m Wes

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