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Principles of Design

1. Define design.
1. A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a
building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or
material object.
2. What is a good design?
Good design conveys information and communicates ideas.
3. What are the 3 aspects of design?
Problem Solving, visual communication, Function and information.
4. What is balance?
Balance is the optical illusion of equal spacing of objects.
5. Nae the t!o t"pes of balance and briefl" e#plain each.
$oral balance is s"etrical. %nforal balance is as"etrical.
&"etrical balance is for foral orderl" la"outs.
'. Dra! an e#aple of each t"pe of balance.

(. What is rh"th?
)h"th is reoccurring o*eent or pattern+ !hich can produce a feeling of
otion in the design.
,. Nae the t!o t"pes of rh"th and briefl" e#plain each.
)epetition is repeating siilar eleents in a consistent anner.
-ariation is change in for+ si.e and location.
/. Dra! an e#aple of each t"pe of rh"th.

10. What is proportion?
1roportion is the relati*e si.e of one object in coparison to another.
11. Dra! an e#aple of proportion.

12. What is ephasis?
2 ephasis is the ethod used to dra! attention to a part of the design b"
a3ing it the focal point or ain idea.
13. 4i*e t!o e#aples of ho! ephasis is accoplished.
5se contrasting eleents+ big+ sall+ thic3+ thin+ negati*e+ positi*e.
5se color for the ost iportant eleent.
14. Dra! an e#aple of 6phasis.

15. What is 5nit"?
5nit" is the copleteness and haron" of a design.
1'. 4i*e t!o e#aples of ho! unit" is accoplished.
4rouping and using a grid.

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