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Saturation Value Temperature Activity

By Kyle Britto

Map 1

Map 2 on the bottom

1. Value is defined as the relative lightness or darkness of a color. Contrast of value is very efficient
in creating large contrasts. The biggest contrast of them all-- black and white-- can be said to be
a contrast of value. In general, large differences in lightness are considered to be pleasant for
the eye, but low contrasts of value can also be useful for more subtle differences-- for instance,
in a background.

2. There is evidence that color preference may depend on ambient temperature. Light and color
can influence how people perceive the area around them and darker colors may appear even
darker. Colors affect our way of perception (light colors make a space look big, a ceiling looks
less high when painted in a dark color.) Colors have a symbolic meaning which is immediately
recognized. Temperature of the black body when it radiates a certain color of light is also
understood to describe that color.
3. Any given color can be described in terms of its value and hue. Value is defined as the relative
lightness or darkness of a color. The face tends to blend with the background which is similar in
both hue and value so yes. You do get the same meaning as Hue.
4. When level too long for map, last station indicated thus, and distance shown, the colors are useless.
Temperature mapping is the process of measuring the temperature tend to coagulate due to a
change in temperature, making them useless.
5. Here are 2 examples. I have two examples here. Like if you use a graph or a chart and you color
boys red and girls blue it makes them different so you can no whos who and there values or
percent, so color value is important. Like on a color wheel or a hue model or a Primary colors of
light model, it matters where the colors are and how they set up, so color value is important in
this case or when you have a pattern green, green and now yellow, then green, green, the color
matters because its a pattern it cant just be any color like blue green and then yellow and then
blue, green it wouldet a pattern then, so color value is important.

6. Example 1. The sun sends out white light, which is light that contains all. If
the color is black, the value of saturation doesn't matter so it can be set to 0.
Example 2. Like if you take a picture of yourself wearing a blue shirt, it really doesnt matter if
your wearing a blue or red shirt, it only really matters if your wearing the shirt.
Example 3. If there is a smiley face and its yellow it doesnt matter if its yellow, it could be red
and still be a smiley face so color value doesnt really matter.

7. Well it will add isolines (contour lines) and color to create regions on their maps.
8. In photography and computing, a graysc Gray image represent by black and white shades or
combination of levels for e.g. and 8 bit gray image means total 2^8 levels form black to white 0 =
black and 255 is White. ale or greyscale digital image and remote sensing applications often
require more levels.

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