Symphony No

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1. Symphony No.

25 in G minor, K 183, 1st movement

2. Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur and Amen (Pergolesi performed by the
Choristers of estminster !bbey, dire"ted by Simon #reston$
3. %ar&y 18th Cent'ry Gypsy ('si": )'ba* and +'n,ari"'s
-. Serenade for inds, K. 3.1, 3rd movement
5. The Abduction from the Seraglio, /'r*ish 0ina&e
.. Symphony No. 21 in !, K 221, 1st movement
3. Con"erto for /4o #ianos, K. 3.5, 3rd movement
8. (ass in C minor, K. -23, Krie 5(o6art$
1. Symphonie Con"ertante, K. 3.-, 1st movement
7is" /4o
1. #iano Con"erto in % f&at, K. -82, 3rd movement
2. The Marriage of !igaro, !"t 888, "cco la Marcia
3. The Marriage of !igaro, !"t 89, Ah Tutti Contenti
-. #on $iovanni, !"t 88, Commendatore s"ene
5. %aide aria, &uhe Sanft
.. :e;'iem, K. .2., 'ntroitus 5or"hestra introd'"tion$
3. :e;'iem: #ies 'rae
8. :e;'iem: &e( Tremendae Ma)estatis
1. :e;'iem: Confutatis
12. :e;'iem: *acrimosa
11. #iano Con"erto in 7 minor, K. -.., 2nd movement
/he ori,ina& so'ndtra"* to Amadeus rea"hed <5. on +illboard,s a&b'm "harts, ma*in, it one of
the most pop'&ar re"ordin,s of "&assi"a& m'si" ever. !&& of the tra"*s 4ere "omposed by (o6art,
save an ear&y +'n,arian fo&* t'ne and the fina& movement Quando Corpus Morietur et
Amen by Giovanni )attista #er,o&esi, from his famo's Stabat Mater.

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