PMBOK Quality Control

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PMBOK Quality Control.

Control Quality:
Assessing project results for compliance with quality standards.
Identifying root causes of quality defects

Quality Control: Inputs:
Project Management PLAN Describe how quality control will be performed
Quality Metrics - Describe a project or product attribute and how it will be measured.
Examples are Failure rate, test coverage etc.
Quality Checklists Help verify that the work of the projects and its deliverables fulfil a set of
Work Performance Data Info on status of project activities. Deliverables completed, quality
requirements met etc.
Approved Change Requests May include modifications such as defect repairs, revised
processes etc.
Deliverables Any unique and verifiable product, result of capability
Project Documents Agreements, corrective action log.
Organizational Process Assets Organizations quality policy, standard work guidelines, issue
and defect reporting procedures.

Quality Control: Tools and Techniques
Seven Basic Quality Tools
Statistical Sampling
Inspection examination of a product to determine if it conforms to documents standards.
Also used to validate defect repairs.
Approved change request Review
Quality Control: Outputs
Quality Control Measurements- Documented Results of control quality activities. Format for
documenting these results.
Validated Changes - Changed or repaired items are inspected for acceptance or rejection
Verified Deliverables Become inputs to Validate Scope for formalized acceptance
Work Performance Information Performance data collected from various controlling
processes. Examples include cause for rejection.
Change Requests For corrective actions preventive actions or a defect repair.
PM Plan Updates Quality Management Plan. Process Improvement Plan
Project Documents Updates Quality Standards, Quality Audit Reports, Agreements,
Training Plans.
Organizational Process Assets Updates Completed Checklists, Lesson Learned

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