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Personal Survey

This survey is exclusively anonymous, the main purpose is to collect

information about the classmates group in where you are. The idea is
to know how you are related to your English learning in terms of
autonomous learning, and your environment of study. In order to
clarify any doubt, you can ask by an email to the person in charge of
this survey, !atias "alve# $.
email %
&nswer the following 'uestion.
&ge% ()
*+ ,ow many time do you spend traveling from-to the university .
a. less than *) minutes. b. between */ to 0) minutes.
c. between 0) minutes and * hour. d. more than 1 hour
(+ ,ow many time do you spend doing extra English learning during
the week.
a. * ,rs. peer week b. 2 Hrs. peer week c. 0 ,rs. peer week
d. 1 ,rs. peer week e. / or more ,rs. peer week
0+ 2o you usually do other activities where you learn English
a. Yes, for example listen to music, or watching movies in
b. 3o
1+ ,ow often do you speak loudly in front of your classmates.
a. &lways b. 4onstantly c. Not so often d. 5arely e. 6ust in few
times f. 3ever
/+ 7hat type of tools do you have and do you use to improve you
English learning. 84hoose more than * answer if it is necessary+
a. Computer (programs, ocus on grammar, etc!.
b. English books 8dictionaries, grammar books, etc.+.
c. 4ell phone with app 8translators, online dictionaries, etc+.
d. Email with an English friend.
9+ 7hat skills do you think is your strongest one now.
a. "istening b. Speaking c. 7riting d. 5eading
7hy.%:because I have good grades in this
;+ 2o you use E.<.& constantly to develop your sub=ect works.
a. Yes.
b. 3o.
>+ 7here do you usually work the online activities.
a. #t universit$.
b. &t your home.
c. ?ther place.
@+ 2o you have online groups to helping together and improve your
English learning.
a. Aes, for example...................
b. No
*)+ ,ow did you feel with the English classes in the high school .
In the high school I felt very well, because my teacher was very
dedicated with my and the rest of my classmates, and English it was
my favorite sub=ect
*)+ ,ow do you feel with your level of English.
I Think I have to learn so much, I have a lot of problems with some
**+ 7hy did you decide studying English Pedagogy.
Because I think the pedagogy is my vocation and my favorite sub=ect
always was English, and I had good grades in the school.

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