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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: ________Joshua Licht_______________
Grade Level: ________University___________
School: _______Dakota State University_________________
Date: __9/21/13_________
Time: ___9:30-10:20________

Reflection from prior lesson:

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards: NASPE Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Standards (2008)

Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning
Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform
instructional decisions.

Elements Teacher candidates will:
5.1 Select or create appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of goals and
5.2 Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction.
5.3 Utilize the reflective cycle to implement change in teacher performance, student learning, and
instructional goals and decisions.

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
list 7 applications of measurement in everyday life.
Calculate mileage on a trip
How to calculate correct amount of concrete for a given area
How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Materials Needed:
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:
Senior level PE majors, Athletes, Passed College algebra, completed majority of major course work.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (include time allotment)
! getting attention
! relating to past experience and/or knowledge
! creating a need to know
! sharing objective, in general terms

2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)
a. Show Powerpoint, with emphasis in ways students already use measurements and use
measurements to solve a hypothetical problems.
b. Have students discuss other ways to use measurement in everyday life.

3. Closure (include time allotment)
a. Review key points in the lesson.

B. Assessments Used
List 7 examples of measurement in everyday life.
Correctly calculate answer to a given problem.

C. Differentiated Instruction
Kids who struggle, provide individual help.
To challenge excelling students, pair them up with a peer who is struggling.

D. Resources

Measurement and Evaluation Phillip A. Bishop

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