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S/S T.Code Description
101 MIGO good receipt - normal
102 MIGO reversal of 101
103 MIGO GR blocked stock
104 MIGO reversal of 103
105 MIGO release GR blocked stock
106 MIGO reversal of 105.
122 MIGO Return delivery to suppliers
201 MIGO Goods outflow (WA) to cost centers
221 MIGO Goods outflow to project
231 MIGO Goods outflow to customer order
241 MIGO Goods outflow to factory
251 MIGO Goods outflow to sales
261 MIGO Goods outflow to order
291 MIGO Goods outflow for all account allocations
301 MIGO
Tr ans f er f r om pl ant t o pl ant i n one s t ep ( no PO,
unr es t r i c t ed s t oc k)
321 MIGO Release from quality checking
321 MIGO Release from quality checking
412 E MB1B assign goods to order line item (MB1B)
413 E MB1B assign goods from order to order(MB1B)
451 MIGO Returns from customers
453 MIGO Inventory to inventory transfers
501 MIGO gr without po
501 MIGO Goods receiving without order
511 MIGO No cost delivery
521 MIGO gr without production order
521 MIGO Internal goods receiving without manufacturing order
551 MIGO Goods outflow for scrap
561 MIGO intial stock uplaod - MB1C
561 MIGO Inventory taking
562 MIGO reversal of 561-MB1C

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