Apptitude Question: 1. To Go The Beginning of The Document in The File

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1. To go the beginning of the document in the file

(A) Ctrl home (B) ctrl home up (C)home (D)end
2. To make word as Bold
(A) Ctrl+B (B) ctrl+U (C) ctrl+c (D) ctrl+
3. !ointing to k. " said #he is the son of m$ father%s onl$ son& how is k%s mother related to
(A)Aunt (B)(ister (C)(ister in law (D)"one of these
).*f A!!+A, is coded as -!A+!,A% then !,./*D+"C+"C+ can be code as
(A)!.,*/+DC"+ (B),!./!*"+C+ (C),!/.D*"++C (D)"one of these
0. 1hich comes ne2t'
3U45 6.75 .*/5 8+T99..
(A)(U, (B) (A8 (C),A, (D)(A,
:. The students in the ; class are in the ratio <=;=) if >? students are increased in each class.
There ratio changes >=)=:. 1hat was the total number of students in the beginning'
(A)@)? (B)<?? (C)>)? (D)0??
A. "atie format of 6( +2cel BBBBBBBBBBB
(A).2ls (B).doc (C).Cpg (D)none
5 1
3 4
2 ?
D. *f + means diide5 E means multiple5 multiple means minus5 diide means plus. Then
(<A?+@?F<?)EA diide 0
(A)>) (B)0) (C):? (D)A?
@?. The shop has a sale of ,s. 0>;)5 0A:05 :<A?5 0)0< for ) consecutie months. Gow much
sale must it hae got in the 0 months ,s. 0)??
(A) >DD@ (B))DD@ (C))DDD (D)0DD@
@@.*n an e2am A scores > marks for eer$ correct answer and loses @ mark for eer$ wrong
answer. *f he attempts all 0? Huestion and secures @;? marks. Then number of Huestions
answer correctl$ are
(A) >< (B);A (C);0 (D) >?
@<. ); );5 >? >?5 BB BB5 @> @>.
(A)@:5@: (B) <A5<A (C)><5>< (D) <:5<:
@;. <5 @5 I5 J5BBBBBB
(A) @K@0 (B)@KA (C)<K> (D) <K0
@>.Anilis twice as old as sunil. Three $ears ago he was ; times as old sunil. 1hat is anil%s age
(A)@? (B)@< (C)<> (D);0
@D. *f librar$ means book. Book means
(A)!aper (B)Lriend (C)pen (D)"one
<?.*f coer M0; then BA(*( M
(A))? (B))) (C)>) (D)>?
<@ *n a paragraph green line is underline to indicates
(A)spelling N grammar check
(C) Add to dictionar$
(D) "one of the aboe
<<. *f ,aC bu$s a car for rs :????? and sold it for <)???? then what was his loss percentage

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